First official blog.

So I am going to write a blog from now on. I'll even add it to my blog website where I write poetry. 


When one wants to do something.......there is always that ONE person who will always find a way to either stop it or make it miserable so that that one would just quit on their own.

That's my life in a nutshell. Why? Because I am the youngest in my siblings and I get treated harshly even though they say they "love" me. But I know they don't. They always say they only have one daughter and we have died for her to have her ask us something that we will give right away. Uhm okay? Can I have all the things I want then? How about that laptop? Or that oH OH OH THE IPHONE 6? Oh wait I already have that. How about that slim figure that you always compare me to? How about those degress that "I so want"? How about that car I want? how about when you say if you knew english you would find a job.....well find a job then? How about you live my life instead? 

All these questions......if one were to ask them, they would answer it. But if I asked them......they would flip and scold me to death. I mean....I have a life...and I want to have a future with my hubby. LIKE FOR SAKE LEAVE HIM ALONE TOO. I can't tell them EVERYTHING. Because if I do, my own family will blackmail me emotionally and it will go all back to square one.


Like what are they trying to prove? That I'm not worthy? That's what they have made me feel like. I know many of you are going to objectify my rant blog.....but you don't know why my family is after the money. 

Does money realy matter? Do feelings not count? 


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there, there c: i hope everything works out!