Love over education

I don't really understand how some people put love over education, sure being loved by the person you love feels great but is it really enough reason to put them on top of everything? Failing subjects at schools, cheating in order to pass, going out on a date instead of studying on weekdays, and most of all, being a burden to others while they get a very happy love life.

One more thing, the same people, they always want to start a war with the people they hate always making the issue bigger. Is it that hard to just keep your mouth shut, don't burden more people, and just let the issue die down?

I can't explain how annoyed I am right now, these so called friends of mine always do these thing to me. I am so tired of studying to get good grades, and I don't study for them just to cheat on my paper, if I get good grades, that is because I made an effort in studying, if they did, that's mostly because they cheated during the exams. If I don't let them cheat, they make me look bad, but I never really made them cheat, I don't always give them answers. I got mad at them. I almost told them to study instead of talking to their boyfriends all day. People, we are only 16! we still have a lot to do in our lives, my parents are working hard for me, so are theirs for them and all they do is put their boyfriends on top of their priority list. What if they have a family someday and they have to work, they can't cheat their way up in their jobs, they need all the knowledge they can get. I don't even know who my friends are anymore. They put their "loving" boyfriends on top of everything they seem to forget that there are still people around them.

I am tired, I am so tired, but I need to study for my future and for my family's. I hope they do the same. I hope they learn to manage and give equal attention on love and education.


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Lime320 #1
Some people just have to learn the hard way
Highschool is like that.
don't worry, once you graduate and take on higher education you will be seperated from the people that fool around. Education isn't free anymore and bills start to pile up once you enter the real world.
Of course, the only advice i can give you is to tolerate it. there really isn't much you can do since you cannot force them to change. you can stop becoming their friends. that's another way out.