Story/Life Updates

So I've recently updated BTBB, next is MBW which I'm making the chapter 4 poster as we speak, revisions and everything I'm aiming for Friday - Monday. Then YGHSHC but I'm really iffy about the written chapter. I'm a perfectionist and I keep rewriting chapters because the writing and I don't want to put out ty content >< I apologize to those who've been waiting-- I'M REALLY SORRY!!  

I had to move halfway across the country with two months notice to pack the house and our 55ft long storage unit of ALL out belongings returned from the house when it flooded in 2012. 

I'm making great headway on my chapters now that I FINALLY HAVE INTERNET AGAIN OF MY OWN-- and MADE is sparking my inspiration again. Keep your eyes peeled these upcoming weeks!!! Thanks, love you!!!

~Until Next Time!


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I'm glad you safely moved!! Did you ever get my message on tumblr btw? It was just to wish you good luck in moving, but sometimes tumblr eats my messages so I had no idea if it went or not lol