<   VOLT! - Lita

Minatozaki mei
( Dr3amers / Kat / 8.5/10/ イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : minatozaki mei
( nicknames ) :
• 4 leaved clover / she gets called this as mei is known to be lucky among the other members, she gets offered many oppertunities and also usually succesfully completes everything she does. / the other members.
( dob / age ) : 28th • 2 • 1996 (19)
( birthplace ) : Kyoto, japan.
( hometown ) : kyoto, japan.
( ethnicity ) : asian, fully japanese.
( languages ) :
• japanese / it is her native language / fluent
  Korean / she started learning it in middle school and continued to learn it through her trainee days as well / semi fluent.
( height ) : 164cm
( weight ) : 50kg
the face
( fc ) : e-girls karen
( backup fc ) : e-girls shuuka.
( style ) :
Mei isn't the most fashionable idol and isn't as adventurous as her sunbae's like G-dragon but she does have style. mei likes to wear things like shorts or baggy pants  and loose blouses, typically in colours like black, white or sometimes pastel colours. she might wear dresses or playsuits from time to time; or if she wants to keep it casual skinny jeans and a simple shirt are a basic look for her.

she looks up to 2ne1's dara as she has a classic style but can use modern, bright pieces to make her oufitt stand out more. mei also likes snsd's yoona's style as well. for practice, like most idols, she can be seen wearing simple sweatpants, a vest or an oversized sweater with some pairs of nike trainers. however, for more formal events she will most likely wear a dress. mei likes fit and flare dresses usually in white to make her complextion stand out but she wears other colours as well.

but she may also wear a tight skirt with a bit of yg flare and a bralet, she has multiple styles it just really depends on her groups current concept or how she is feeling.
basic, Regular style= 1, 23 , 45
slightly fancier version of regular style= 1, 2, 3, 45
practice= 1, 2, 3, 45
red carpet/formal event= 1, 2, 3, 456, 789
Shoe wear= 1, 2, 3, 45, 6, 7, 8910

appearance ) : mei has a pale, but healthy, face with a naturally shaped v jawline. she has brown eyes with hints of green in them and often wears these contacts as she thinks that they make her look more unique. her hair at the moment is such a dark shade of brown that it almost looks black. her hairstylist is thinking about dying it a red or pink colour for debut but its not decided yet. mei has 2 piercings on each ear, she has the standard piercings and then one on each ear lobe.
getting to know you
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( personality traits ) :
positive : humerous, reliable, genuine.
neutral : determined, casual.
negative : gullible, cautious, emotional.
( elaboration ) : among the girls mei is without a doubt one of the funniest. she doesn't try hard like some other idols but rather lets her natural, quirky personality come out. mei makes remarks and comments on topics which you can't help laugh at, though not all her jokes are funny for the right reasons. sometimes the members laugh because she messes up her korean or because it just makes no sense. anyways, her bright smile and laughter make everybody smile, I mean how can you not? have you seen mei's smile its impossible not to smile back! she is also known throughout the company as being the reliable member. if any of the staff, trainee's, family or maybe some of the idols that she knows have any worries they go to her. mei gives great advice and is a secret keeper. she is trustworthy to others and people can trust her to stay loyal with them. due to her being reliable she has a special connection with everyone and can 'click' with people quickly forming a strong bond/friendship almost instantly.

mei is also very genuine. she keeps her heart close to home and has good morals, she isn't stuck up or vain like some people that she has met while in Korea. by mei being genuine it basically means that she has 'the girl next door' vibe, and she loves to talk about her family especially making her seem even more sweet. when mei met dara she got along very well with her and they talked as though they weren't sunbae/hoobae but rather like they were equals. by being genuine all of her emotions are real; she doesn't put on a show or cry for the sake of it. one thing that really gets her genuine-ness out is when listening to sad, tragic stories or watching those adverts on tv about dangered or homeless children. mei is definatley one of the most easy to talk to, understandable trainee's/future idols there is. she also is determined to succeed and tries her best in everything that she does. when mei sets a target she strives to complete it and won't stop until she does. mei likes to work in groups and was happy when she found out she was going to be in a female group, her determination normally comes out when they all work together. something that links to all of the traits mentioned so far, is that mei is a casual person. this basically is what I explained for genuine. she is someone you feel comfortable around quickly and is a person who is like a friend. she has a very natural personality which isn't artifical in anyway and she is quite a chilled out person who acts like a normal teenager...most of the time.

due to mei not growing up in korea, she is quite gullible to her surroundings and the people that she talks to sometimes use this against her. people joke around with her using her gullible-ness a lot by saying random facts which to a native korean are obviously not true but well...mei will go along and agree with it. she is someone who you can prank a lot and can play overused jokes on and they will never, ever get old. you could tell this girl literally anything and she will most likely, unless its insanely stupid and unbeliveable, believe it. the yg staff normally use her gullibility the most though. as people often mess with her mei tends to be quite cautious. the other reason for this is because she doesn't want to insult or harm anyone. she thinks over everything and is always very careful when speaking. mei normally uses formal language even with people she is close to, exluding her family of course. mei has only just began to drop the formality with the girls now. she isn't cautious around people oddly, thats the strange bit.

Finally, she is quite an emotional person. i already discussed this in the positive personality trait section but I wanted to go into more detail. mei is the kind of girl who when she feels strong emotions like happiness or sadness. they are bold. this means that if she is happy this girl could be on cloud 9 or jumping on a rainbow eating sweet potato crisps (her favourite snack) but when sad she could be singing Michael buble's cry me a river. joking about the michael buble part, mei can't actually speak any english besides a simple introduction with an odd accent but thats besides the point. she gets strong hits of emotion and will express it in a clear way, so you better pray that shes happy overwise you might want to buy some tissues and some mint choc chip ice-cream, asap. so all in all she's a pretty interesting girl right?
( background ) : mei was born on the 28th of febuary 1996, in the cold city of Kyoto, japan. at this time, she was an only child. her family was rather wealthy and she grew up with a comfortable life, she had food on her plate and a bed to sleep on. her family consisted of her mother, her father and mei's younger sister Sana who was born on december 29th of 1996. mei's family had music written in their blood and each member of her family had some sort of talent including her. from a young age mei took singing classes and played the main role in a majourity of her school's plays and musicals. at age 6 she joined dance and started off with regular dance (kpop styled and hiphop), she turned out to be really good at it. her sister sana joined as well and the two were known as the "talent twins" though they were actually 10 months apart and not identical. they grew up close; mei believes this is because they shared a lot of the same interests and they both done everything together.

in school mei was a good student, she was far from the best, but she was not the worst. mei did well in languages, english, music, history and pe but wasn't doing marvelous in the other subjects in particular all the scienes. she played the violin for 3 years and then dropped it and took on the piano instead, though she finds the piano is much more complex. her family lived in a slightly larger than average japanese house located 10 minutes from a market and 25 minutes away from her school. mei and her family were fairly close they all bonded well but they weren't attached to one another if you know what i mean. but it was mei's parents which really did make her dreams come true...if you fast foward to high school, when mei is 16, there was an audition for yg entertainement and lets just say mei was super excited. her younger sister sana didn't try out for yg as it wasn't her "style". mei's parents of course supported her throughout the entire process and comforted her assuring mei that she did fine. when that letter came through the door confirming that mei had made it into the company everything seemed perfect. that was until mei realised what the letter said. "your daughter, miss minatozaki has been accepted into our company located in seoul, south korea".

her parents were torn about what to do and didn't know if they should let their daughter leave the country and achieve her dreams. truth be told, mei didn't want to leave the country she had everything there. her parents finally came to the agreement that she could go, by herself. to put it simply mei was heartbroken she couldn't leave her family behind, she couldn't leave her sister behind. sana told her to do it and was the one who made mei's decision. it was as though mei didn't have a choice. so she packed up, got her visa (which her parents pay for yearly) and went off to south korea. mei worked hard at yg entertainment and kept the goal of debuting, making her family proud and performing in japan in her head the entire time. things were going well but only got better when she found out that her little sister was moving to korea as well as she had been accepted into jyp entertainment. whenever the two had time they would go to a cafe or simply take a walk together. though the two didn't have their parents they turned out just fine as they had each other. after three years of training mei finally got confirmed as a member of yg's upcoming group.
likes ) :
• bubble tea.
her samsung s6 white phone.
instagram (littleclovermei).
the banana nut yankee candle.
the show running man, both the korean and chinese versions (subtitles for chinese version).
anime, ouran high school host club in particular.
etude house products- she is obsessed!
listening to music: akdong musician, big bang, clc, sonamoo, perfume, akb48, btob,b1a4,got7 etc.
reading books
watching innuendo bingo videos on youtube (with subtitles) as she finds them funny, her unnie shown her them.
athletics, swimming & tennis.
dislikes ) :
• anything with fish.
alcohol- she hates the smell of it, she hasn't actually tried it.
neck and back cramps
coffee- can't stand the strong taste she can drink very milky latte's though.
eyeliner- cause she struggles to put it on correctly (so damn true, me too girl, me too).
early mornings.

hobbies ) :
• athletics, swimming & tennis (sport).
listening to music.
going on walks and getting bubble tea (passion fruit with blueberry tapioca pearls, so good).
doing impressions of cartoon/animated characters (characters from ouran host club especially).
practicing her eyeliner game, not usually too strong. she typically gets her unnie's to do it for her.
habbits ) :
• laughing at absolutely nothing.
moving oddly on a seat making it sound like a fart noise.
reapplying her perfume/body mist when bored.
chipping her nail polish off.
giving herself a neck massage, she gets neck cramps when sitting up for too long.
blowing bubbles in her bubble tea, and also see how many tapioca pearls she can fit into at once.
trivia ) :
• before joining yg, she heavily idolized taeyang.
she practices poses for future group photoshoots in her mirror.
it takes her a very short amount of time for her to sleep.
she always carries around her banana scented (and tasting) lipbalm for her lips.
mei has a slight obsession with banana's...
in school she did drama class and excelled in that, she continued doing acting classes over in yg entertainement as well.
mei fell in mud while running the cross country in high school, she sat there for a solid 10 minutes afterwards.
her favourite sweets are either jelly beans, bon bons or strawberry laces but she likes gummy worms too.
mei's favourite drink is lemon and lime flavoured water, that is if bubble tea is not an option.
 her favourite quick snack is sweet potato crisps/chips.
she has a cuddly toy named "toki" which translates to "bunny" in korean, it is a stuffed rabbit toy btw.
mei updates her snapchat often, and updates her instagram a few times a week. normally full of selca's with her members or other people that she meets, but there are photo's that she took when out in seoul.
mei has not seen her parents since she left for korea, though they skype on special occasions like birthdays, christmas, mothers/fathers day etc.
she wants her group to have a show like 2ne1 tv, she thinks that it is a cool idea.
SHE IS GOOD FRIENDS WITH WINNERS jinwoo and ikons changwoo.
her phone case is this, her sister has a matching one as well.
in her purse she carries around some throat medicine sweets, flavoured as berries.
mei is a huge health person, she gives her sister health packages full of medicine and vitamins etc every so often.
she wants to get a dog one day, maybe a pug?
people address her as "the light of the group" as she is always so happy.


(( family members ) :
• minatozaki yumi / 45 / singing instructor / one of the people who taught mei the ropes of singing, they try to stay in contact when its special occasions but they don't talk to much otherwise as both of them are typically busy.
 Minatozaki akihiko/ 49 / owner of a music store branch / he shown her how to take her steps into the music industry and also introduced her to lots of artists which she now loves, just like with her mother they don't talk to much but they still love each other (same with the mother).
minatozaki sana/ 18 / member of sixteen (planning debut) / these two went through and done everything together and have an unbreakable bond, they meet up when they can and go for food, go shopping etc. they stay in contact as much as possible.

friends ) :
• matsumoto aiko (gifs above are her and mei, aiko faceclaim is fujji shuuka sister of karen)/ 23/ fashion intern/ these two met at a fashion store in korea, aiko is the daughter of a japanese designer and she is interning and learning the ropes on how to manage her mothers brand in korea. they are best friends.
• jennie kim / 17 / yg trainee / the two first met during their dance class, they became friends and had mutual interests. they aren't super close anymore as mei is now preparing for debut, but the two do try and talk when they bump into each and text occasionally.
mark tuan/ 22/ member of got7/ these two talk by text and call, sometimes they visit each others companies and hang out for a while.
the power of working hard
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( persona ) : the light princess- she is called this as she is the "light" in the group, although she isn't that girly she is also the princess because she is one of the younger members. finally, because her voice has a great range so she can sound angelic like a princess, but then have a range like 2ne1' minzy. though her personality is bright she can do various concepts and become a completely different person while performing...
( stage name ) : lita
( position ) : lead dancer, lead vocal.
( back-up position ) : lead vocal, visual.
( vocal twin ) : suzy from miss a.
( dancing twin ) : jia from miss a (or minzy from 2ne1).
rapping twin ) : not a rapper but if I had to choose, bora from sistar.
talking twin ) : girls day yura.
how many years of training ) : 3 years.
trainee days ) : mei had a pleasent experiance throughout her training days, she worked hard and tried her best. though there were difficult moments those moments are blurred with the great memories she had as a trainee. the teachers weren't sure on her at first, they didn't know whether she was a good fit for yg. however, after hearing the range that her voice has, seeing her awesome dancing and just getting to know her, they soon thought she was a great trainee/student. a lot of the other trainee's for her not being korean, but she made friends. one of her close trainee friends was the leader of her group!
scandals? ) : that she was in a group in japan, but got kicked out so she came to korea to achieve her dreams instead. this was false, and the japanese idol didn't even look like her.
not really a scandal, but rumors went around about her sister being a contestant on jyp's girl group show. this was true.
pre-debut works ) : a small acting role on "its okay thats love" as a high school student, she was on for a few episodes and worked alongside exo's d.o and other actors/actresses.
 recorded a song for the soundtrack for a drama.

the romance
( love interest ) : Kim myungsoo
( backup ) : yook sungjae
( personality ) : despite his charming, bad boy-like looks, this guy is actually a sweetheart. he has a chilled personality and is quite calm but once you get to really know him he is loud, and like a teenage boy. his manga and novel collection show that this guy is not only a little dork, but he is also intelligent. myungsoo is a smart guy who has a sweet way with words, he is a reliable guy who has a shoulder you can lean on. he is like the real-life, less cheesy, version of the man you see in a drama that every girl wants to marry. he has a romantic vibe around him and any girl who gets to date him is truly lucky. not only will he treat them with respect and use all those cute gestures, but he will also make them feel like the best girl in the world.
( meeting ) : these two first met when mei was recording a song for the soundtrack of a drama "the time we were not in love" and it turned out that he was there to record a song with his group (infinite) as well. at first the two didn't talk, myungsoo wasn't aware that she was going to record a song as he didn't recognise her because she HAD NOT DEBUTED. after she recorded her song, they all began to talk. she got asked questions about her company, what else she has done promotionally wise. it went from buisness talk to talking about what kind of animals they all liked, yes they are quite the bunch arent they? she said that she had always wanted a dog, her and myungsoo got into a detailed conversation about dogs and I guess you could say that they bonded over it. when that day was finished they didn't exchange numbers but shared kakaotalk id's and instagram names. the two started to talk over the social media sites and they became great friends.
( interactions ) : to put it simply, myungsoo likes skinship. all the small things like staring at her, playing with her hair and leaning across the table closely while they drink their bubble tea's, yup and this is only the beginining of what myungsoo likes. when in public both of them wear disguises to stop any trainee's, fans or just anyone in general from seeing them. myungsoo is the kind of kdrama guy who looks like he gets all of his "moves" from k-dramas but god does he do them so much better! when its winter outside and both of them are wrapped up in gloves and coats, myungsoo likes to put his scarf around her neck for her. this means that he leans very close...very close. then he does the classic "i need to focus" look and spends quite some time putting that scarf on. while biting his life. oh lord help me.

when he comes to visit her in the company while she practices, or when she goes to his company, the skinship level increases. for example when mei is on her phone myungsoo lies on her lap facing her calling something like "honeyyyyyyy, honeyyyyyyy". its actually a rather amusing site. he does this fun thing when mei says to him something about his height, like "whats it like being so tall?" he will pick her up like this. then he spins her around like shes a princess. one of the things that mei likes the most about myungsoo is that his hugs are amazing. when she gets stressed or is just sitting quiet, even when shes not upset, he gives her a hug like this. it makes her feel so warm and she normally gives a slight smile.

when they do date (if you decide that they do) here are some gifs I found which could describe their relationship, these do the explaining... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
( relationship ) : crushing, its like a super close friendship with lots of skinship. neither of them mind because they both have feelings for each other.
( status ) : single.
the goodbye
( comments ) : woohoo! I'm finished, i've literally sat here for 6 hours writing this and i'm sleep deprived but i don't care cause this sounded to cool. sorry about my spelling mistakes, its never been my strong point. hope you enjoyed my application, excited to see your review<3
( questions ) : none:)
( concerns ) : none:)
( scene suggestions ) : 
•they go on running man! i need this to happen:)

the girls get their own short series like 2ne1 tv or channel snsd.

the girls attend a red carpet, perform etc.

myungsoo and mei go to the beach and go on walks, all that cheesy stuff.
( password ) :


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