❊❇ ↝ EQSOL | m.iA | Sassy Main Rapper and Vocalist ↜ ❇❊

Oshiro miwa

smile_for_roo / rye / 8.5

character name

Oshiro Miwa


Chaoying : Thai fans call her this because of her princess type concept she has as a persona.
Mia-mei : A cute play on words by Chinese fans with her stage name, meaning "little sister".
Little Lolita Rapper : From her start as a model for Lolita clothing in Shibuya, she earned this from people who knew her before EQSOL.
Spark's Rat : She was born the year of the Rat, so it's a funny little nickname amongst the EQSOL members.
Shibyua Inu : She's very much in love with Shiba Inu's, having two, and she reminds people of a puppy, so the name was created by someone who LOVES giving nicknames *coughcough*
LDH's Princess : Hiro is very proud of her, and she has a lot of relations/appearances within LDH's groups MVs.

birthdate & age

January 3rd, 1996


Aomiro, Aomiro Prefecture, Japan


Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan






Japanese : Fluent : Mother tongue.
Korean : Conversational : Learned upon being placed in a Korean-company based group.
Thai : Basic : She and her group members are being taught the language since their promotions are in Thailand.

My Beauty.

face claim & backup

Jang Hae Byeol ( gallery )
Xiao Wen Ju ( gallery )

152 cm

45 kg


Miwa has a very tiny, child like body, looking more like she just entered middle school rather than someone who's about to leave their teen years. She has long, naturally wavy dark hair, usually seen with a bow in it or up in a ponytail of sorts (pigtails as well), pretty doe like brown eyes, and a bunny smile due to her slightly oversized front teeth. She very much looks like a little doll. 
From her beginnings as a Lolita model, Miwa has a very dolly like style, with pretty skirts and long sleeved blouses and stockings, the works. In recent years, Hiro has been attempting to move her style more towards a modern day look, putting her into many photoshoots with concepts that involve pants, loose short sleeved shirts, even putting a wig on her to get her used to the idea that she might have to let someone change her hair. This short blonde wig later became apart of her rapper persona.

the inside.


Miwa is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet (at first, and in general), and knows how to work the people, making it easy for her to wrap people around her little finger with a smile and a cute giggle. She's always willing to work with anyone, making it easy for her to be put in situations that could make some people uncomfortable. If you become this girl's friend, you've got one for life. She'll always have your back, no matter what. Miwa has an extensive vocabulary, and knows how to use it. She's very good at picking up languages and speaking eloquently in them when given the opportunity. Miwa's especially creative and loves designing concepts and costumes for the group as a whole, or even different subunits when she's particularly inspired. (i.e help the coordinoonas because Miwa is just a precious cinnamon bun who wants to help, but they find stacks of ideas for costumes on their desks and they only have so much time to make these things for this huge group.)

Even though she's as sweet as sugar, this little doll has some spice to her that people aren't always prepared for. The main one being sass. She didn't get the title Sassy Main Rapper for nothing, and once you actually know her, whoa, are you in for a barrage smart comebacks and witty oneliners, with little to no mercy. Miwa has always had someone taking care of her, so she doesn't really understand a lot of things, like romance or how cruel the world can be, or how to really take care of herself. She'll forget to take her medication or to eat if not reminded,even though she's old enough to be taking care of herself. As her princess persona would suggest, she's a bit frivolous and that can get a bit out of hand sometimes. She was always babied so she's not sure what to do when told she can't have it. As much as this girl has sass and strength, Miwa is still fairly young and has a fragile emotional state. Enough backlash from her and she'll want to give up on whatever she's been working for.


Lolita. As obvious as it might be, Miwa still has a very fond spot for the street fashion, keeping up with the new trends and brands lines through magazines.
J-Pop. Another obvious one, but she just really loves this genre, including Ai Otsoka, Koda Kim, BoA's japanese albums, any group from LDH, Uta Hikaru, and many more.
Sweets. Cakes, ice cream, pie, candy, anything sweet is her favorite.
Perfume. She mostly just likes the pretty glass bottles they come in, but she also likes the smell of perfume.
Travelling. She wants to visit every continent one day, and being apart of EQSOL helps a lot.
Sushi. Nigiri, Sashimi, Uramaki, Futomaki, you name it, she enjoys eating it and learning to make it.
Costume Design. She adores designing clothes, especially costumes for EQSOL's and subunits concepts to fit each individual's fashion tastes.
Hip-Hop/Rap Music. Surprising, but she genuinely loves the genre, and it even overtakes J-Pop on her Ipod.
Milk. She just really likes the taste of it. She drinks at least 3 glasses a day.
Horror Films/Murder novels. Another surprising interest, but she finds the gore and thrill fasinating.


Tacky clothing. She's a fashionista, what do you expect?
Doctor. She just hates the doctor, they always tell her she needs to maintain her medication and keep tabs on her health. Also needles.
Reptiles. Fluffy creatures she loves, but scaley/slimey? Nope.
Sour candy. Miwa says she can feel her taste buds burning after she eats particularly sour things.
Not being taken seriously. Even though she's small and young, she feels like she should at least be taken seriously as an artist.
Not knowing how to do something. It makes her feel small and just unintelligent. She doesn't like it.
Not wearing makeup. As a model in the Lolita community, makeup is very important, so she just doesn't like being bare faced.
Coffee. Sugar is one thing, but caffine just wrecks her. She likes the smell of coffee, though.


1 She was diagonsed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 7. She frequently has doctor visits and is on a steady dosage of Apidra to ensure her health.
2 Her favorite Rap and Hip Hop artists are Nicki Minaj, Kendrik Lamar, Drake, Tupac, LL Cool J, Masta Wu, San E, Cheetah, Yoon Mirae, Beenzino, Epik High, G-Dragon, Verbal Jint, and T.O.P, just to name a few.
3 Miwa has quite a collection of lolita dress from brands such as Angelic Pretty, Baby (The Stars Shine Bright), Mary Magdalene, Mur Melch ( a personal favorite brand of hers) and Mille Fluers/Noir. She has every issue of the Gothic&Lolita Bible starting from 2009, as well as several PopTeen issues.
4 Her family has one Shiba Inu named Ami, and she wants one in the dorms named Ichiro.
5 She definitely wants to do many collaborations with artists, most frequently mentioned being her mentor CL and big brother group BIGBANG.
6 She's never been in love or had a boyfriend. Her father is terrified of the day she actually falls for someone. She is too, because she doesn't know what it's like.
7 She collects stuffed toys called Moomin. She gets called mini Bom because of her obsession with them.
8 Miwa is shipped with only a few people, notably being BTS' Jimin (listed as ideal type), GENERATIONS Ryota (listed as her ideal type), SEVENTEEN's Hoshi and Vernon (because they're good friends now) and San E because of her pure admiration for him and he mentions her when asked for possible future collaboration artists.
9 Miwa loves giving "Lolita makeovers", basically playing dress up with her fellow EQSOL members. She thinks it's a fun bonding activity.
10 She loves scary stories, frequently reading horror tales online and then reading exceprts out loud to freak out others.
11 It took some time for Miwa to get close to her fellow members. Being one of the youngest, she was intimidated by the others. Luckily the girls were quick to let the bonding games begin.
12 She always carries around a sketchbook and Prismacolors for designing, especially at the airport.
13 She currently loves the San E song "Me You" and Cheetah's "My Number".
14 Her favorite color is yellow/gold.
15 Miwa recently joined social media, with Instagram (LolimiA), 8tracks (miAexpg), and twitter (eqsoldh_miA)

the dream.

stage name



Pretty Girl RapStar (Get it? Because of... Unpretty Rapstar... I apologize for my humor)


Himes (Princess in Japanese)

fanclub color

Pale Pink Gold #ff9999




Sassy Main Rapper, Vocalist.

vocal twin

Yura of Girl's Day ( Amber of f(x) )

rap twin

Kisum ( Bora of SISTAR )

dance twin

Amber of f(x) ( Tiffany of SNSD )

trainee years

 2 years ( LDH Company )
10 months ( YG Entertainment ).

trainee life

Miwa first caught Hiro's eye while she was having a photoshoot near his company building. With her cute and innocent features, she'd be a perfect addition to one of his girl groups, and he offered her an audition spot. At first, Miwa was very hesitant to join the company, but even now she'll tell you that she'd pick LDH all over again even if given the chance to do something differently. That being said, Miwa obviously decided to enter LDH. She was a decent dancer and vocalist, and Hiro was sure that with her innocent image it would fly great when she was ready to debut. Miwa was very much loved at LDH, finding friends in most of her fellow EXPG trainees and all, but whenever Hiro would try and finalize a group with her in it, she just wouldn't... mesh well. She wasn't an exceptional singer,  wasn't a vocalist, and even though her dancing had vastly improved thanks to EXPG, she just didn't fit in with the other girls. Hiro wasn't about to just give up on her, and kept her for something that he felt she'd fit into.
It wasn't until Hiro met with Mr. YG himself that he wanted to put in Miwa for EQSOL. So he asked YG to give some of his own trainees a chance, not just Miwa, to see if they'd be a good fit for the megaunit. YG agreed, and so came overa small handful of EXPG girls, Miwa being one of them. The first week of training told them everything Hiro already knew about Miwa, strong but not exceptional in anything. Then the next week the girls were put into rapping training as to see how they stacked up against the other YG trainees. It all changed there when Miwa came up to try. She could rap and definitely hold her own against the others, and both Hiro and YG were shocked, but not in a bad way. YG put her to the test after that, pushing her more and more to develop her rap skills, working with her nonstop until she was finally ready to join the ranks as a Main Rapper. It wasn't easy, but Miwa learned a lot and her training definitely shows in her performance. While Miwa's dolly looks and unseemingly docile prescence was an advantage for them, YG wanted to "rough up" her image a bit for her rapper persona. That's where the short blonde wig came in, and this is where Miwa became m.iA. The short blonde wig really stood out and gave the illusion of a mini CL and worked with the image that YG was trying to build for her in EQSOL, so the blonde wig stuck. 
She was added pretty late to the lineup of the girl group, and while Miwa is a very cute girl, she was still struggling with learning Korean and didn't want to be made fun of by the other. It made bonding with the EQSOL members was pretty hard, especially with all of the different personalities, but they welcomed her with open arms, all ready to figure out how they all worked together and to strive towards the top of the idol world.

pre-debut experience

Featured in GENERATIONS from Exile Tribe's Hard Knock Days, Evergreen, Sing It Loud (She's seen in scenes through the MVs, as to promote herself subtlely, she's kind of like an Easter egg in them (: ).
Featured as a dancer in E-girl's High School Love, We Are Venus, and Dance, Dance, Dance (also was credited as a rapper in Dance, Dance, Dance).
Featured as the female lead in Seventeen's Mansae MV.


the outside.


As a baby welcomed into the new year of 1996 (to this day Miwa is still bitter about not being a '95 liner, I mean come on she was only like four days off--) Miwa was born into a, shall we say, uneven household. Miwa was basically her parents last shot at being together, their relationship having been rocky before. So when Miwa was four, they divorced, with her father taking custody of both her and her older brother and moving back into Shibuya where he was originally from. Miwa doesn't especially remember her mother, barely getting any contact from her save for thoughtless cards and letters written around her birthday. It definitely hurt, but the young girl tried not to let it bother her that much. She and her brother became each other's rock during this time period, finding it was better to go through the rough patches together rather than alone. Her father raised her and her brother by himself until she was about 10, when he started seeing another woman by the name of Mayamoto Izami. At first, Miwa was deeply distressed, after all, she was the apple of her father's eye for so long, what would become of her if this woman took her place? However, seeing how Izami made her father smile like he'd seen the biggest cake that was all for him, Miwa couldn't get in the way of what made him happy. She was 12 when her father remarried, Izami becoming her step mother and soon becoming her favorite person. Her father now jokes that she became the apple of Izami's eye as soon as she could call Miwa her daughter.
Izami was the one who first introduced Miwa to the concept of Lolita street fashion. She was an editor at one of the top magazines, Popteen, and had been chosen to overlook the publishing of "Gothic&Lolita Bible". Izami was frequently at photoshoots, bringing home pieces of the fashion home for Miwa, and eventually Miwa came in and followed her around at work, and that's where she started her career as a model for the Lolita community. She became fairly popular because of her innocence dolly appearance, gaining a lot of attention and even modelling for some of the top brands of the industry, including Mary Magdalene, Angelic Pretty, Moi Meme Moitie and Innocent World. She was out doing an Mary Magdalene photoshoot when she was scouted by Hiro and offered the position. While she was slightly apprehensive, Izami encouraged her to at least try, after all, throughout school Miwa had loved her dance classes, and she was up to date with all the popular music, so there wasn't any harm in trying.


Oshiro Hachiro | Father | Miwa was definitely spoilt by her father growing up, he loved his darling girl and his son very much and wanted to show them that through the difficult divorce and moving process. He encourages them to follow after their dreams, and as a music teacher at the high school she attended, he really can't protest against her following her dream as an idol. He brags about her in his classes, sometimes even forgoing the syllabus to watch a new release from EQSOL with his students.
Fujii Ayane | Mother | Besides the letters and cards on her birthday, Miwa doesn't really remember anything about her mother, and as her brother told her, if she didn't want to make an effort to keep us in her life, why should we try and involve her in ours.
Oshiro Etsuji | Big Brother | Etsuji is her rock, her source of grounding growing up. He was the only one who really got what was going on, and didn't let her go through it alone. He's always watching out for her, and cheers for her at the sidelines. He's currently on his college soccer team hoping to be scouted for the national team upon graduation.
Oshiro-Mayamoto Izami | Step Mother | Izami was Miwa's real mother, in her opinion. Izami helped her through a lot of her teenage years, and introduced her into her life long hobby and told her to follow her career. Izami loves her daughter dearly, and always tries to get her to come back to Shibuya to do photoshoots for PopTeen.
Little Oshiro Bun | Baby Sibling! | Right before EQSOL debuted, Izami became pregnant with the Bun, as Miwa calls it affectionate. She has no idea whether it's a boy or girl, but desperately hopes it's a girl so she can dress the little girl up (I mean, she could dress the boy up too but she wants an excuse to buy lolita baby dresses if she's being honest.)



Anna Ishii | Best Friends | Miwa and Anna met during her time at LDH, and immediately clicked with Anna. as an E-Girls member and apart of EXPG, they spent a lot of time together and even roomed together in the dorms for a year. They're each others biggest fans and frequently message each other when they can.
 Ichigawa Yae | Best Friend | A fellow Lolita model like herself, Yae and Miwa did a couple of shoots back when they were younger, and frequently chat about the newest trends. Yae is a bit grumpy that Miwa sort of left the Lolita community to become an idol, but supports her all the same.
EQSOL/Spark Members | Crazy Sisters | Miwa didn't come from a big family, nor did she have a lot of female interaction growing up, so suddenly having a whole sorioity of sisters was very overwhelming and kind of emotional for her. They're all such great girls and she's proud to be apart of EQSOL.
Katayose Ryota | Why Can't I be Older?! | Ah yes, Ryota of Generations. It was no secret while Miwa was around that she had a sort of crush on the vocalist, wanting nothing more than to be a little bit older so she might actually have a chance with him. Ryota finds her very cute, but mostly as a little sister and is completely oblivious to her crush on him.
Lee Chaerin (CL) | Mother & Mentor | Of course YG placed her under the best of the best of his female rappers when he discovered Miwa's raw talent. CL, although intimidating and a harsh coach, is impressed with Miwa's ablities and even promised to perform a duet with the younger if Spark reaches #1 during promotions. Miwa definitely looks up to CL for life, looks, confidence, everything. (But who doesn't tho like)
Hiroyuki Igarashi | Uncle, Uncle! | Hiro absolutely adores this girl, there's no doubt about that, treating Miwa like his own daughter. Miwa is just the same though, greatly appreciating that her "Uncle" never gave up on her and continued to push her limits and give her opportunities that wouldn't have existed otherwise.
Kwon Soon Young | You LIED to Me! / Friends | When Miwa heard of a young group called Seventeen, and then learned there was a member called Hoshi, she immediately assumed that he was Japanese like herself, and so when she first met him, she went straight into eager Japanese, confusing the actually Korean idol. She was upset after learning that he wasn't actually Japanese, but after the initial outburst she got to know him and the other members of his group as well.
Chwe Hansol Vernon
 | Respect your Noona! | Vernon is like the little brother she never had (or will have, depending on the baby) and they definitely have the typical brother-sister relationship. She really cares for him, frequently being seen giving him food or something if she has some and he doesn't. He always makes sure that, when they are on stage, that she's in front of him so she can see and that no one accidentally runs him over.

My Love.

love interest

Lee Jihoon aka Woozi of Seventeen

Birthdate & Age

November 22, 1996 (19)


164 cm


53 kg


Looks like a cute fairy boy, but boy does this boy have some fury in him. Woozi is an extremely focused, hardworking member of his group, even producing their debut track and being the leader of the Vocal Unit. However, even though he's determined he's got a lot of self doubt and criticism, not always seeing how talented he truly is. He's also very careful not to let his hard work go to waste, like I said the boy's focused. He honestly doesn't have a clue when it comes to romance, never even really interacting with girls in school or bothering himself with him. He's exceedingly loyal and loves s, but there are times where he'd like to take his guitar and smash them over the head with it too (He's actually done that before but shuuuush we don't talk about that.) It's not that he's cold and unfeeling, just very one track minded and socially awkward. Once you get to know him, he really does open up and is a very sweet guy.


As all love stories begin, Woozi and Miwa met... when she was trying to make friends with their "Japanese" member, Hoshi. To say he was amused by the scene was an understatement, finding the small doll like girl's anger towards his group member hilarious, since Hoshi (who was 177 cm) was cowering and scared of a girl who barely reached his chest. S.Coups and himself did eventually step in after catching their breath from laughing, and introductions were tentatively made before Miwa was called over by Roza for a schedule. Woozi didn't really think much of Miwa after that, but oh boy did Miwa think of Woozi, finding the small boy adorable and wondering who he was. She secretly looked up and became enraptured with the charms of Seventeen. 
The next time they met, it was the Vocal unit of 17 and Spark on Beatles Code, where all was revealed and nothing was left to hide. When Miwa's past as a lolita model was revealed, her position as a Main Rapper was questioned. "How could you be so dolly but be a rapper? It doesn't make sense!" And oh boy, did that get her fired up. She proved that day on the show that she deserved the title of Sassy Main Rapper, performing an excerpt of CL's "The Baddest Female". Everyone was fairly impressed, after all, who would've expected that? Miwa went on and said: "I've worked hard to get here. I still have a lot to learn, but I've earned by place and will continue to prove so."After that, Woozi at least kept a closer eye on Miwa and Spark, finding that he and the Lolita Rapper thought much more alike than one would think.
How did the ball FINALLY get rolling on this relationship? Well, thank Hoshi because he and Miwa had become good friends despite the fuss that occurred over their first meeting. Hoshi actually invited Miwa to come and take part in Seventeen's comeback MV in the second half of 2015, and she had accepted despite her busy schedule. "I'll always make time for my fake Japanese brother!" She had teased when she arrived. She had to interact with all of the Seventeen members, and Woozi was uncharacteristically nervous when it came to interacting with Miwa. But she simply smiled and told him to just try and pretend she was one of the members crossdressing, Jeonghan would make a pretty girl right? Which loosened him up with a laugh. After that, they were able to get some conversation going, and when Vernon made a comment about how Woozi finally found a girl that was shorter than him, both of them teamed up on the younger, scolding him and telling him to respect his elders. This earned them the nickname of "Grandma & Grandpa" amongst the members, since they sounded so old fashioned. (It eventually became a teasing nickname for Woozi, saying that their relationship was going so slow that they'd be old people by the time he confessed to her.)
Woozi popped up a lot in Miwa's radio mentions after that, gaining some teasing from others asking if she was dating the Vocal unit leader. She laughed and insisted that she wasn't, but she would like to get closer to the boy and wishes he'd be less awkward. Woozi in return would reply during Seventeen's appearances when asked about it, saying that Miwa should initate conversation first if she was so eager to get to know him better. "Can't you be more chivalrious than that, Woozi?" She had asked, surprising the unit by calling the radio station. Immediately Woozi was embarrassed, apologizing while she laughed over the phone. She promised she'd talk to him more after they were both on break from promotions, asking the radio host to keep an eye on him and Hoshi for her. He was very confused about how his heart sort of jumped when he realized that she had to have planned that just for him, but shook it off.
Miwa certainly kept good on her promise for hanging out, the day after Seventeen's goodbye stage she had called Hoshi, demanding to be let in so she could wake everyone up. After the initial grumpy wake up call that ensued (she had no idea that Dino had such a foul mouth after being woken up, after all he was so young--) she claimed to be kidnapping Woozi for the day and off they went, with the boy in question only half aware of what was happening. Eventually, after wandering around the outdoor shops, he asked if there was a plan to this day, and she blushed.
"Uh, no... I just wanted to hang out with you.." She shyly admitted, and Woozi just about exploded in embarrassment yet again. They ended up getting ice cream and spicy black noodles before going to a karaoke room (inviting their groups, of course, it'd be strange with just two, after all) and ended up squished side by side as a majority of their groups joined them in the confined space, singing and yelling the lyrics to their favorite songs. Woozi wasn't completely dismissing the sudden elevated heart rate, the sudden awareness that came with being so close to Miwa. He didn't know what this feeling was and he was scared to find out more about it. After that, the groups sort of all exchanged phone numbers and Miwa would bother Woozi on a regular basis, and he'd reply rather dryly, however his face never failed to feel just a tad bit warmer when he heard her personalized ding of "Ak-kin-da!" which he'll never admit he assigned to her.
The whole romance started with jealousy. A terrible start, mind you, but it got them somewhere. Basically, Woozi had accepted that he had some sort of non platonic feelings towards the tiny rapper, while Miwa was still blissfully unaware of her feelings. She was visiting her LDH family in Japan that week, and Woozi missed her a lot, so he decided to call her up. He did not expect to see her hanging out with other men, least of all a very good looking one who was a little too close and a little too comfortable being there.
"Who's that?" He asked, hoping he didn't sound too irritated.
Miwa smiled, "This is Ryota-niisan~ Isn't he handsome?" Ouch, Woozi could feel that big time.
"Is this a bad time then? Am I interrupting something?" He snorted, and this time Miwa did catch on.
"No, but what's with the attitude?"
He rolled his eyes, "Nothing, I'll hang up and leave you to Ryota-niisan, whatever."
"Jihoon what is your problem?? Ryota-niisan is one of my closest friends--"
"I get it!" He cut her off, "You like him and want to spend more time with him, like I said I'm hanging up right now."
Miwa flushed a bright red, "My personal feelings towards Ryota-niisan have nothing to do with this--"
"They have everything to do with this, Miwa!" He snapped. "Look, just forget it. Bye Miwa." And he hung up before anything could be said. This left Miwa very upset, sending extremely angry and demanding text messages to him cursing him and telling him he better apologize. She had cuddled up to her unit members that night, upset and confused.
"Why is he like that?" She cried, snuggling closer to Roza. The older girls had shared a look.
"Well, how would you feel if you can called and saw Woozi rather close with say, Nana from After School?" She asked, and the leader felt Miwa stiffened against her.
A moment of silence, then a short, "It'd be fine." with a tone suggesting that it definitely wouldn't be fine. Another look passed between Yilin and Roza.
Yilin patted Miwa's head, "Are you sure? You sound upset."
"I said it'd be fine!" The younger snapped, face flushing red. Yilin drew her hand away, jumping from the sudden outburst. Roza sighed.
"Then why does it seem like neither of you think it's okay?"
"He's just dumb. He's a dumb boy that's really cute and has pretty hair and I hate that he's mad at me because I don't want him to be mad at me because I-- I don't know my chest hurts a lot when I think about him. What's wrong with me?" She whined, looking inbetween the two for help. They sighed.
"You, little one, are in the process of falling for him." Miwa's heart clenched. 
"N-no! That's so scary-- what if it hurts even more?"
Roza hugged her again, "I hate to break it to ya, but it just might. But we'll be here if it does. Just remember that, okay?"
After that, it took about a week for Woozi to call her back up and apologize. It was a long, agonizing week for both of them, so when the boy finally apologized, it was a welcoming relief for all sides. Nothing seriously developed at this point, but the recognition of feelings were definitely realized.
As for confessions? Well, both are just really giddy around each other, too shy to initate skinship but are always close together when they can be. Woozi may or may not have written a song to express his feelings, and asked Miwa to write rap lyrics to it, and while they're working on it, both YG and Pledis got word of it (thanks to nosy and yet still wonderful group members working together on this ship) and have expressed interest in actually making it a promotion song, with an MV and everything. The two have promised their prospective groups that if it happens to take the music charts at #1, they'll confess to each other.

back-up love interest

Yoon Junghan aka Junghan of Seventeen

Birthdate & Age

October 4, 1995. 20.


175 cm.


54 kg.


Literally a precious cinnamon bun that must be protected, Junghan is a very sweet guy, but also very shy and introverted. He might come off as aloof, but really he just doesn't feel super comfortable around people. Once he gets more comfortable, he opens up a bit more and boy he has so much to say and it's a wonderful thing. He can be very parental and overbearing, being one of the oldest and earning the nickname "Mom" amongst the group. He just wants to make sure everyone's taken care of and that no one is left out. He sometimes is a little harder on himself because of his introverted tendencies, so a little encouragement and love will go a very long way with him. He's very loyal to his group and his friends and loves them very much, and even though he's not usually for adventure, he's ready to go on this ride with s and love every second of it.


Basically the same as Woozi, only much shyer on his part and adorable (he is my bias, my precious angel omg)

last messages.


As promised, here is my app! I wanted there to be a defining trait, and my darling roommate is a Lolita and so tiny but also very fierce and sassy, I wanted a character based off of her ^^ There was also a bit of a lack of LDH within the group, so I wanted to use the Japanese company, because everyone in that company is so talented like wow *w* (also welcome to the diamoND LIFE help I'm in love with th echildren too) I hope you like Miwa/m.iA, she's all for either being placed as a sassy main rapper, or to be put in the Butterfly group. c: Let me know if there's anything I should fix or add~

scene request

Miwa dressing up Roza or Yilin as a Lolita and then sending pictures to their love interest *hurhurhur*
Miwa joining japan line on adventures and immediately going towards the fashion stores
EQSOL or Spark watching a horror movie and Miwa being completely unfazed.
Everything literally anything I love this applyfic lol


Erk, there wasn't one is there?



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Yay! I love that her name is Miwa, it's such a pretty name. Omg, she's so tiny~~~~~! and that totally completes the whole lolita look lol XD Oh my, she's diabetic, woah got to really look out for her since she forgets to take her insulin??? Come on, Miwa! >:O I love love LOVE how she started off at LDH that's so awesome and lololol at her being close to Ryota, another sassy squish XD. Lol at how she met Hoshi haha which then led up to her meeting Woozi. Their relationship is so cute, omg, the part when Miwa admitted her feelings, my heart <3. I really like your app, thank you so much for applying again. (Also, I was shoved into the diamond life by force because Joshua smiled and...and I don't appreciate it because I'm already broke due to Exile Tribe/Jpop and Exo, I don't need this added stress T_T lol)