〈 ❝ HEART!WORKS — Park Sarang♥

Dr3amers. kat. 8.5/10. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
park sarang
"If you don't burn that oufitt, I swear I will""
FULL NAME — Park Sarang (Sarang=First name) 박 사랑 
• Heart- Despite her cold, slightly intimidaiting personality she has somehow managed to keep this nickname, though she is not sickly sweet like you would think someone who had this nickname would be she rather enjoys being called this. She gets called this by her friends and co-workers; she got the nickname since her first name Sarang means love so I guess heart was a good fit. She has been called this since childhood.

The Fashion Dictator- Can you not take a good guess as to why she is called this? Not only is she the director/main editor of the fashion department but she is also a well known model in the Korean fashion scene.  People typically address her as this when they talk about her success etc. You better dress well if you meet her! 

GENDER —female
UALITY — Straight, some think she is biual due to her strong love for Cara Delevigne but no, she's not. 
DOB + AGE — 1st October 1992, 22 years old (almost 23).
BIRTHPLACE — Seoul, South Korea.
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea.
ETHNICITY — 75% Korean, 25% Chinese (Korean Chinese).
• Korean + Fluent, she was born and raised in the language hence why she is fluent.
Chinese + Starter, she knows the occasional phrases and sentences.

English + Semi fluent + She went on holidays to America alot and always kept up with their trends, meaning that she had to learn English.
FACE CLAIM Jung Krystal  I would have chosen someone of your brownie point list, but Krystal is a model and she also has photos with Myungsoo (love interest).
• Sarang is notorious for her hair, she starts the trends for colours and nobody has forgotten the time she had red hair...And pulled it off. Right now she has dark brown, almost black, hair cut to just below her chest. She has dark eyes but wears contacts on a daily basis they are normally coloured hazel, these are what she calls her 'signature' piece. Her face is average sized but she has a natural v shaped jaw which is quite rare to be born with. However, Sarang did get double eyelid surgery at age 18, but this is the only surgery she has had and intends to have. 

For makeup Sarang tends to keep it mostly natural skin wise. She sticks to the Korean styled, light makeup consisitng of bb cream (bless good skin), conceler and some blush. On top of that she does a light gold/bronze colour on the lid, some winged eye liner and usually puts some light glitter below her lower lashes (here). For her lips she goes with whatever the trend is; at the moment she uses the gardient effect (here). Sarang likes to stick with the peach and coral colours when it comes to her lips, but may wear reds, purples, pinks (or other colours) if she feels like it. For special occasions she could wear dramatic makeup though it really just depends!
OTHER — Sarang has 4 ear piercings on each ear: 3 regular piercings, lobe piercing (here) A lot of the time she wears earings suited to one, single piercing but they look like she has a lot more than she does (here this is from forever 21 btw, you just need the standard piercings), these are another one of her statement pieces. 
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 50kg, this doesn't mean she doesn't eat a lot though. This girl loves her food, she was just blessed with a good matabolism. For height she is 178cm (5 foot 8).
• Oh God, don't get this girl started on fashion. She is always wearing the latest designer pieces or rocking some of the good, fashionable deals Korea has to offer. To work she normally wears something quite standard but definately chic and she must standout (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). This is her summer style you could say. In this season she wears bright, adventurous clothing with lots of risky pieces that don't just suit anyone. Baggy pants in bold colors paired with a simple shirt and some crazy shoes tend to be her style. Then again she does have her classier style which is more American themed; she switches between the two styles. Her classier style consists of pencil skirts, blouses, dresses, basically whatever is on the runway (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

For winter time her style is very similar to the one you just saw, except the colours switch. Plums, Oranges and walmer colours replace the brighter ones. Those are her typical oufitts for work, buisness meetings, fashion shows and for when she goes out to something slightly more formal. Something that Sarang is obessessed with is shoes. She has a collection and they are her everything (1, 2 , 3 , 4, 5) Of course what shoes she wears depend on her oufitt but these are a few of her favourite styles besides the classic pointed toe ones. She loves open toe shoes especially if a tan colour, then she can pair them up with some patterned socks with cut-outs. 

When just chilling around her apartment, going on walks/trips or prehaps grabbing a coffee Sarang normally wears a skater skirt or shorts with a baggy shirt/crop top with a light jacket (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). However in the colder months she wears way more casual clothes like hoodies, jeans and leggings. Normally in blacks, blues and maroon colours. For accesories she stays pretty casual with a few rings, a watch, some bracelets and a pair of earings (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Lastly, for the style section, she likes to have her nails manicured/painted (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). So I guess you could say her style is pretty unique?
PERSONALITY TRAITS — Positive= Hardworking, Humerous, Genuine, Reliable.
Negative= Seemingly Cold (At First), Critical, Stubborn, Easily jealous.

• Despite Sarang's seemingly cold attitude at first; once you get to know her you will see a genuine, kind person. Though she will never be as eunthusiastic or bubbly as Seomin she does have her fun side. If you are friends with her you will know all about what she is like when shes happy. Sarang tends to laugh a lot and may break into random acts of song when feeling happy or really whenever she is with her friends. Very different from first impression right? Particularly in the office she is like this, but she is never too loud. Her personality is subtle and after a while she isn't as intimidaiting than she may seem at first. The only time when she is actually super scary is when she is doing serious work or when their is a dilema with the company for example. However, Sarang can normally bring a smile by bringing out her humerous side. This side doesn't appear as often but when it does, God is it funny. Her jokes are the effortless kind which she normally says with a shrug or a smirk when in reality she is chuffed with her joke knowing it made people laugh. No, she is not the funniest member in the office, far from it actually but she is one of the most hardworking. Sarang puts work as her top priority along with friendships, family and love of course. She loves to work and doesn't see it as a job but rather a hobby or activity. Sarang likes to complete her tasks and see the outcome. One of her favourite things to do at work, or at home with her blog, is check the comments and give tips for hopeful fashionistas. She feels successful when she knows that she helped someone, this also calms her down when in a mood or if angry.

Though some may think that a successful model and a fashion director for a company would have to be at least a little bit conceited, Sarang is not. She remains close to home and has that genuine aura around her when you get into deep conversations about each others lifes. She is reliable and is known as the staff secret keeper around the office. This isn't really a nickname its more like a title that she owns and wears proudly like a new Louis Vuitton purse. She isn't secretive about her own life though and is happy to tell you about her struggles and difficulties over the years to give you advice on how to deal with your issue. You can trust her with almost anything and she won't judge. Sarangs friends, family and other close people/animals in her life mean the world to her; she thinks of them as her support system and will put them above anything including money and status in her life.

But nobodys perfect and Sarang has some obvious flaws that make her just like the rest of us. For starters, as previously mentioned, at first she is seemingly cold. What this means is that at first she can be distant or harsh towards new people an example of this is, the new interns. She likes to work with only the best people and doesn't spend time or appretiate people who slack around. Therefore some of the interns may be scared of her if working in the Fashion depatment but they will soon realise that she is actually far from what their intial thoughts may say. This is pretty much expected of a model but she is very critical. Everything has to be to her expecations and she simply doesn't expect anything less than that. Whether its spelling (I can't spell XD) or what oufitt they are wearing Sarang will make a comment if she feels different about the topic/choice. If its about clothing she will feel so bad for their poor souls for wearing such an oufitt, that she will get something new from the back (she stores clothes there lol) or just buy a new oufitt entirely for them. This point goes hand in hand with the critical trait. Sarang is obviously stubborn. I've already mentioned that she likes everything to be her way, but she also hates change. She is the type of person who will make a sturdy plan and give you damn instructions so that you follow it her way. For smaller jobs, like writing advice colums or just simple fashion tips for the website/magazine she will give you freedom (thank the lord!). Normally, shes right though so most of the time its best to trust her opinion. 

The final trait overall is that she gets jealous. Here is the reason why she gets mad (most of the time) or the reason for previous breakup's ("Hey! I was too good for those guys anyway" glares at writer). She likes attention, theres no doubt about it, but to be honest she is fine with new models coming to visit and maybe stealing her thunder for a day. But she cannot and will not stand for when she feels as though a boyfriend or family member etc is getting taken away from her. She is quite protective over the people who she cares about and, as mentioned, likes to keep them close. This is most common with her actual dating relationships though. Some of the signs are that she doesn't smile and keeps a biaaaachhh face on until you mention it or apologize (second option is the best, you dumb boys) or that she gives you the could shoulder for a while. So Sarang has an interesting personality, am I right?
• Well, this might take some time. On the 1st October 1992 a youn-...Not that far back! Okay, fast foward a few years to toddler ages. Sarang was always a diva, haha coincidence I think not. She liked being in front of the camera a lot and hogged the spotlight off her baby sister (jealousy!). As a kid she was not the shy, I like to read kind. In fact she was more of the obnoxiously loud, screaming in your face, I want to kill this kid kinda kid. You get what I mean? She grew up in an average sized, traditional Korean house that her grandparents also lived in. It was located in a street near the market, 20-25 minutes away walking distance from the main centre of Seoul. It was always packed in her house and you were never bored, there was always and I mean always something to do. She quite liked finger painting when she was younger especially when its blue paint all over a fabric sofa. Her parents still haven't lived that one down quite yet. In other words she was the adventurous child. Her family were all very close with each other but they had their fair share of arguements as well. Sarang still remembers all the family game nights and the movie nights, yes she does miss them a lot. As a child, despite the jealousy at first, Sarang and her little sister Hyori got along well. They pulled all the pranks together and done all the troublesome things together as well. 

Hyori was always good at dancing as a child, funny enough thats what she does now (dance instructor). Sarang didn't have a reap hobby that she stuck with up until the age of 15, when she got scouted by a modeling agency named ESteem Models. She thought it was a scam at first and just kept the little buisness card that was given to her under her bed. That was until her grandmother found it while looking for the cat (damn you Charles). Lets just say her Grandmother was estatic and took it to Sarangs mother right away. Sarang did like fashion but she wasn't picking up Vogue Korea when she went shopping or anything like that. Her mother told Sarang that she should go, at this time Sarang loved the camera still. The only reason she didn't want to go is because her friend got a card of a company but it was just fake. She ended up agreeing with her mother though and went to the audition. Hyori got signed to the company and modeled for some brands and did face adverts for skincare by brands like ETUDE House. At age 17, 2 years into modeling, is when she started really getting into fashion. Sarang started being creative with he oufitts and used her English that she learnt from going on her holidays to learn about the trends from other countries as well. Her company noticed that she was branching out futher and suggested she made a blog, it turns out this blog would be quite successful indeed. She went from doing some smaller photoshoots to being the face of companies and walking the fashion week runway. 

It was here where she made a bunch of fake friends who wanted to leech of her fame, this is one reasons why she is more distant at first now (alongside the fact she changed as she grew) at the age of 22. It sort of went on from here. Her modeling career did save her in a way. She was never that good at school and Art, English and Chemistry were her only good subjects. After completing her tests she left school at age 18, to pursue modeling. It was a big gamble, not all of her family were happy with her decision. However, she got full support of her Grandmother and sister. Over more years she became known as one of Korea's best young models, and she has won awards for style icon of the year three times. This is where her life took off, and now look where she is. She really did make it big and she made her family proud...
• Sarang lives in an apartment in the centre of Seoul, near her family and her workplace. Its a great apartment and she had been saving up for it since 19 years old. Due to her great payment by her modeling and the company she has a lot of spare cash, the apartment is quite big so she hopes to move in with someone in the near future as she doesn't really enjoy living all by herself. I guess you could call her wealthy but she spends her money wisely...kind of. You can't blame the girl for spending money on shoes, and clothing ok! We are all guilty of that! She doesn't have a pet but would like to get a dog when/if she settles down from modeling. 


Mom - Park Sora (47) - School Nurse - Caring, Bubbly, Nosy. - The two of them try to talk, Sarang normally calls her parents at the weekend or leaves a text.
 Father- Park Gun (50)- ICT Teacher - Hilarious, Smart, Strict (at times)- Just like with Sarangs mother, these two talk at the weekend. When Sarang can she likes to go over to her parents house and visit them and her sister.
 Sister (Gifs are Sarang and Hyori)- Park Hyori- (20)- Assistant Dance Instructor- Eunthusiastic, Loyal, Bosy- Usually, these two see each other twice a week. When they can both of them like to either stay and watch a movie in Sarangs apartment, go to a cafe or if Hyori's lucky they might go to some fashion event. They also stay in contact through text and social media.
 Grandmother- Park Jisun (73)- Retired- Innocent, Considerate, Clueless- They see each other whenever Sarang goes over to the house, but sometimes she will just turn up at Sarang's apartment. When this happens they normally bake/cook some delicious treats up, it reminds Sarang of her childhood.
 Grandfather- Park Minjoon (72)- Retired- Honest, Skillful, Impatient- These two don't see each other that often as he is normally in the family's home garden. In fact he is almost always there. But when she does see him he can't help but brag about how great his garden is; Sarang loves her Grandfather, he's funny without him even knowing it.
Friend- Irene Kim (27) Just  a model who has a clothing and bag line, occasional model not as popular as the real Irene Kim though.- Passionate, Funny, Understanding- Since the two are from the same company they see each other quite a lot. They also do quite a few photoshoots together. Irene and Sarang are known as clos friends in the fashion world and they have known each other 5 years now. Irene has her own special edition bag line, clothing line and thinks that the two of them should create their own line together (Sarang wants to arrange this as well).

Of course my character will be friends/aquantinces with the other workers in the company, especially the two characters both of you have created.
• Sarang can't stand the words "Moist" and "".

She once done a photoshoot in Thailand and fainted, but since it was so "Graceful" the photographer for the shoot used it as the front cover of the magazine (she had her eyes shut lightly, neck leaning hand on her neck, and was falling.

She once let off a stink bomb (in her child days) in her sisters room when they had prank wars against each other.

Her favourite K-Pop group is Sistar, but for male groups she likes Big Bang as well as B1A4.

Her blog that she posts on once/twice a week has over 635,000 followers. Whereas her instagram has 625,000.

One of her best modeling experiances was doing a shoot at Vogue (USA) and while at the office there, she bumped into Cara Delevigne. 

Oh did I mention, she loves Cara Delevigne;) (Yes I did, I know *smirks).

Her favourite snack is either Sweet Potato crisps/chips or Ddukbokkie, not healthy but I said these were snacks okay...

Her favourite candle, which sits in her living room, is the Yankee Candle Banana Nut. She got it off a fan who she met at a meet&greet which Sarang held in Seoul.
She once set fire to the oven after leaving it on for too long (aged 15, true experiance folks).
PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF BRIEFLY. — "Hello, I am Park Sarang, well known for my position in the modeling industry" 
WHAT POSITION IN THE COMPANY WOULD YOU LIKE TO APPLY FOR? — "Director of the Fashion department"
HOW DID YOU GET TO KNOW ABOUT HEART!WORKS? — "Well, I believe the two founders of this company, got some interns to come and write articles about me and my fashion shows. They kept coming up to me, but I didn't know who they were at first as they didn't introduce themselves so I didn't believe any of what they were saying and was a bit cautious. However, after a few fashion shows they gave me a buisness card from their CEO and told me to try out for the position then I found out the exact company they ran, to be honest I was rather shocked. I came here as I love to blog and I think I could be helpful to the company and the interns, they could learn a lot from me about the industry" Sarang nods.
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK IN HEART? — "I like to help people achieve their dreams or be comfortable with themselves so if I do this job, I will help thousands of people daily. It would be cool to give tips and help manage people who have the same dreams as what I once did" Sarang smiles slightly while talking.
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO HEART? — "I think that I could bring up-to date new looks, I have true experience and that will bring more people to the website/magazine. Not to mention, I can help hopeful people break their way into the fashion scene, alot of oppertunities would be opened".
WHAT PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE? — I'm a model, unlike my teen years I don't have a shoot everyday though but I have meetings and runway shows quite a few times a week. I will be at the office most of the time, and if not I will talk to the interns via facetime or email. I will not be at the office sometimes, but I will choose a trustworthy intern to manage those days when I am gone. Though I model, a lot of the time and it may interfere with this job I can set tasks for the interns prior to me leaving".
DO YOU LIKE SEOMIN OR JAEGUN MORE? — "I think Jaegun is pretty chill, but Seomin is super fun to work with. Sometimes I feel bad for Jaegun though dealing with all those crazy ideas that she has, but yeah I like both. But, Seomin likes to shop so I think I would prefer to hang out with her more".
ALSO NICE JACKET WHERE DID YOU BUY IT FROM? — Oh this? I got this from the photoshoot I just attended, its Belmain. Not all my jackets are this expensive though. Actually Seomin, I like the blue jacket you got me as a gift!" Sarang calls to Seomin and thanks her (they are friends).
OKAY THANKS FOR YOUR TIME! WE'LL LET YOU KNOW WHETHER YOU'VE MADE THE CUT SOON, PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR YOUR INBOX! — Okay, it might me my manager who replies though. He normally takes care of my work email" Sarang stands up and walks away.

Maybe she could do some modeling for the magazine, for the latest trends and stuff. She is nice and friendly because it is somebody she has met before that she is talking to, it is not a stranger. By the way, with fans she is kind because she see's them like sisters. She is also respectful with her co-workers but isn't super cheery like she is with friends btw. She doesn't write articles all the time but occasionally she does.
LOVE INTEREST — Kim Myungsoo (Model not member of infinite).
BACKUP — Kim Jongin.
PERSONALITY — Positive- Charismatic, Friendly, Good Natured, Wise.
Negative- Easily Jealous, Demanding, Irritiable, Blunt

I wanted to be funny and idiotic with his personality, don't judge;) I am so sleep deprived right now I will write this like I did with Sarangs just tell me mkay?

Myungsoo is the kind of guy you want to be around all the time, okay maybe not all the time cause guys get gross after a while (trust me). No, but honestly you can look past the fact that real-life, non idol, douchebags of guys and instead just focus on Kim Myungsoo, the boy sent from the Gods. Not only is he hot as f, but he is also charismatic. This means that this guy has charm and talent. Yes, Yes, YES! He has a church boy feel (without the holy lord references) but when that side smirk comes out BABAM! He is friendly with everyone, which makes the girls and the boys who claim not to be gay question their uality. He smiles a lot and always asks questions about you which makes you feel important or at least makes you feel like he is a good friend (but I don't wanna be friends;) ). In general he is a polite guy who wears his pants at normal height and doesn't let them sag down to his ankles like 99% of the teenagers I know and hate. He laughs a lot especially with his friends, and of course makes jokes all the time, only adding to his list of bloody great qualities. 

Now ladies and gents, I don't think you're all quite ready for this...He is good natured. That means that this boy has manners! Do you know how damn rare that is! I don't know any boys with manners, or a decent personality, sorry I am raging, shall we continue? So this guy is like the 1950's/1960's sweetheart who just wants to take things slow, have a proper relationship and he knows respect towards a lady (another thing which is rare). Dealing with girls like Sarang can be a difficult task, especially when she's jealous, but since this guy is well mannered and is charismatic I'm sure he can make even the most subborn of girls forgive him. Another thing is that he is wise, he has a good idea on what and what not to do. Myungsoo, is my savior, he protects me from so many non-holy thoughts (bullsh*t, plus I ain't even religious so yasssss). When in difficult situations he knows what to do and say and will help you get out of those frustrating problems. Sadly, he cannot get you out of school though that is the thing that makes all of us want to jump into a spiked fence, jk,jk...not jk.

Now onto the not so good traits. For starters, just like Sarang, Myungsoo is easily jealous. He doesn't like seeing things that he likes being took from him. So in this case he is going to clash with Sarang like Little Mix and Fifth Harmony fans during award show season (though both bands rule). He is also demanding and if he wants something, he gets it. If not he will turn into a little Mariah Carrey and will get mad asf. When he doesn't get something that he wants he will go in a mood, not talk to you and if in Sarangs case (if he is seriously mad at her for not doing it his way) he will try and flirt with another girl to get her super mad. So much for being a kind guy, Myungsoo (click this). Hence why he is super irritable as well. When this guy thinks he's being cool and 'model-like' he's just being arrogant. Sometimes he doesn't see the importance of others work since his job isn't too complex in the grand scheme of things. He can say things like "It can't be that hard, just hang out with me do that later" or "You think thats hard try modeling". Just go back and play that video again, play it on loop, forever and ever and ever.

Finally, he is blunt. He will say what he thinks and means without thinking it through first. Though he is nice, every guy has his flaws and he says stupid things sometimes. For example, he could complain about how somebody looks, insult a friend or just be straight out rude for no reason cause he's blunt like that. He doesn't mean to come across as a tool but sometimes it just can't be helped. Once somebody gets frustrated, angry or upset he will most likely realise what he done wrong and apologize for being rude and not thoughtful. 

I done that out of pure bordem and had fun doing it, I know it does not explain anything. Originally, I just listed traits. If you would like be to do it again I would be happy to write it seriously, its just late and I'm about to die  sleep so I'm a little loco right now. Just tell me if you want me to change it, mkay?
• These two first met at a photoshoot, they were paired together for Korea's version of Teen Vogue. At first Sarang was initially not interested in Myungsoo, but she did think he was attractive. She gave him a cold shoulder for most of the shoot, besides the part where they were actually taking photos, but he came and talked to her happily looking past her cold state towards him. He asked for her number, out of pure interest, but his excuse was "The producer wants me to contact you directly later about the photo's". Sarang gave him her number and I guess it went on from there.

He started contacting her asking to meet up somewhere to chat; she agreed for some reason and this started happening more often. It was hard to keep it from the paparazzi and fans as they were literally everywhere, in particular Seoul. Sarang opened up to him and she let herself be how she usually is, they got along even better then. Lets just say it doesn't take long to recognise mutual attraction between two people. When Sarang posted a photo on instagram, it was a picture of a resturaunt in Seoul where the two were. A group of fans recognised it and waited outside for her to come out. When she did, lets just say there were lots and lots of questions regarding why the two were eating together. Sarang is loving towards her fans and didn't get frustrated they all took photos, and she just dodged all the questions about Myungsoo. 

They continued their meetups for 2 months and of course now, the fans all knew. Myungsoo invited Sarang to a red carpet event with him (here) and she agreed. Lots of photo's were took and God the ships which had already sailed, were far from drowning they were more like flying;) (you get it?). On the way back to Sarang's apartment to drop her off, before he left he walked her to the door and casually said "I like you" smirked then walked away. The two saw each other a week later and they started dating, the fans were the first to know. Then her family. Her family's reaction was priceless. 

In public the two link arms a lot when its quiet, when they are both not being followed by mass amounts of people. But when it is crowded with fans Myungsoo holds her hands, puts one arm around her waist to keep her close. He typically pulls her super tight to his side so that no fans can tug on her jackets or try to forcefully get her attention. When Myungsoo stays at her apartment (Typically quite often) they normally fall asleep on the couch together. She likes him to lay on his side, then she lies down in front of him. Sarang really likes his hugs, she prefers them over kissing. Though kissing is great too;). She really likes his aftershave and when she hugs him she feels super comfortable and safe. He brings out her mushy side. They are like the chic, but adorable, couple. Its no secret that the fans all love them.
RELATIONSHIP — At first they don't know each other, then they become friends, after a while they date. Its up to you whether the 'love story' section happens in the story or whether it happened in the past but they do end up dating. If you do choose that the love story section happened in the past then they date at the begining, but if you decide that you want to write about their love story then they date after time. Also they use quite alot of skinship, but its natural so neither of them feel super awkward or anything.
STATUS — They are both single until the love story part happened, point is neither of them were dating before they met each other.
"The cameras take photo's but none of those photo's can clearly show my love for you"- This is a cheesy quote from one of them, they aren't always cheesy though. They are like a regular couple but I would like their love to be shown in the story in some way.
For Sarang and Myungsoo's relationship its just cute and about them loving each other... ITS LIKE A CHEESY DRAMA I LOVE IT!
• Sarang could do a video vlog for the website at a fashion show (what its like to be a model?), for the magazine she could write an article. 

Irene Kim could come visit Sarang, the interns and other workers could freak out!

Myungsoo and Sarang could do a photoshoot together for the magazine
She could do modeling for the magazine's beauty and fashion section.

The interns could see Sarang's lockscreen be a photo of both her and Myungsoo and have a fan heart attack.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc


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