PATHCODE FILMS [ Hwang Haneul ]


Alligator — For her resemblence to the reptile whenever she has a fit of giggles, not to mention her snappy attitude.
Choding — This means "elementary school child" in Korean. Her friends call her that due to her immaturity.

BIRTH DATE & AGE — 5 /January / 91 + 24
BIRTH PLACE — Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea


Korean,  FLUEnt — Her native language.
English/Mandarin, Advanced — After years and years of private tutoring, it would be sad if Haneul didn't pick up the languages. Her father forced her to study English and Mandarin from a young age since they are the universal languages of the world.


Hwang Haneul

by allycat0526 (Alice) - 7

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— character appearance

BACK UP — Son Naeun

HEIGHT — 167 cm
WEIGHT — 50 kg

"Call me a stick one more time. i dare you." — Although she's been told by many that they envy her modelsque figure, Haneul is sick and tired of having no s, no , and no curves in general. From her deer like features, people expect her to be quite placid and calm. Never judge a book by it's cover, am I right? Haneul hates her eyes the most, not because of their shape or color or anything like that, but because they convey her emotions so perfectly, she might as well shout her feelings through a bullhorn. On the other hand, she loves her long legs because they help her move along faster by creating bigger strides. She dyes her hair every other week, but only to "natural" colors, like blond and auburn. It's rare to see her with black hair because she gets bored of it so easily. Haneul doesn't have any tattoos or piercings because she has an irrational fear of needles. And pain.


 character style

"Do I feel like trying today, or nah?" — Haneul has a very casual-chic fashion sense when she throws in the effort to dress presentably. However, most days, you can spot her with her favorite pair of jeans or shorts (depending on the weather) matched with a comfortable top. She likes to wear sunglasses often, hiding her eyes for reasons explained above.

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"Come on people! time is money." — Line producers gained their name because they cannot start working until they know what the "line" is between the "above the line" costs for writers, producers, directors, and casts, and the "below the line" costs for everything else. Basically, their job revolves around money, something that Haneul is all too familiar with. Haneul can be seen on set next to the coffee machine, threatening to fire the production team and complaining about how early it is. However, once shooting is behind schedule or an unforseen problem with the budget arises, Haneul is all business, using her sharp wits and problem solving skills to save Pathcode from a financial crisis. On occassion, she can be seen nagging Suho about how he increased Baekhyun's paycheck again or sitting in on one of Kris's "practice presentations," giving him tips on how to charm wealthy old men who were to be a film's sponsor. She is tight lipped about her past, resulting in the wild rumors that spread about her throughout the company.  


— character personality

Positive: Quick Thinker, Straightforward, Loyal, Determined
Negative: Impudent, Secretive, Rash, Snippy

"Sunny one minute, thunderstorms the next."— Things are black and white with Haneul. That is, she's either extremely peppy and chipper, or she's completely down in the dumps. Mostly the second one, though. However, she doesn't see herself as a Negative Nancy. No, she thinks she is being realistic by pointing out a flaw in every plan or by creating the worst case possible scenario. She doesn't need anyone to ask for her opinion, because, like it or not, she's going to give it to you anyway. Those who have been around her for a while are used to her extreme mood swings, but people who are working with her for the first time are very easily affected by her dark viewpoints. You either love her or you hate her.
"And what does your grandmother's death have to do with me?"— The most popular rumor that runs around Pathcode is that Haneul is an orphan that was abandoned on the steps of a church (the location varies, but you get the point). She only fuels this by allowing no absences for family matters, whether it be a wedding anniversary or an ancestor memorial. Haneul doesn't express her feelings well, unless those feeliings include anger, frustration, or irritation. She's not very affectionate, except with one or two close friends, and she hates skinship. Her lack of relationship experience kind of explains some of her communication problems, and overall, she's a introvert. 
"The appearance. The appearance is all that matters."— Due to her past, Haneul is the best at plastering on a smile and pretending everything is okay in public. Although she is a naturally introverted person, she has gained the skill of gaining the approval of snooty old people by making small talk surrounding appropriate subjects or throwing around a cursory compliment or two. This does come in handy sometimes, but it also hurts her. Haneul's facade is so real sometimes that she ends up believing it herself. 
"You look like an alligator but you act like a golden retriever."— If Hwang Haneul is anything, it would be loyal. She will stick by her loved ones' side through thick and thin. In the world she used to live in, promises were empty and friends were business partners. That is why she stresses loyalty so much and hates backstabbers with a passion that could burn down the Amazon rainforest.
"Just do it...Nike."— For all her whining and complaining, you would think that Haneul hates her job. But the thing with Haneul is that she only invests her time in things that she has a passion for. Once she decides to do something, she'll give it her all. There is no such thing as "half assed" with her. So just put up with the annoying comments for a little while because the outcome will be a lot better than you expect.

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— likes

Caffeine — In any shape, size, or form, as long as a drink has caffeine in it, Haneul will not discriminate. Whether it be a Starbucks frappe or a Five Hour Energy shot, she will down it all.
Fried food — Thank God for her fast metabolism because Haneul seems to have a bottomless pit as a stomach. On top of that, she only eats things with the highest amount of saturated fats imaginable. Her fingers are covered with grease all day, every day. No ragrets.   
Crisp Winter Nights — Forget beaches and sunny days. Haneul would rather go out in the pitch black night, holding her hand out to catch some falling snowflakes. 
Ballads — Korean drama original sound tracks are Haneul's guilty pleasure. Even though she can't sing, she still croons along to these songs at the top of her lungs in the shower.
Candles — There's just something about the way these sticks of wax burn that leave a content smile on Haneul's face.

— dislikes

Shorts that look like skirts — She think people should make up their minds and just decide on one or the other.
Nuts — They make her breakout and her skin automatically feels all greasy after eating a few.
Techno/Dubstep — Haneul doesn't understand why anyone would listen to a bunch of random beeping sounds.
Pretentious people — Although she could technically be considered to fall into this category, this doesn't stop Haneul from glaring at brats who think they're better than everyone else.
Alcohol — Haneul just doesn't like the tangy taste that comes with alcoholic beverages. Wine could be an exception since it sometimes tastes like grape juice.

— hobbies

Bowling — It's one of the sports that require the least amount of movement.
watching movies — She works in the film industry after all. It also provides an escape for her. It doesn't matter what genre, Haneul will just cuddle up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and let the film take her away from a few hours.

— habits

snapping her fingers — Haneul's brain works ten times faster than and whenever she can't think of a word or stumbles over her sentence as she rushes through it, she snaps her fingers. 
Sighing heavily — When people don't do things the way she wants them to, which is often, she will just cross her arms and sigh very loudly to express her disapproval. 

— other facts

ONE — Haneul is actually an extreme penny pincher. She budgets out almost everything in her life. 
TWO — She likes to take selcas with almost every new person she encounters. 
THREE — Usually, she gets along with guys better than girls since they're not as sensitive to her nagging and insults as most girls would be (except Tao, who gets offended at every word that comes out of Haneul's mouth).
FOUR — For all her laziness, she's actually naturally athletic, but she rarely exercises since she hates the feeling of sweat.
FIVE — When she wears her glasses, it's a tell tale sign that she's hit rock bottom and you don't want to mess with her unless you want your head bitten off.
Six — She rarely smiles genuinely, but it's a dazzling sight when she does.
Seven — Haneul collects postcards, and she has over 500 laminated in a scrapbook.

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— character background

The heiress — On the snowy evening of January 5, 1990, Hwang Haneul was born into the world. Her mother took once glance at her and cursed the heavens. Why? Because she was a girl. How could the fate of H Corporations be placed in the hands of girl? The Hwang household was one of the wealthiest in South Korea. They were basically a typical chaebol family. Haneul's mother and father were only married out of convenience for their respective companies, which explains why Hanuel witnessed multiple affairs from both her parents at a young age. She was sent to an international private school, where other rich kids attended. The primary language spoken there was English, but her father hired a private tutor for her to learn Mandarin as well. Mr. Hwang had high expectations for her, mostly because she was the only child he had. Because of his constant push to study, Haneul had no time to make friends or mingle with kids her own age. She would go to school, come home to her private tutor, study on her own time, and then sleep. The cycle continued from second to eleventh grade, with her nights ending at 3 AM as she got older. When she entered high school, Haneul began to shadow her father at H Corporations, sitting in on his meetings and presentations. Although the business part of the oil company never really clicked with her, the financing aspect of it did. And that's how Hwang Haneul became a genius with numbers. 
freedom — Senior year was the year that everything changed for Haneul. Her father introduced his illegitimate son, Won, to the household, causing Haneul's mother to almost have a . Won was two years younger than Haneul, and if she was honest with herself, she was glad to have a younger brother. To her dismay, Won seemed to despise everything about her and it was only later that she figured out that her father had pitted him against her. Mr. Hwang threated to place Won in the family register to push Haneul to work harder. However, she did the exact opposite. She quit this twisted competition that her father had set up. Leaving with only the clothes on her back, Haneul exited the Hwang household once and for all. She never looked back.
FRom riches to rags — Of course, Mr. Hwang didn't let Haneul off the hook that easy. For the next couple of months, there were private detectives looking for her all across the country. She managed to remain hidden by changing her name and moving from orphanage to orphanage, pretending to have lost her memory. With this lifestye, she began to develop a "street sense" atypical of chaebols. Of course, her schooling was interrupted drastically, but she had been so accelerated in her learning that it didn't really have an effect on her.
Happily ever after — By the time it was to take the college entrance exam, Haneul still had no idea what she wanted to do. If she got accepted into a prestigious university like Seoul, Korea, or Yonsei, her father would surely find her and drag her back into her old life. To get her mind off of things, she decided to watch a movie. Halfway into it, something clicked in her mind. She would go into the movie industry! It was an "artsy" job, something her father would never expect her to do. Combining that prospect with her talent in finances, Haneul entered a small college with the goal of becoming a Line Producer. Upon graduation (in which she was ranked at the top of her class), Haneul was scouted by many different companies. She never kept a stable job, for fear of getting discovered by her father. It wasn't until she was hired by Pathcode Films that she finally found a safe place to call home, due to how new and small the company was.


Father — Hwang No Min // 57 // Chairman of H Corporations // Unyielding, Cold, Selfish, Greedy
Even from a young age, Haneul knew that the one thing you didn't want to do was to defy her father. She has never called him "father" or "dad". It's always been "President" to her. No Min has a reputation of being one of the most brutal businessmen in the country, known to sell off a whole branch of his company (therefore, firing thousands of workers) if it wasn't meeting his expectations. No Min views his daughter as more of a business partner than a family member. He believes everything is earned through hard work and pushes Haneul to the breaking point so she can be qualified for her job as the future leader of the company. When she went missing, No Min was furious. He didn't reflect on why she might have made such a drastic decision and instead just ordered a search party to drag her back to him. In his eyes, he had lost an incredible asset to H Corporations and would do anything to get her back.

Mother — Hwang Mi Sun // 54 // "Housewife" // Meticulate, Dramatic, Obsessive, Paranoid 
Even though Mi Sun has had her share of affairs, she will not stand for her husband cheating on her, especially with the always-possible problem of illegitimate children randomly popping up in her life. She hires "spies" to report to her about No Min's every day schedule and if he deviated from it. If he meets up with a woman, Mi Sun personally destroys the unfortunate woman's life. Because of this, Haneul has been missing a mother figure in her life. This explains her tendency to bottle up her feelings, along with her boyish characteristics. With the introduction of No Min's son into the household, Mi Sun has turned to alcohol to drown her depression. She throws tantrums pretty often and wanders around the mansion, cursing everyone in her sight.

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The cool city kids — Kris Wu // 24 // Executive Producer
Since their area of expertise cross the most, it was only natural that Haneul and Kris became friends. Although Haneul hasn't revealed her true identity to Kris, he's the kind of guy who doesn't pester her about stuff like that, one quality that she really appreciates. Although their relationship consists mostly of sarcastic jabs and low key insults, they have a quiet bond that Haneul hasn't felt with anyone before. Whenever the coffee machine breaks down in the middle of shooting, Kris saves everyone by personally going out to a Starbucks and getting Haneul a large Americano. In turn, Haneul is the one who calms Kris down when he's stressed, along him to vent to her and curse along with him. They can always be seen either yelling at each other playfully or giggling together over some inside joke. To annoy others on the team, they would converse in a mixture of English and Mandarin, mostly to complain/bash about how a certain actor/actress was taking forever to complete a scene.  

Krypto-soo — Do Kyungsoo // 22 // Production Assistant and Location Manager 
There are not a lot of things that Haneul finds cute. Babies? Ew, they poop and cry too much. Puppies and fluffy bunnies? They smell weird. But Do Kyungsoo, with his squishy cheeks and his heart shaped lips, is definitely her kryptonite. Kyungsoo was one of that last staff members that Haneul met. In fact, Haneul hated him until she actually talked to him. He always chose the most expensive sites, making her job that much harder. She still remembered their encounter like it was yesterday. Hanuel had been beyond angry because the location manager had once again ignored her budget cuts, meaning that she would have to work over time to rearrange everything to accommodate for his choice. She camped outside of his office, rehearsing all the different ways she was going to murder him when a soothing voice interrupted her blood thirsty thoughts. It was basically love at first sight. You know what I mean- Kyungsoo's calm, yet driven, personality balances out Haneul's rash and blunt one perfectly. She basically melts when he calls her "Noona". 

"Jin-ie" — Baek Yoojin // 21 // Director of Photography and Colorist 
Haneul has always viewed Yoojin as her personal genie. Or Jin-ie. (Get it? Haha...) She was one of the main reasons that Haneul was onto Pathcode, despite her lack of experience in the film industry. Maybe it was because Yoojin was a fan of movies and could sense that Haneul was one also. Anyway, Haneul is always worrying over Yoojin's clumsiness. She always makes sure to carry around a bandaid or disinfectant in her bag in case Yoojin falls and bleeds. Yoojin brings out a bit of the maternal side of Haneul because of her sensitive and whimsical nature. She's always able to bring a small smile on to Haneul's face after a long day of work and Haneul views Yoojin as the younger sister she never had.


awkwardness by association — Lee Kaya // 23 // Production Designer 
Because Kris is one of Haneul's best friends, it would only be natural for them to stand against the same people. She's heard tons and tons of not-so-pretty stories about Kaya, slandering her image of the girl. Kris likes to play the victim, so Haneul has only heard his side of why he ditched Kaya in high school. Overall, Haneul got the impression that Kaya was a clingy, whiny girlfriend and that Kris had dodged a bullet. Haneul tries to avoid Kaya as much as she can, but respects her as a co-worker. She recognizes Kaya's creative talents as well as her management skills.

The illegitimate son — Kim Won // 21 // University Student // Reserved, Bitter, Competitive, Scarred 
Yes, Haneul and Won were family by blood, but they weren't technically related because he hasn't been placed on her family register. Their relationship was destined to be sour. Haneul has only interacted with her half brother on two occassions over the past 6 months that they lived together. One occasion was when he had first arrived. When Mr. Hwang introduced Won to Haneul and her mother, Mrs. Hwang lunged at Won, clawing at his face and screaming. Haneul was the one to hold her back and sharply order Won to leave the living room. The second occassion occurred a few weeks into Won's arrival. Haneul tried to apologize to him about the way her mother had been treating him. She wanted someone on her side in the cutthroat household, basically. But Won coldly rejected her, snapping that he was only here to take back what was rightfully his, even if it meant that Haneul would be left with nothing. 


  • Dankook University (Double Major in Business Administration and Finance, 2012)

Line PRoducer 
Back Up: Executive Producer

— "drastic times call for drastic measures."

Compared to others in her field, Haneul did not have as much hands on experience. She did a couple of projects here and there, even getting a job offering straight out of college as an intern, but she's always held herself back due to her past. She met Yoojin during an Angel in Us Coffee TVC, where Haneul was working as a runner. They had seen each other around at other shootings since people tend to use the same staff, so they knew about the other's talents and skills, but they hadn't talked until that TVC. Yoojin had been the one to approach Haneul, striking up a light conversation in which the younger discovered that Haneul didn't like to work for large companies. It was then that Yoojin introduced her to Pathcode Films, inviting her to apply for a position. Haneul was worried because she never had experience working as a Line Producer before (except as an intern), even though that's what her majors would be the most beneficial for, but she took the shot. A couple of days after her interview, she got a call saying that she was hired and everything else is history.

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM FOR PATHCODE FILMS? AND HOW DO YOU SUPPOSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE IN ACHIEVING THAT DREAM?  — {'she raises an eyebrow cynically at the question. My dream? I don't really do stuff like that. How about we just focus on how to not go bankrupt? You have to take small steps, you know. {'pauses for an awkward second before sighing. Okay fine, now I feel bad for not answering. My dream would probably be... to produce a film that would make everyone proud. Something that goes on the big screen, and even if it might not be popular amongst other movie goers, the Pathcode staff can all celebrate. {'she slouches in her chair, crossing her arms and pouting. I have become a total cheeseball.

DO YOU LIKE YOUR POSITION? WHY OR WHY NOT?  ARE YOU AIMING FOR A HIGHER ONE IN THE FUTURE? — Of course I like my position, it means I get to boss people around! {'she cackles to herself before clearing . But in all seriousness, I love being a Line Producer. It's a perfect job for me, combining my talents with my hobbies. It makes everything that's happened in my life worth it. {'smiles bitterly down at her folded hands.

IF YOU COULD SWITCH POSITIONS FOR A DAY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? WHY? — Uh... I would want to try to be the writer. It would be interesting to see how your work comes to life on the big screen, you know? Sadly, I don't have a creative bone in my body. It's all just numbers with me. {'she sighs wistfully.

DO YOU THINK PATHCODE FILMS COULD GO A LONG WAY? — {'her eyes narrow as she thinks over her answer carefully. I definitely believe that there is a lot of talent amongst the staff of Pathcode. However, hitting it big takes a lot of luck. We have the capability to go a long way, and now we just need the opportunity. Does that make sense?

DO YOU GET ALONG WELL WITH EVERYONE? — {'she snorts, beginning to count on her fingers, giving up when she goes past thirteen. The thing is, I'm not exactly a people person. I have things that I want done a certain way, and if you don't do it like I imagine it, then I will get on your case about it. {'shrugs, leaning back in her chair. The person who is bothered by that the most would probably have to be Tao. He literally whines more than I do and gets offended at my comments that aren't even directed at him. Plus, his voice gets so high when he argues with me. It's the main reason I'm going deaf. 


  • Intern (Line Producer) — Channel A — (0312 - 0912) 
    Projects Handled:
    — Innisfree CF
    — KPOP: The Ultimate Audition
    — Ms. Panda and Mr. Hedgehog
    — Eider CF

  • Production Assistant — SBS — (0613 - 1213) 
    Projects Handled:

    — Master's Sun (0813-1013)
    — Paris Baguette TVC
    — The Heirs (1013-1213)

  • Runner — Film Production Korea — (0814 - 0515) 
    Projects Handled:
    — Angel In Us Coffee TVC
    — Na Yoon Kwon: If Only MV

Lu Han

— Kim minseok 
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Positive: Enthusiastic, Charismatic, Trustworthy, Passionate
Negative: Over emotional, Delusional, Naive, Nosy

HISTORY — Luhan moved to South Korea during the beginning of his high school years. To help him adjust to kids his age, his parents had always dragged him to the local orphanage. Luhan wasn't very inclined to take on the task at first, viewing orphans as a different species. He didn't know how act around them. As time went on, however, volunteering at the institution became his favorite past time. Some may say it even shaped him to be the warm hearted person he is today. Even after he graduated, he would come back during holiday breaks and vacations. 
The summer of 2009, Luhan met Haneul. Well, I guess "met" is the wrong word since he never introduced himself, or even spoke, to the girl. Haneul never noticed Luhan, too caught up in her own problems, but Luhan took note of Haneul right away. The mystery surrounding her arrival just drew him in and the more he observed her interacting with the other children, the larger his curiosity grew. She would always isolate herself from everyone, finishing up her meals and chores as quickly as possible before retreating to her room. Her eyes were alert as if someone was chasing her. She never spoke more than two words to anyone. To sum it up, Hwang Haneul was the polar opposite of Luhan. 
And just like that, she disappeared. Luhan came back for Christmas break, seven months after Haneul's admittance into the orphanage. When he asked the administrator about her, he was told that she had left a note thanking them. He still has that note today.

INTERACTIONS — Luhan is always taking care of Haneul, bringing her a lunch box everyone now and then or giving her money for a cab. At first, Haneul is a little creeped out and suspicious, especially when his actions continued after she snapped at him. In fact, they continued after numerous rude comments and acts of resistance. She had learned from a young age that everything comes with a price and Luhan annoyed her so much because she didn't understand what he wanted from her. He would always ask about her past and how she ended up pursuing film. As time progresses, Haneul slowly lets her guard down and starts to embrace Luhan as a permanent figure in her life. She looks forward to arguing with him as they walk down to set together and reading the puke inducing notes he always leaves on her desk.


LAST COMMENT — Sorry if I made her background a bit dramatic otl. "Normal" histories bore me and if I'm bored, then my writing more than usual. Also I'm horrible at coming up with romantic scenarios so my scene requests don't really include much of Luhan X Haneul :((( I'll add more if I think of any! I'm really looking forward to watching their relationship bloom. : )

—Luhan's shocked reaction when he first meets Haneul
—Lots of hissy fits between Haneul and Tao : )

—Kaya and Haneul finally clearing the air, becoming good friends, resulting in a very uncomfortable Kris when he is forced to apologize to Kaya.
—Haneul dealing expertly with a chaebol sponsor who was being difficult.
—Luhan confronting Haneul about the whole orphanage situation

PASSWORD — John Green


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