
UGHHHH THE PAIN AND THE AGONYYYY TT^TT (as seen on my snapchat story) of this pain in the ancient history essay.

Thank the lord im finally done with it! Seriously school is killing me, cos after i submit this i need to do ANOTHER in-class essay for the same subject like whut?... its completely pointless! I just gave u 7 pages of torture and u want me to write more?! *throws books* 

And then on monday i have another essay about electoral systems in australia and singapore (the research was full on torturous as well and my teacher is well... ONE OF A KIND, to put it to good terms...) like honestly, im amazed i havent been arrested yet for writing how "undemocratic" my country is compared to other western civilisations, and i wonder if i can use the ISA to get out it it... 



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