( kingsman boarding school — Park Seona ; icle

Park Seona
Park Seona
USERNAME » Dr3amers
NAME » Park Seona
NICKNAME » Bambi- She gets called this by her other team members, this is due to her pureness and innocence making her appear like the sweet, young Bambi. 
BIRTHDAY » 2nd May 1999 (16).
ETHNICITY » 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Korean (Korean Greek).
BIRTHPLACE » Busan, South Korea.
HOMETOWN » Santorini, Greece.
HEIGHT » 172cm (5 foot, 6 inches).
WEIGHT » 52kg.
LANGUAGE(S) » Greek- Fluent- She was raised in Greece, it is her native language.
English- Semi Fluent- She was taught the language growing up by her parents and got taught it during school too.
Korean- Conversational- Her mother taught her the basic stuff for when they went of visits to South Korea.
AGILITY » 9.5/10 (Mentally quick and well prepared).

FACE-CLAIM » Suna/Seon Ha (Goes by a few names).
APPEARANCE » You can't help but be captivaited by Seona's beauty, her being half Greek and half Korean has given her quite the set of uinque facial features. She looks more Korean, without a doubt, but her slightly darker skin, natural eye lids and hazel eyes show that she isn't you're typical Korean at all. Her face is quite long and is oval shaped, Seona's skin has a golden tint that doesn't fade away; the sun from Greece must have made her skin stay that beautiful colour. She has natural double eye lids and hazel eyes, which appear in sunlight to be a strong green, also her eyes are quite big. Seona has a long nose bridge and this only adds to her angel like looks, in summer she gets a few light freckles covering the bridge but they aren't too noticable to others. Her lips are quite plumped and are for her face shape the perfect size. She inheritted her fathers main asian features, but her mothers small details and pureness. Seona's hair is shoulder length and before she dyed it the auburn colour shown above she had dark brown almost black hair which reached just below her chest. She dyed her hair 2 years ago and has a strong desire to keep the colour that she has now. Seona normally wears her hair down, but will wear a hat on top. Either that or she will do an Ariana Grande styled hair do, of course not as volumcious though as her hair is shorter.

When she wears a hat; the style and type can varry. Normally, she wears a hat similar to the style in the photo above but she also owns a lot of baseball styled caps. When she is healing and helping people complete tasks Seona typically puts her hair into a high ponytail, making the bottom of her hair brush the very top of her shoulders. She is very tall and has great posture, Seona shows elegance and pureness in her image and is always seen as innocent due to her features...

FASHION STYLE » Her style is very flowy and casual, she loves comfortable clothes and wears only things that are practical for her. On a regular basis Seona will most likely wear jeans or shorts paired up with a loose blouse (example). However, just because her clothes are practical, doesn't mean that they are not stylish. A lot of her clothes are made up of light materials and subtle patterns which go really well with her appearence, she is quite boho-chic in terms of how far fashion goes. For shoes Seona doesn't wear heels instead she wears van styled shoes in colours like mint, white and blues. She grew up never wearing heels and feels much more comfortable wearing some simple flat shoes. Seona also owns some boots, which are quite fashionable if she does say so herself, they are a tan/brown kind of colour and she normally wears these while studying or when she is just out and about. Despite not being fond of heels Seona does own a few pairs of wedges. They feel like trainers to her and normally the wedge isn't too big, here are some examples (1, 2, 3). Out of those 3, her favourite pair have to be the converse styled ones. She has them in blue, white, black and pink and wears them quite often too. 

For a more formal occasion, she may wear a dress. This is if their is a party, birthday, a date or just any formal occasion really. She doesn't normally wear tight dresses but rather wears the flowy, casual kind. Seona likes the kind of effortless look, although she has put in effort. <3 She likes white coloured dresses and likes them when they have straps but also have material which wraps around the width of her arm as well. Another example of dress style she likes is the high-low type. One of her favourite high low dresses has a beautiful rose pattern spread across the entire piece of clothing, and it is pulled together by a brown bow shaped belt at the waist. This dress was given to her by her parents in Greece. She may wear a playsuit for a more casual approach (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). In fact it is actually more likely for her to wear playsuits over dresses; she also wears these occasionally on a daily basis. Finally, while hanging out here are a few mixed up oufitts of what kind of things she may wear (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Now, for jewelary she keeps it very simple. Seona will just wear a simple rose gold watch, some earings and a basic, circular rose gold ring on the index finger of her right hand. For night time her pyjama's are just some fabric mint shorts and an oversized white baggy shorts. That is Seona's completed summary of her style!
PLOTLINE » icle. 
PERSONALITY TRAITS » Positive= Smart, Independant, Loyal, Optimistic.
Neutral= Pure.
Negative= Cautious, Secretive, Vunerable, Emotional.
Seona is one of the smart members among the group, she knows exactly what to do and how to do it. Her and the Lamorak plotline in particular are the ones who do the main work, and plan their stratergy's. She is a good student and is a good public speaker even when under pressure or when in a difficult situation. Seona has great agillity meaning that she is quick and well-witted, so her voice is her weapon. Though she isn't the best in battle she can use her words to confuse and trick others in desperate situations, but she doesn't like to lie and tries to avoid it as much as she can. Her hand is always one of the first up in class and a good 95% of the time her answer is correct. Teachers show favouritism towards her because of this and also find her impressive as she knows three languages which could come in handy in the future. Also Seona is the kid who uses the complicated language and words while explaining things, this is even more impressive as English is not her first language and even people who have lived in an English speaking country for years do not understand fully what these words mean. She is also independant and doesn't need to rely on people to help her. In fact Seona prefers working, especially while healing, by herself. She doesn't like distractions and sometimes having other people there makes her more stressed or infuiriated. However, it does really depend on what she is doing on whether she is independant or not. One thing is for sure though, once she gets the hang of it she will not need help and will complete it by herself. Of course if there is a time where she needs to work in groups then she will.

Seona is also loyal. She keeps her word and will not give up, always thinking of the positive side. Her loyalty towards others is something that she has always had and it wasn't something that she just "developed" overtime. Being optimistic too is something that came naturally. Her parents raised her to put on a smile and be happy but to remain respectful and kind as well, she was raised to act like a young lady. Seona doesn't like to look on the bad side in fear because then she will get anxious and cautious about her actions though she will obviously do no harm with intention. Her loyalty truly comes out with her friends, she is a secret keeper. If anybody has any worries they go to her because they know that she wouldn't speak of their secret/worry to anyone. This makes her quite powerful in a way as she knows something about everybody meaning that she has information about other students that even the teachers don't know. Finally, Seona is pure. I've already lightly touched on this trait in the previous paragraphs/explenation. The way that she talks softly and in general presents herself gives Seona a pure appearence. Her words are softly spoken, unless she is working then she is more stern, but for good reasons I guess. Some may think that her purity makes her weak, but it doesn't. Seona has mind-power and knows how to get through any and everything.

Now for her more negative points. She tends to be cautious around others, though not in her work. Seona chooses her friends wisely and likes to get to know them really well before she opens up; and even then she is still secretive. If Seona gets suspicious of someone she will be very cautious around them and acts quite awkwardly around them until she finds out whether her suspicions are right or not. Although she is smart it is so obvious when Seona is suspicious. She stiffens up at the sight of that person, her eyes half shut while she "examines" their actions and behaviour around others. That is something she is good at, examining and questioning behaviour as well. Seona doesn't hold many valuable secrets about herself or too many about others, but at times she comes across as though she is hiding something even when she is not. People don't really question her when she is like this but they are more amused at her Men In Black or 21 Jump Street (minus the rudeness) bad skill of hiding her secrets (which are non existant, she is just wierd okay!). The next trait relates to her being quite vunerable. This means that though she doesn't have secrets when in dangerous situations or when she is in fighting classes she feels particularly weak and useless. This is because the most she can do in fighting is fire a gun, and even then the sound and the feeling of the trigger being pulled makes her flinch. 

Some students lightly about this, occasionally. However, after Seona got put into the group with the other members people stopped doing it as often. This was most likely because they had a fear of the other members in particular the Lancelot and the Tristan plotline. So in a way, she should be thankful towards them. Finally, her last trait is something to do with how at times Seona can be emotional. When healing, she doesn't get disgusted or sad at seeing somebody in pain but does get emotional when she feels as though one of her friends is going to be hurt or when someone is in an unstable situation. She is the type who cries but doesn't make a noise when she does it. But instead just simply allows the tears to roll down her face instead. Although its not rare, Seona can get angry. When she gets angry she will tighten her fists or will speak powerful words (of course in her lady-like voice) but with a stern tone. All in all she is quite an interesting person, don't you agree?
FAMILY » Mom | Park Alejandra |  | 40 | Genuine, Caring, Humerous, Curious, Dilligent | 9/10

Dad | Park Myunghwan | 44 | Intelligent, Ambitious, Good-Natured, Obsevent, Protective | 8.5/10

Grandfather | Alexandros Kalfos| 73 | Humble, Modest, Patient, Witty, Stern | 9/10

Grandmother | Ellena Kalfos |71 | Sympathetic, Sensitive, Respectful, Organized, Logical | 7/10

FRIENDS » Best Friend (Besides the members in the group of course) | Georgina (Gina) Addens- She is Dutch.  | 17 | 17th October 1998 | Loud, Adventurous, Bubbly, Charismatic, Childish. | 8/10.
Friend In Class | Matsumoto Katashi- He is Japanese | 16 | July 22ns 1999 | Alert, Courageous, Honest, Honourable, Shallow.
BACKGROUND » Park Seona was born on the 2nd May 1999, to Park Alejandra and Park Myunghwan in Busan, South Korea. She lived in an average sized house in the outskirts of Busan but moved to Santorini at the age of 4. It turns out that Seona's grandmother was seriously ill and her grandfather needed help taking care of her. So they simply packed their bags up, put their house up for sale and bought the next flight to Santorini straight away. It was lovely in Greece, Seona used to play in the green sea and walk across the white sand almost everyday. She grew up in a beyond average sized house, facing a beach and the best part? It was always super peaceful where she lived. At age 5 Seona started learning both Korean and English; this is when her parents realised that their daughter was insanely smart especially for her age group. She spent a large amount of time reading, studying, swimming and of course attending school. Myunhwan and Alejandra had to go to work everyday in order to help pay for expensive medical bills, leaving Seona's grandfather to take care of her when she wasn't at school. Her grandfather used to be a doctor and taught Seona a few things over the years, and from the age 8 on Seona helped give medicine, check fevers etc (just very small things). In her free time her Grandfather used to take her to walk on the beach, she still has her favourite necklace with a gorgeous cicular, tinted pink, shell tied onto it. 

In school she was seen as smart, and had a good group of friends. Whenever they fell and hurt their knee or injured themselves Seona would naturally be their to help them. Seona had quite a busy childhood, she always had so much to do; which was good in a way. Over the course of 6 and a half years, her Grandmother made a slow but steady ride to recovery. It was odd when her Grandmother made a recovery it was as though the two were strangers but Ellena made sure to try her best with her granddaughter. She used to make some desserts for Seona and they used to go to the Friday market every week when she was better of course. After her grandmother was fully recovered, her parents started only working half days, this was at age 11. Everything went great here and Seona was thrilled that she didn't have to move back to Korea as Greece was her home. Her only home. Her Dad taught her how to surf, and her mother taught her how to make bracelets out of shells which is something that she used to do as a kid. Though, Ellena was better Seona's grandfather still taught her some medical tips and how to heal people. He taught her how to clean and stitch wounds up and how to use salt water to clean them and prevent infection. Seona's mother noticed what Alexandros was doing and got mad. At this time Seona had no idea why, why she got so angry. 

Nonetheless, Seona still practiced treatment and kept looking at her grandfathers notebook which she took from his room. It was full with types of treatment and gave step by step instructions for all sorts of things. She learnt how to wrap up wounds with things like seaweed and also how to prevent too much bleeding, just because her Grandfather no longer taught her these things didn't mean that she would stop. It turned out that the entire time he knew what Seona was doing and he purposely left her notes all around in places where she used to snoop around. At age 14, Seona recieved a letter from the U.K. She was confused at first not quite sure what this letter had to do with her, and why it came from a place so far away from her home. When she opened the letter it read "Thank you Miss Park for your application. We are glad to offer you a place in our school, you will start next year. We look foward to seeing you Miss Park". Her natural instinct was to show her father, and his reaction was shock. Her mother who was so kind and taught her many, many things had been keeping a secret from her this entire time. It turns out, though her grandmother was actually ill, her grandfather taught her all about healing as he wanted to enter her into the school that he had once attended. Her mother argued and argued with Seona's grandfather for many weeks. However, that entire arguement stopped when Ellana (her grandmother) spoke up "My grandaughter will attend that school Alejandra, just because you didn't want to doesn't mean that Seona doesn't either. She will attend, you came to Greece because of me right? Well this is my wish, think of it as your thank you gift to me for letting you stay in my house".

A single year later and Seona was sent to the UK to enter the school, which would change her life. She couldn't believe that this school was set up for spy's and that her grandfather was never a doctor he was a healer for this school! She couldn't let that sink in. When she arrived she was picked up by a man in a suit, holding a big sign with her name clearly wrote across it. In fact her name was in bold, whereas all the other names were not. She got took to the school in a black limo with the other students who sat in awe. When they arrived lets just a rush of excitement ran through Seona's body. Maybe her grandfather was right about sending her to the school? Who knew that a year later she would be one of the smartest, and one of the best, students in the healing classes she just wishes she was better in fighting. If only she knew what the future held for her...

LIKES » Fudge Hot Chocolate- She had never had it until her roommate gave some to her, she fell in love with it<3.
Yoga- Seona sometimes gets knee pains and that was the initial reason as to why she started yoga, but then she genuinely began to really enjoy it. She doesn't do it as much now though as she is quite busy with school work and other stuff as well.
Horoscopes- She isn't quite sure as to why she is so interested in them, but she is fasinated with the idea of them. 
Gum- She always has some in her purse, her favourite flavour is either sour apple or traditional strawberry. However, Seona can't blow bubbles, she just chews it because she likes the strong taste.
Her Samsung S6 Phone- She has an obsession with her phone, or is it that Candy Crush game? Whatever, point is that Seona can be seen literally every morning in a cafe whether at school or not with a cup of tea or coffee playing on her phone. It is her life.
Korean Variety Shows- Just because she didn't grow up in Korea doesn't mean that she doesn't enjoy their shows. This girl loves Running Man and We Got Married.
Her Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel Perfume
Yankee Candles.
Cuddly Toys.

DISLIKES » Knee Pains
Fighting Class- She only really dislikes it because she isn't that good...at all. 
School Toilets
The Process Of Getting Ready In The Morning.
Eye Liner- Winged eye liner is her worst enemy.
Snapchat- For some reason Seona hates snapchat, and just doesn't see the point in it. 

HABITS » Constantly repplying her perfume.
Shifting around in her seat.
Sleeping in (gurllll press dat "later" button on your alarm, I know I do *snaps fingers*).
Braiding her hair when bored.
HOBBIES » Swimming- Though she doesn't get the chance to do this too often it is something that reminds her of home and makes her feel calm.
Taking walks around London while listening to music, she likes to go on runs/walks but my lord does listening to 5sos make it better. Plus Londons pretty chaotic, so she normally just runs around the campus a few times instead.
Browsing stores online and adding things to her wishlist.

 TRIVIA » Her eyes go cockeyed when she yawns.
She has a coffee machine in her dorm room, she also has a single specific mug that she drinks her coffee out of. It is a mint mug white white polka dots all around the mug.
Her favourite movie is the original Avengers movie.
Her phone case is shaped like a cassette and it is pink, purple and blue.
In her purse she carries 5 different anti bacterial gels as she absolutely hates germs.
Seona has never had a boyfriend before.
She brought a cuddly toy that she was given as a gift on her 12th birthday, it is a cute pink bear covered it fur, it also has her name stiched in pink thread on the bottom of its foot.
She would like to visit the Harry Potter Studios which are located just outside of London, but she doesn't think she will because of the school and there rules.
The next language Seona wants to learn is Cantonese.
The Yankee candle that is currently in her dorm room is called "Japanese Blossom" and it is from the world collection.

PERSONALITY » Positive= Charismatic, Confident, Caring, Good-Natured.
Negative= Protective, Easily Jealous, Arrogant, Selfish.

You didn't specify whether or not you wanted me to elaborate on the traits so if you could let me know in the review that would be great:)
RELATIONSHIP »  Sehun and Seona weren't even aware about each other up until Seona turned 16, in other words her second year in the school. She was known by many for her healing skills and pure aura, but he was known for his fighting skills and confidence. They seemed like an unlikely match for sure. The two rarely looked each others way in class and if it was; it was likely because the teacher was talking to one of them. That was all until that day of hacking/computer skill class. It started of like a typical day and everything was going fine until the laptop, which coincidently Sehun was using, made a bang noise and glass shattered across him and sparks shot out of the laptop. It was some silly starters playing a prank but it could have ended up much worse than it did. All he had was a minor burn on his hand and a few light cuts across his cheeks where the glass hit him. However, there was one deeper cut across his jawline where a larger piece of glass went. He wasn't showing any sign of pain and seemed rather calm. Other students winced at the sight of blood but Seona was just sitting thinking about what had just happened. That was until she was interupted by the teacher "Miss Park, will you please go sort Sehun out while I find out what just happened". They walked silently along the corridours of the school until Seona grabbed his wrist and walked her way along to an empty classroom. He sat down on the seat in which Seona pointed to. She sat in silence and focused on all the minor grazes, by rinsing them, dis-infecting and healing them. 

She had all of the cuts but the deeper one on his jaw line done, she didn't feel that comfortable getting that close to him. Seona grabbed a hold of his head and tilted it slightly and wiped the cloth against his skin and mentioned something along the lines of how this special cream would sting quite badly. He hissed slightly while she applied the cream and grabbed onto his knee's holding tightly onto the fabric. She placed a single hand on his, but turned away, and continued to work. Once she was done they left for class and yet again did not talk the entire time, until he said thank you at the least. That was their first meeting. After that Seona had noticed that there seemed to be eyes staring at the back/side of her head and she was right. For some reason Sehun had some fasination ever since that day. It went from stares, to smiles and gradually he got closer to her...literally. I mean this guy would get one seat closer to her in a majourity of her lessons. He approached her at the end of school when she was heading towards the female dorms and suggested that the two should go for coffee. Seona didn't want to appear rude so she said yes, it was out of respect. They got along well and talked for a while, after that it just continued. They talked more and more until both would confirm one another as a friend. They went on as great friends for a while and it was an amazing friendship, neither side could deny that. Though it was Sehun who liked her first; Seona made the first move. They were walking outside on the streets of London and it was winter-time. She grabbed his hand (shown in gif above) without thinking about what she was doing, which was odd because she usually heavily analyses everything before she acts upon it but this time she didn'.

He didn't comment or try to move away he just flinched slightly shocked at the sudden skinship. When they arrived at the gates Seona broke her hand from his and was so nervous that she bowed a full 90 degree bow, though they agreed prior to this to drop all formalities. Before she could leave he cleared his throat and said "We have a date tomorrow, meet me back here after school" and of course walked away with his hands tucked in his pockets. After the date the day after the two started going out more and eventually started dating. They have skinship but it isn't an overbearing amount, also they don't kiss too much in public. Its more of a private thing, but hugging is something different. Sehun and Seona hug all the time its like a first nature for them to do it now. Sometimes the two visit one anothers dorms and just watch a movie and hug. Seona feels strangely relaxed around him and she likes it, she likes the entire effect that he has on her, not to mention he is well manoured (when he wants to be) and a sweetheart. 
OUTCOME » I honestly don't mind and you can choose. I wasn't too bothered about her having a love interest but after writing this all out I think it would be cute for them to end up together. Maybe not forever, but for the story? I think they are a cool couple and it would be awesome for them to be together but you can decide:)  I am totally fine with her not even dating, she can be single. I just got bored so I decided to write for a love interest.

Who made you come to the school? » "Well it was originally my Grandfathers idea, he signed me up for this entire thing much to my Mothers disaproval. But I guess it was my Grandmother, she was the one who confirmed that I was going without me getting much of a say. I love it here, so it turned out good I guess"

Tell me some of » "Fears...I haven't really thought about that. I guess you could say that me having to use a gun is a fear. The trigger makes me scared I can't think of anything but that really, I'm sure theres other things though".
Who's your favorite teacher? » "Professor Storme, she's really funny and light hearted. From what I know of anyway."
How do you think you are with the other students? » "I think I have a selective group of friends, but I can get along well with most people. They know that I'm reliable and they can all trust me, they don't need to all like me they just need to know that I'm not some popular snob. Trust me."

What do you excel most at? » "Healing, by far I'm good at helping injured people, but I'm also good with using my words as a weapon. I have agility so I'm quick witted and can get out of difficult situations rather quickly, thats my advantage"

Why do you want to be a Kingsman? » "Over the years I've developed a love for helping people and I think that helping is what I should do for the rest of my life. Being a Kingsman means that I get to do that, and I know I'm good at it!Though at first I was slightly against the idea."

SCENE REQUESTS » None as of now..
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS » Code & Cyphers= 6
PASSOWRD » Oxfords Not Brogues.



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