New Chapters coming soon

Since July 30th I have been without internet, things were pawned, my dad was/is the only one working right now; I scraped for food for a while, to feed all 7 of us. So! I wasn't able to update my fic 'Sharp Kisses' ; but I was typing while I was offline, saving things in my one note as well lol. I have three art trades/commission to do so I will try and knock those out ASAP! I will be bouncing around in my fic, with chapters for a little while; so that is one reason no new chapters have been posted. Writing four at a time and then creating new ones; I don't really plan fics, I am spontaneous. 


Thank you for your love and support on Sharp Kisses! I will do my best to improve and give to you all a nice story. 

Sorry for any typos here, my eyes are dry and I hope i'm not getting sick; but boy i've been exhausted. Any one go back to school? My siblings did, I still don't know if I should go to college or not lol 


Also for the other side of things in my 4D world. I am updating my store soon (Link Below)  & taking commissions! 

If you'd like a digital commission, please do follow this link -> LINK! 


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