Kpop Questionnaire

stolen. i forgot who from..


1. What was your first kpop song and how did you felt like listening to it?

I can’t exactly remember but it was either U-Kiss’ ‘Not Young’ or FT Islands’ ‘Love Sick’.


2. If the world would end tomorrow, what would you do today?

Spend the remainder of the day watching Bangtan on youtube. ; ;


3. Are you kpop trash or nah?

What does that even mean?? ; A ;


4. If you only had ONE chance (in your life) to meet your bias, who would it be and what would you do?

Ugh, this is so hard. ; ; If I bias OT7 in Bangtan, can I meet all of them? I’d force them to do something fun with me, like go to an amusement park or the beach. idek--


5. 3 languages you wish you could speak and why?

Korean: So I can write letter to BTS and other groups and understand the interviews and tweets and join the fan cafe and stuffs.

Japanese: Pretty much the same reason.

Filipino, Chinese, Vietnamese or Thai: bc why not?


6. Your favorite season and why?

It used to be Winter but right now, Winter is not favouring me well.. Summer is too hot, Autumn and Spring both have yucky weather here so I really can’t answer that.


7. There’s a talent show in your city. Would you go and perform?

Not alone, but I’ve done Kpop dances at school before so why not??


8. Do your close friends also like kpop?

I don’t have friends.





10. Something you wish to accomplish this year?

Win one of the giveaways I’ve entered on Twitter.


11. CHRISTMAS IS SOON (only a few months left !!) What do you wish for!

Bangtan to be shipped to my front door. c:


12. Who’s your ultimate bias and why?

J-Hope. Why? Simply, because he’s J-Hope. ♥ 


13. Bias group?



14. How do you feel about Lohan’s role(s) in the Parent Trap?

It makes me want a twin so I can do evil stuff with them. .-.


15. What other genres do you like besides Kpop, or what did you listen to before Kpop took over your life?

I don’t really listen to other genres, unless you include K-Hip Hop or K-Rap. and before Kpop, which was a loooooong time ago, I used to listen to whatever was on the radio or my parents' cds which was like music from the 80's and 90's..


16. How fluent are you in Korean when measured by Korean artists’ songs. For instance: Are you closer to Trip (all English) or can you rap Namjoon’s part in Part 2 of Cypher?

I can rap a little here and there from their songs but nothing major.


17. Favorite K-POP song?

Forever favorite song: Bangtan - Tomorrow

Favorite at the moment: Bangtan - Let Me Know and Cypher Part 3: Killer


18. Second favorite Kpop artist?

Bangtan.. *_* Hmm, I don’t even know. Bangtan are on a pedestal and my second favorite ranges from like, Seventeen, GOT7, INFINITE, Speed, Topp Dogg, etc..


19. Some (constructive) criticism for your bias? It’s healthy, don’t worry.

Don’t stop doing what you’re doing..

And please eat more. 

And get some sleep.

And don’t overwork yourselves.

And please don’t take haters and hurtful comments too seriously. 

And for the love of gyu, eat!


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