This is an apology.

So I've been hearing this issue of selling upvotes and if this was a twitter, I'm pretty sure it will be the latest trend lol. Everyone is basically talking about it.

Lots of thoughts being shared through blogs, discussions, chats, and even chapters in stories, and admittedly most of them were thorough blames and disappointments.

Anyway, let's undo the stitches one by one, shall we? I'll leave my thoughts about this matter at the last part of this long rant. Yes, by saying rant, I'm bothered by this issue aswell.


I'll share a small experience for a start.  I stumbled upon this particular 'featured' story while scrolling at the home page. It was an EXO fanfic, and if my memory serves me right, it's a chanbaek story even. You know me, anything baekyeol, I'll read it. But then, not attempting to underestimate the story's author or anything, the story has a wide hole, majority at its grammar, and use of punctuation marks. The thing is, I wasn't bothered by those flaws because we all grasped the fact that not everyone is English literate. I was completely innocent and new to asianfanfics that time, this experience happened last year by the way. I didn't understand the excessive credited links the story had at the foreword part, and I thought of those as some kind of sponsors. Lol silly right? Another thing I took note of was the comments below. The readers were nice, complimenting the author of ideas, congratulating for being 'featured', but of course, pointing out the grammar mistakes didn't escape from their eyes. But still, they were very generous.


Okay, from that little experience I shared, my only point was that people weren't aware of the overgrowing upvote shop conspiracies, aren't they? The author should be thankful, he/she wasn't judged on why the story was featured in the first place. The issue wasn't on fire that time and a lot of authors probably followed that example to earn a spot at the golden star. These advertisement shops were created to advertise stories, but I didn't encounter a shop actually selling subscribers and upvoters. I was thankful for that cause by then, I honestly thought I would give it a shot. But now, I'm glad I didn't. Just like every new authors out there, I was hungry for more acknowledgements. I love it when people talk to me. So, I tried writing stories and I'm enjoying it so far.


And the next thing I know, people were demanding for these upvote shops to shut down, which I fully supported on. Why? The answer is simple. It's unjust.
Buying upvotes and looking up to your story with the amount you ordered might be the worst feeling one will ever have. It . The only thing you'll feel is the satisfaction of receiving all the upvotes you bought. And again, it . Talk about hard work, where receiving achievements, like a simple hundred subscribers or commenters or upvoters, can be compared with winning a never-ending marathon. It's very very light in the feeling that you can't put that big smile out of your face and giggle stupidly by yourself. I know. I am like that.  It's like love, once you grabbed the opportunity, you can't let go and hence, as an aff writer, you want to meet the readers' expectation as a thank you for their utmost supports. Earning those makes your inspirations flowing, and eventually you get to love your story more, if not, the most. I love the feeling myself, to think that people know of your hard work.


Like everybody's pointing out, those who used this sick idea to gain fame should learn from those who actually worked hard for their story and received the underrated attentions even if the story was so beautiful. Try to imagine yourself on their stand. Yes, you have the karma points to do that, when the only thing they have are enough karma points to upvote stories. We are all writers in this cyber imaginative hellhole. We write, anticipate the responses, and learn from them. Struggles aren't ignored, but cheaters are. I'll end this part because I don't really want to blame it all on those wrong people. You know who you are. I just hope you know what you're doing.


Where is the spirit of true creativity? It's not a matter of openly boasting your story, upvotes and subscribes are not blemishes you just put on to gain interests. What matters the most is the message of the story. Being contented with what you had for this certain chapter is part of the struggle; you just have to be more imaginative for the chapters to go and think of ideas to captivate the audience. Asking for help isn't wrong too. I have met hundreds of nice people in here and they were also my inspirations for writing my stories.


Now for my case, I admit I bought upvotes too. They were from package deals these ad shops were selling wherein you'll receive two or three upvotes, five or less subscribers and then fifty wall posts. I don't have enough karma points to buy anything higher, but I'm pointing myself guilty of buying upvotes too. Even if it were just three upvotes, I know it meant a lot for some and I respect that so I'm confessing. But I'll be true to my words too. As an author, my only goal that time was to gather more readers on my story so I ordered the wall post advertisement. It's up to you to believe me.


My pure intention in this post is to actually help out those who need inspiration for their stories. I was like you people back then. I know the hardships and now that this unfair treatment is happening lately, I want to try gaining your hopes again. Do you need some comments? An upvote? Subscription? Just comment down or PM me of your story and what you would like me to do with it. Anything DARAGON or KAISOO or BAEKYEOL will automatically earn an upvote and subscription from me though because they are my favourites and it's a good thing we're in the same line of thought on it. Haha.


I hope this at least relieve me of some accusations I might receive someday. Wishing not to have one. /crosses fingers/
Thank you for your supports, my dear subscribers!
And I hope this issue of injustice will be relieved. I really really hope so. I'm thinking of the potential stories those unfair authors shadowed on by doing those acts.
If you want to be true to your readers, then be true to yourself first. 

These are all based purely on my own opinion. 







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Hello. I just read this blog post of yours. I think it's unfair that there are a lot of underrated fics that deserve all the love but they get buried.

And I also tried writing. When I started, I told myself that this is only a way for me to express my thoughts but I admit I also hope my creation gets noticed. So I guess I'll just rely on my little (? Sorry I'm not that confident) talent and hope a few people notice my works.
i know i'm a little to late to read your blog...
actually i'm not sure what i'm thinking now, i guess i'm too greedy or very impatience...
i know i'm new and my english is only god knows standard...but i do hope to get more comments or viewers...
everytime i'll leave a message hoping someone will comment...but i got none other than my friends, and i was over the moon when i received an upvote (yes, my friend gave me one)...yes, i know i should be gratefeul, and honestly i'm too grateful and happy when they commented...
i thanked my subscribers...coz they mean a lot to me...for me to keep writing...
i reply every comment(even though sometimes i msg them in private)...
am i asking too much?
i won't mind they don't upvote my story...i guess all i want is's a mix of feeling now...i know i'm asking toooooo many prefer to be silent reader....
I don't think I could even be happy about the upvotes then... It's just not real, is it? Anyway, I totally agree with you.
I agree also. Its v stupid buying up voters and shiet. I know i don't have many subscribers but whatever. Thats life right xD
I actually have also saw an instance a long time ago where someone was featured on AFF and I saw it was a Kaisoo fanfic so I thought "oh I'll check this out" since Kaisoo is my favorite otp and I too was pretty new to AFF at that time and thought that "if others liked it so much I probably will too!" At that time I didn't even know that these shops even existed. I only knew of shops that made posters and people who made lists of fanfics they recommend for the purpose of sharing stories they like with others. The fanfic was actually really well written: plot, grammar, spelling, and everything else was all really good and I looked forward to every update. I remember one day i saw a notification for an update on the fanfic and I was really excited to check it out. It turns out the author wrote a confession for signing up for these shops where they gave out free subscribers and upvotes. The author said that she was relatively new to AFF and wanted to gain recognition, and that she does regret her decisions and promises to work harder. I wasn't that upset, because at least she admitted to her mistake and I felt like even without the subscribers and upvotes she bought, many people would still find this amazing fanfic and read it.

I honestly don't know my stance on this issue because on one hand I am also a relatively new author and understand the want to gain recognition for the hard work you put into writing, but just for that reason I wouldn't feel as satisfied if I easily bought subscribers rather than earning then. I think for me, I would love for people to have the option to create lists of their favorite fanfics to share with other people (I even subscribed to some of these lists lol) but I do wish AFF would do something about the upvote shops. Also, I think advertising should be available, but definitely regulated by AFF staff constantly.
Honestly, I completely agree with you.
well now since the issue isn't really talked about anymore, we are just going to have to wait till aff addresses this publically. if they want to support the upvote shops then we can't do anything about it. I don't support upvote shops, but if an author wants to buy them then they just go buy them. I don't really care what they do with their karma as long as they know what they are doing and contributing to.

like all actions it comes with consequences. it's just a matter of time and how aff will handle this issue.
it'll probably take a year or two and maybe even longer. it's not a priority that's for sure.
I totally agree with you. I don't even understand how it works, and it honestly makes me feel better to think that people are commenting, subbing and upvoting because they honestly want to, not because I bought it from them or whatever.
Baekyeol_pie #9
I am so happy that you brought attention to this issue and while some may think that it's not a big deal, it is. Not it actually affects me in my personal life but I do feel bad for those that buy their votes because like you said what's the point of writing if you're not going to feel any satisfaction in it because you know you bought the fame that came with it. I also applaud you for coming out and I'm sure it must be such a stress reliever for you to get that off your chest. Anyway I don't think you should worry about it because you are a great writer and you should feel proud that all the subscribers, comments, and upvotes were all there because of people who truly enjoy your writing and not because you paid them with karma points.
I bet having the guts to admit what you've done it was an extremely hard decision.... I didn't know about these shops but I'm thankful you wrote this post. Now I'll be more cautious when I see authors/stories. I've been reading for a very long time but never came across it but recently I started writing and it does get discouraging when our stories are up and you don't get up votes/subs/comments.... And just like you said, earning the recognition from your story alone is probably the best thing.

My first story didn't get much recognition (it's been up for a couple of months), but from my point of view, my two not shots (one is a sequel) got extremely good reviews/recognition based off of my non-existence experience/recognition and no stories... But i also submitted my story onto baekyeol-fics & sncj so it's basically the same thing, trying to get our stories out there.

Thank you for letting us know about this ❤️
KawaiiePumpii #11
I feel really dumb but I'll ask anyway (learning something New everyday right? :D)

What does it mean to have your book featured??
( my previous comment sounds terribly judging and I really didn't mean it that way! Please forgive me my horrible choice of words :c)
I just found out about this too about a week ago. I must say it is tempting, but just like you I don't want to have that feeling of guilt. I struggle sometimes thinking that my stories because I don't get many subs, but then when I get a comment, saying that it's very good, I get happy. I am happy to have the subs that I have (despite them not being much). I will keep on writing my exo fics, and I will not let that bother me. I know that my stories will be seeing by tons in a future *crosses fingers*

THANK YOU! I truly did find inspiration in your words. I will try to think less on getting more views, subs or upvotes and just write because I love it.
Wow. I had no idea that this is how stuff goes really (and I've been around since 2012). I heard of and saw some advertisement shops, but I never really granted them a second glance, so I had basically no idea what they do. But I agree completely, that is not the way it should be going- but it totally explains the quality of some of the featured stories ^^' the only thing I can say- I'm grateful to every single one of my subscribers especially because there aren't many people reading my stuff. Of course I'm always dreaming of getting more recognition, but I would feel totally guilty if I'd do it that way o-o