▶︎ 민예진 ; 김태형

DR3AMERS. kat.  (8.5/10). 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc 
min yejin
FULL NAME — min yejin
• full circle + this is a nickname she gets called by the girls, normally in a teasing manner, it would be like "our little full circle doesn't just give you a piece of her you get the whole thing". It represents her fiesty-ness.

banana nut- like blacknut off smtm4, this girl is crazy. When she has had a few too many cups of redbull/powerade she becomes a 70's fitness exercise instructor and you wonder where did that energy come from?! Also because she has a slight obsession with banana pudding and the two just relate...
DOB — January 28th 1999 (16 almost 17)- 2nd year student.
BIRTHPLACE — Seoul, South Korea.
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea.
ETHNICITY — Asian/South Korean.
• Korean + Native langauge (fluent).
English + she learnt a few phrases and sentences for the holidays she took to the USA (beginner).
Chinese + She learnt it throughout middle school (conversational).
FACE CLAIM — Lovelyz Sujeong- it was Jiae but Sujeong has a lot of gifs and photos with my chosen love interest (Taehyung).
BACKUP — Lovelyz Yein
APPEARANCE — Yejin is the living defintion of the pure faced, korean beauty. She has a long, slim face with a smooth jawline making all the ulzzangs swoon around her. Her skin is pale but she has orange undertones, not pink, meaning that her skin has a healthy glow. However, nothing can take away the natural rose blush shade that appears on the apples of her cheeks. She has flawless skin which is one thing that she inherrited from her mother (thank the lauwd XD), but her skin is a bit dry on her t-zone. Her eyes are naturally quite big and instead of being a deep brown hers actually are a hazel colour with a tint of green making her eyes appear unique under the sunlight.

Her bottom lip is quite big, whereas her top one is quite thin so they go together quite well. Normally, for school she apply's a liptint and blends it out into a gradiant effect. Her liptint is a bright pink and it smoothens out nicely, she also has a peach one but doesn't wear that one too often. For her skin makeup she applys a thin layer of bb cream and a circle of concealer underneath her panda circles. Then after filling in her brows lightly, using a shade of eyeshadow for a more natural look, she will do her eye-makeup. For this she will apply a natural golden shade to the lid blending it so its darker in the smaller corner of the crease. She will then get a white shade and put it on the corner of her eye and spread it below her bottom lash line.

Then she will get a black eyeliner pencil and will draw a wing, it needs to be quite a big one. Finally, she blends the corner for a more natural approach. Now moving on to her hair, Yejin has long hair reaching down to an inch below her chest, it is a golden brown colour with a hint of auburn.Her hair is in the middle as far as thickness goes. She also has bangs reaching half an inch past her eyebrows.
OTHER — Yejin has a faded, slightly darker than her skin, coloured birthmark of the shape of a heart of the very top of her ear.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 166cm 49kg (I think this is healthy<3)
FASHION SENSE — Yejin, when it comes to fashion, is the kind of girl who can't make up her mind so she switches between various styles. It just depends on her mood as to what she will wear. For a regular day which requires just a little effort she typically wears some sort of jacket or sweater with an undershirt a pair of either skinny jeans or leggings topped of with a pair of shoes and a scarf (1, 2, 3, 4). However, if it is walmer weather or if she just feels like dressing up more a pair of shorts with a loose shirt paired up with a loose jacket/flannel or maybe she might wear some sort of playsuit (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

When attending a more formal occasion like a date, party or if she's just going out she wears things still casual but are obvious to have more effort put into them. For example she could wear high waisted jeans with a bralet/cropped top and a cardigan or kimono styled jacket. If she wants to be a little bit more girly and cute then she may wear something like a skater skirt with a tighter top, normally paired up with some heels or wedges. If she wears a dress it will most likely be flowy and pastel coloured.  If she's just chilling at home she just wears her pyjama's or whatever clothes she tends to fall asleep in. A pair of sweats like this with a sweater/tank top is just a casual, but comfortable oufitt.

For jewelery she will normally stick to her rose gold stuff, on an everyday basis she wears a watch, some earings and 2 rings on her right hand (1 on index finger, 1 on the pinkie). Now for shoes, in other words Yejin's true love, she wears many, many kinds, here are some examples. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).
Positive= Confident, Hardworking, Charismatic, Self Reliant.
Negative= Immature/Childish, Bosy, Obnoxious, Curious
• Ask anyone as soon as you bring up the name 'Min Yejin' they will reply as something along the lines of "oh, the confident girl, 1st year right?". She is known among students and teachers as the girl who is willing to challenge and test against the limits and though it may seem impossible this girl has incredible confidence which is bound to make her a successful student throughout her stay at high school. People are still shocked at how confident she is- how she was willing to stand up against Kim Taehyung, a member of the mighty BTS the group which had girls drooling. She is the student who raises her hand and goes "Teacher, I think I could do that" even with the most difficult and complex of tasks. She has always got a smile on her face as she walks through the corridours and despite the odd glares students give her, for not loving BTS, she still keeps her head up and continues walking. Yejin tends to be charismatic. Theres something about her which captivates people and automatically makes them interested in her, she has a unique charm that you just can't quite specify which only adds to the desire of wanting to get to know her. Yejin's powerful dance moves and her angelic voice (Miss A Suzy) bring even the seniors to watch her. In her eyes the infamous, obnoxious BTS don't showcase the talent they have which results well for her in a way. It means that even the boys fans come and watch her which only adds to the audience s already has.

As you can probably guess Yejin is hardworking. She likes to be at her best and always sets new goals for herself. She strives for the best and wants to achieve the best. Whether its a simple, non beneficial project or an end of grade piece of work, she always tries. Even when out of school she is still hardworking; when planning suprises or just in general planning anything she tries to make it as unique and special as she possibly can, but of course puts in that extra effort when it comes to her friends and specal occasions. Finally, she is self reliant. Though Yejin finds it more fun and more enjoyable to work in teams she is very capable of completing projects by herself to the best of her ability. She can handle things by herself and doesn't require help and will say things along the lines of "Don't stress, I know what to do give me a little bit of time". All her friends can rely on her to help and she can play a big part in solving problems that her and her friends may face...

Though she is overall a confident, nice girl,she does have flaws. First one being that Yejin is immature. She says silly jokes and acts like a little kid at times. Though at first this is not annoying and is just a bit of fun; after a while it gets agrivaiting and infuriating to others meaning that you just want to scream at her for being so childish. However, I guess you could say that if she knocked down that "I hate Taehyung" wall the two could actually have a good chance at being friends...somewhat. They both like to play pranks, are in the same class and they are both childish, too bad you would struggle to get Yejin into a room with Taehyung. She would likely offer him an armwrestle to see who the real champ is. Also as she is hardworking, Yejin is quite bosy. She likes things done her way and it has to be perfect. If she makes a plan and gives each person clear instructions and someone goes against them she will get mad. She puts it like this "both of our grades are at risk for this, so we are doing it my way and you're going to help". If I were you I would listen to Yejin otherwise you're going to have to deal with her shouting and anger trust me this girl is not fun to be around when she is mad. Its like being around a female satan.

She tends to be a little, wait no, very obnoxious. Since she is so loud and bubbly there is a point where you get fed up of hearing her voice. Just as the definition of Obnoxious suggests, she can be very unpleasent. In the group of girls she is like the little child and just like a child, she can be annoying like one. For example when she rambles on and on about something you don't care about and no matter how many times you tell her to be quiet for a bit she just keeps talking. The final trait overall is that she is curious and likes to know about peoples lives even when its far from her buisness. For example if you're just talking with your friends and she asks you what you're talking about and you say its not important she will keep asking or will make references to it until you tell her.

If my personality elaboration is confusing, the list of traits just describe overall how I would like my character to be. So those give a quick, simple summary.
hey its the honeymoon baby!-Well, Yejin's parents met in a cheesy love story kind of way. They met in the first year of high school and started dating straight away. Both were popular students blessed with good looks, much to the suprise of the other students unlike every other popular couple, these two actually lasted. Though we can't forget to mention that these two parents are still just as popular as they were in high school; you know being the editor of a majour magazine and a former football/soccer player for Korea. None of that extreme fame got passed onto Yejin though; this she was kind of greatful though. They got married when they were 25 and had Yejin at 26. Yup, she was a honeymoon baby.

 that little idiot of a child, kim taehyung-When Yejin was born, she was born into wealth. Her house wasn't the ordinary but though she came from money throughout her life up till this day she has regular acting parents and grows up as a typical teenager. She was blessed with her parents looks and a "good group of friends" as she got older. As a toddler her father took care of her and took a break out of his football season until she grew up till an age where she could attend nurscery. She ccan't actually remember anything from this age but all the photo albums she has show great memories between the two. There is one photo of her and a boy who used to live next door before he moved, a boy she grew to hate,  sitting in her bedroom playing with plastic blocks building what appeared to be a castle. It was a polaroid and was captioned with the words "Perfect for the prince and princess". That caption to this day, reads like grit as she knows that he is far from a prince. Moving on, she grew up well living her life with a smile on her face. Fast foward to middle school she went through a...unusual time. All her friends turned out fake and the boy she fell for was a liar and broke her. Her friends loved the idea of saying "my best friend's parents are successful, one is a football player, the other a fashion editor. Her house is huge!" so she became a target to be friends with. She found out that all he friends were fake at the age of 11, by the boy who took that photo with her. Kim Taehyung. He told her it like this "They are all liars, they don't want your friendship they want the fame and the benefits of being your friend. Don't trust them". This came as a shock to her and she replied as "Screw you Taehyjng" and walked away.

break me once blame you, break me twice blame on me-From that day on, Yejin vowed to not talk to those girls and ignored Taehyung whenever he approached her. She spent her days alone that was at least until kim ah-young also known as Yura (girls day) came into her life. This girl was a saviour and best thing was that she had no idea about Yejin's background. Well, untill Yejin told her of course. She was also the one who introduced her to dancing and textiles; these two are still best friends to this day. She moved on and had almost forgot the truth of what that little life-spoiler Taehyung told her, that was untill he ruined her...again. Fast foward to the age of 14. Out played a stupid dare which ruined Yejin all over again. It took him a while to even get to talk to her, but he managed it. Somehow Kim Taehyung managed to reach Yejin's heart and found his way into it, she found his odd humour somewhat attractive and thought about him all the time. When she found all the courage in her body to confess; he done the worst thing to her "​This was a dare, I'm sorry. I do have some feelings for you but I can't lose this dare. I'm just a crush you can get over me". She was shocked for 2 reasons. The first being that his non-serious, crazy behaviour was gone in an instant and the second was that she had been fooled again. By the boy she had some sort of faith in. Its tragic that he turned to be a cruel person as well. She was broken for a while and it was unusual to see this 4d, energic Yejin be quiet and down. She put all of her emotions into dance and textiles. Yejin created a dance to this song and much to her luck Taehyungs friend, Jungkook saw it. He didn't say anything but just walked away. Yejin stayed behind at school just to practice that dance that she tried at home but did not expect anyone to see it...at all. Luckilly, the younger boy did not mention a word and kept it to himself. This Yejin was greatful for, though it was likely he was the one who made this entire thing happen possibly the one who dared Taehyung.

happiness is the best revenge-Everything went back to how it was before, her ignoring him and spending literally all her spare time with Yura. She got recognised for her talent in dance and won a few competitions and won against some boy named Park Jimin. He was actually nice to her; and congratulated her when she won against him. In middle school she also took part in soccer/football as an activity and the coach loved her. I mean loved, loved, loved her. She fangirled about Yejin's father and how he was so 'gorgeous' and 'dreamy'. It made her want to be sick but hey, at least she got treated well by her teacher. Middle school was actually a good place for Yejin at the end of everything, but high school was coming up next and she had no idea on what to think about it. When she got transferred to high school as a first year student she didn't know many people, and only had Yura. What made the start all the more pleasant is the fact that the boy who ruined her life, twice, was also one of the most favoured guys in the entire school. She literally had no way of escaping him as not only was he in one of her classes, but all the girls loved to talk about him as well. That was until she met 6 other girls who shared the same hatred for them as her. They are now known as 'the anti-bts club'. What was ironic and rather amusing is that at lunch the girls claimed table is actually right next to BTS. That way Taehyung can hear her, and every little thing that she is indirectly saying to him. Though many girls in the school wanted to be friends with Yejin because of her parents status and also because of the fact her friend Yura is a super popular student, she only focused on the girls, studies and having fun of course! She didn't make to much direct contact with the boys but she remembers that time in the first year where one of the BTS members was actually the pizza delivery guy. Now that was funny. She ended up getting along with him as not only did they compete together at the dance competition all those years ago, that he was kind of nice but also because the pizza was perfectly cut. Okay, that might be the decider on making Yejin not mind him.
Long live the anti-bts club!-Halfway through the first year Yejin got diagnosed with condromalacia pattelae. This is where so much pressure is put onto your kneecaps so that the bone underneath starts to weaken and lose the extra bone (I have it, and its not fun *cries*). Luckily, Yejin had 4 months of physiopherapy and her knee was healed. However, there are times where she loses balance or falls because of a sudden pain in her legs. Her knee's aren't as strong as they used to be but she can still dance; just not as well or as strong as before. Now she's going into the second year, who knows what will happen. Long life the anti-bts club nonetheless!

The future- All the girls will remain the greatest of friends, and will still talk just as often but they will be in relationships with the members of bts. Much to the other fangirls dismay...

ANTI-BTS CLUB MEMBERS/BESTEST FRIENDS- the anti-bts club (15/16-18) - high school students - each member is there own person and they each have their own personalities, but despite their difference's they carry a strong bond because of their dislike of BTS. Since the club started all the girls can rely on one another and they can tell each other everything. I mean everything, or at least almost everything...
THE CLOSEST FRIEND- Yura (17)- Student- Encouraging, hilarious, considerate- These two have been close friends since middle school, but now that they're both in high school and have different friendship groups (Yura is super popular, thinks bts are attractive but loves a kpop group called EXO) they've slightly driffted apart. However, the two still hang out and see each other in dance and textiles, they also still have those girls nights/sleepovers. Yura is there for Yejin and will always stand up for one of her closest, and most loyal friends. Yejin will always do the same for her as well.


I THINK I HATE YOU- Kim Taehyung (16 almost 17, December 30th)- Charming, Honest, Reliable- More information about him in the love interest section *wink wink*.
Words she hates-She shivers at the words "" and "moist".
Dedicated to dance-Yejin sneaks into the schools dance room after school sometimes to practice.
Sheloves sweets/candy- She loves anything sweet or sour, in her bag she always has some fruit flavoured gummies or throat candies.
Anti Bacterial Gel- Though she's not particularly a germaphobe, she uses this all the time especially while at school...
Banana Pudding- She likes all thing banana flavoured/scented, but the pudding is at the top of the list. She tries to remember to bring some to school for break, but often forgets.
Camping/Outdoors- Though Yejin likes luxurious things as well, she remembers when her family used to go camping and still loves it.
Listening to music- When in the car, walking from school, or just doing anything that doesn't require talking she listens to music. One of her favourite things is to do this.

Dramas/Animes- When the girls come over they all watch Korean dramas together or maybe some animes (with subtitles of course).
INTRODUCE YOURSELF PLEASE?? — "Hey" Grins and waves at the interviewer  "I'm Min Yejin from 2nd year"
WHY DO YOU DESPISE BTS? — "They all think that they rule the school, all of them walk around breaking the rules and none of them show any worry about it. Also because they purposely hurt people, including us. There are some that aren't as bad as the others, at least to me" Other girls look in shock at the last thing she said, Yejin rolls her eyes, while talking about BTS.
WHO DO YOU HATE MOST AND WHY? — "Taehyung, though he has a...um..." She looks around awkwardly, as the other girls look at her in sympathy "personality similar to mine, he still hurts people. He hurt me, twice actually"  Yejin looks at the floor.
WHO DO YOU HATE LEAST AND WHY? — "Jimin" Yejin raised her head back up, as she spoke "We done a dance competition together as children, he was nice when I won. Also he delivered me a pizza and oh my lord it was perfect, it tasted great and all the slices were evenly cut!" Yejin leans foward, chin on the palm of her hand, eyes wide with astonishment about the pizza.
WHY DID YOU JOIN THE CLUB?Yejin sits silently, thinking for a little bit "We've all been hurt by them, at one point something happened which made us dislike them no matter the reason. We all bonded about it, and became best friends. These girls I can trust with everything, this club brought us together and will play a small part in keeping us together forever" Members pretend to fake cry and then Bomi shouts "You're making me so emotional full circle!" then laughs slightly.
THOUGHTS ON THE CLUB — "Its the best club ever! Though over students may think"  scratches head  "that this club is stupid, because they are "in love" with BTS I don't care. My bestfriends are here and I will never forget this club. I will remember it even at 80!" The members laugh at her randomness.
RELATIONSHIP WITH CLUB MEMBERS — "Best friends. Though I haven't known our new starter for too long" ruffles _____'s hair "I feel that we are all super close. We have the bond of sisters and I love them all like sisters too" Yejin does a heart sign and dramatically throws a heart at each of the girls.
CLASS — Class C (doesn't reflect on her grade/how smart she is).
• Textiles- her mother literally forced her to take this; but Yejin is enjoying it...kind of.If it were up to her she would take music, since she enjoys it and has a good voice. Yejin wants to take music next year.
Dance- Of course she took dance, its one of her passions!
• anti-bts club- the best club.
music club- though she doesn't take the music subject Yejin does have a beautiful voice and likes to attend this club (suzy miss a, but obvs not as good). She was going to do dance club but she already has dance class, so she wanted to do music instead.
• Salesperson for ETUDE HOUSE.
If begged by her mother, she will do some photoshoot's for the magazine her mother works for.
LOVE INTEREST — Kim Taehyung
BACKUP — Jeon Jungkook
CODENAME — Paris Hilton- Because all the girls follow him for his looks and not the talent that he has, like Paris Hilton (she is a good dj apparently btw). Also because he is quite a sassy wierdo, with many, many personalities.
Alien- You don't quite know what to expect from this boy, so this is a nickname to represent his...strange personality. Yejin tends to use this nickname more than the Paris Hilton one, well, at least in public.
PERSONALITY — Positive= Honest, Hillarious, Caring.
Negative= You can decide!
You seem to have the personality I like for Taehyung written in his profile, so if you could use what you think that would be great. Obvs not derp 24/7 though it would be cool if he could be cute and caring at one point xD.
• After what you done, I can't look at you- She completely ignored Taehyung the first year, and she intended to do it until high school was over. Just to her luck, in textiles he was placed in a seat facing her meaning that she could never escape his glance. Taehyung made numerous attempts to talk to her but she didn't reply and if she did it was very abrupt. However, when Yejin complained about having feeling weak all day and was told to go the nurse's Taehyung couldn't help but be suspicious. He followed her out after telling the teacher he needed to go to the restroom. It was a good thing he went because when he walked out the door Yejin's knee's gave in. She had to accept Taehyung's help and he pulled her up onto his back her head resting on his shoulder. That was the begining of them actually making some form of contact. The nurse called their class and mentioned that the two would not return. Taehyung sat the entire time occasionally placing an icepack on her head or giving her a cup of water. Of course he wasn't serious for long; then he became a derp face. Yejin couldn't help but laugh a little. From this point on they began to make small conversation in class and he tried to say hello whenever he walked past the anti-bts club table which was ironically placed right next to Bts's table.

Maybe you aren't too bad- Lets just say it was a suprise to both of them when they found out they worked just oppisite to him. She was a salesperson in ETUDEHouse whereas he worked in a conveniance store. They left work at the same time and took the bus together; often they sat next to each other. Though they didn't always talk to each other they often listened to music together through one of their earphones. Sometimes Taehyung would suggest to play derp games to see who would laugh. This brought them closer and after a while of talking to each other willingly at school, texting using kakaotalk, taking the bus or maybe walking together so they could talk for longer, then Yejin was happy to privately call Taehyung a friend.

Feelings..You can't prevent them right?- When Yejin offered to get some coffee with him, he agreed but took her somewhere different. He took her to the conveniance shop, and bought her a 4-pack of banana pudding. Lets just say she got hyper and for the first time in years he saw her being truly happy. After that day something felt wierd in her heart, and in his too. When she saw him a wave of excitement would rush through her body. She made excuses to help him in textiles, just so she could get close to him. He used to shuffle his chair closer to hers and lean foward so that he was the main thing she could see. Taehyung decided he wanted to make a move; but him being the awkward guy he is had no idea how to do it. So he told her to meet him at the bus station.

I...I like you too- When they met he didn't say anything but just gave her a piece of red ribbon which was tied into a bracelet shape. On it were the words "I like you" sewen in white thread. She smiled and stared at it in awe thinking about how thoughtful the sweet gesture was. He stood awkwardly and shuffled around in his spot. Nobody was at the bus stop; not that she would mind if there was. She didn't kiss him. No she did not. Instead she gave him a hug and tightly pressed her head into his chest. He hugged her back wrapping his coat around her to keep her walm. "So what does that make us" he sighed. She replied as "Whatever you want us to be". With that they started dating...secretly of course.

I was lying to you girls- Taehyung and Yejin had been dating for a few weeks by this point, when Hyesun had told everyone she had feelings for a BTS member. When she was kicked out of the group, Yejin was furious. She shouted at the girls things like "How could you leave a sister! She is my sister forever. You don't know what love feels like! I'm in love with Kim Taehyung you all happy". Then just like Hyesun, Yejin also got kicked out of the group. She then called Taehyung and asked to meet him, she explained everything and he kept saying it was alright.

Thank you for accepting me- A while later Yejin was invited back into the club though she was dating a member of the group. They were sisters and couldn't just betray each other. Taehyung made jokes about her being in the joke saying things like "Huh? Aren't you supposed to hate me. You know as an anti-BTS member?". He would teasingly mock her about it. They didn't show public affection in school besides the occasional hug and of course, they talked quite often but nothing too much more than that. All the cheesy stuff was saved for their dates.

The future- It turned out that all the girls ended up dating one of the guys- Taehyung and Yejin remain happily dating to this day.
STATUS — Right now- Dislike.     At the end- Happily dating.
Sorry about the relatiojnship section being blue, everytime I tried to change the colour it crashed the site so I had to write it multiple times. Hope you enjoyed my application, sorry for it being so long! I had a lot to write about:)
• Yejin could plan a camping trip with the girls and since at this pont Taehyung likes her he could bring up going on the same weekend without saying that the girls are going too. That would be one heck of a camping trip.
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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