The Lost Tomb — Drama Cast Vs. Movie Cast

*From my personal blog, but just thought I should share it here too.


I've just recently found out that there would be a movie version of The Lost Tomb, and honestly, I’m a bit iffy about the cast for the movie version especially when the drama version has already done such a fabulous job with the casting (in my humble opinion anyways).  For the movie version, rumour has it that the popular ex-member of EXO, Luhan, will take on the role of the mysterious Kylin Zhang while Jing Boran will take on the role of the naive Wu Xie.

Rumours are flying all over the internet (at least in the Chinese community) that Luhan (left) will act as Kylin Zhang and Jing Boran (right) will act as Wu Xie for the movie version of The Lost Tomb.

Rumours are flying all over the internet (at least in the Chinese community) that Luhan (left) will act as Kylin Zhang and Jing Boran (right) will act as Wu Xie for the movie version of The Lost Tomb.

In a lot of readers’ minds as well as fans of the drama version, it is already somewhat established that Kylin Zhang is a character with a relatively reliable but reserved personality and has an athletic body-build.  Luhan seems to have already lost in the body-build aspect because he has a relatively small body-frame even when comparing to an average guy.  Also, his height (178 cm) is definitely shorter than Jing Boran (183 cm), so visually speaking, it would look weird that Wu Xie is taller than Kylin Zhang.  In a lot of fans’ hearts, Kylin Zhang is pretty much Wu Xie’s protector, so imagine that Kylin couldn’t protect Wu Xie from being hit by a bullet just because his height is an issue (imagine the bullet just flies over Kylin’s head and hits directly onto Wu Xie’s forehead @___@).  XD

However, I supposed Luhan has that youthful looking face going for him because Kylin’s character is supposed to look very youthful compared to his actual age due to genetic reasons.  Also, he has a lot of international fans, so his participation in this film project will definitely help with the box office hit as well as potentially shift some viewers’ attention to the actual novel.  As for acting wise, I can’t say much since I have only watched 20 Once Again and his performance seems only passable that time (nothing captivating, just passable).  Of course, that was his first official acting gag, so he could have improved tremendously since then.  Though, I honestly doubt that his acting could beat Yang Yang’s acting any time soon since the latter is a professional actor who has managed to captivate his audience with each role that he has played thus far.

In all honesty, I really doubt the rumours about the casting.  Perhaps, it would be more believable if it is Wu Xie’s character that Luhan is supposed to take on, while Jing Boran is supposed to act as Kylin Zhang.

Meanwhile, I don’t have any doubt with Jing Boran’s acting ability (I would even dare to say that his acting is probably better than my bias, Li Yifeng’s acting).  In fact, I think he would do just fine with either Wu Xie or Kylin Zhang’s role.  Though, his version of Wu Xie (or Kylin Zhang, because I seriously doubt the rumours) would depend primarily on his acting ability to convince the audience for sure since his visual is not exactly perfect for either role.  He is definitely handsome, but the casting for the drama version just seems too perfect to beat…and I’m also being a bit bias towards Li Yifeng’s version of Wu Xie (Li Yifeng seems to pull off that innocent, naive look of Wu Xie’s character fairly easily because of his clean features). =P

Yang Yang (left) as Kylin Zhang and Li Yifeng (right) as Wu Xie in the drama version of The Lost Tomb.

Yang Yang (left) as Kylin Zhang and Li Yifeng (right) as Wu Xie in the drama version of The Lost Tomb.

So in sum, I’m not too worried about Jing Boran (because his acting will save his a** even if the stylist plans to murder his outer appearance).  However, I do have hesitations about Luhan if he’s really going to act as Kylin Zhang because that means he would be compared to this for a very long time:


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