A love confession from this guy brought me to a drama

So, a guy confessed to me and I don't know what to do. I'm finding a way to turn him down. A rejection is too harsh for my liking. Just then, people told me to give him a chance. I mean, this is probably the only way from me to forget about my 8-years-crush who got married last December. 

Sigh. Should I?


And then, my best guy friend told me not to. Well, I know that I should listen to him. He always knows the best. But things turn out the other way when my best guy friend actually had been crushing on me for a while. I found out through his diary. I know. I shouldn't read it but heyy, I can't stop myself kayyy. What to do now?


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Dang that drama tho.
But if you ask me what to do, which you technically are lol, I would say that you shouldn't date the other right now. If it's only a way for you to forget your crush I imagine that it will be unfair to the other who does like/love you. Rejection does sting but I believe there is nothing that hurts more than salt on a wound than false hope. However, if you do have feelings for him, no matter how small, go ahead! Who knows what will happen afterwards.
And with your friend, I suggest to keep it on the down low.... You did kinda read his diary... I don't know how that will play out. But he does have a crush on you so it's not really major, and you can just leave it at it is and just go on until he either confesses or the crush leaves.

However, this is just what I'll do anyways. You're the one in the situation so it's your choice in the end. All I can do that can help is offer advice and wish you good luck!
I think instead of listening to others, you should first consider what YOU want. You have to wonder whether or not you're actually interested. If you think you really don't want to accept his confession, maybe just say you have someone else you like? And if you're not sure, tell him that, and say perhaps you two could try going on a date or two to see how it goes? But make sure he knows that you're not jumping into a relationship when your feelings are unclear!

Also, as for your best guy friend, consider his opinion but don't take it as fact!! Only you know what's best for you. I think going on dates with people other than your crush can be a good way to move on. BUT it all really comes down to you and if you're comfortable with it. :)
For me, the first thing I think you should ask yourself what makes you happy. Yes, giving him a chance is a good thing but it also has it's good and bad thing mix together. The question is that will you be happy? You're an awesome graphic designer I like since I have request from you before :)
That guy could be the one for you because you never know. People makes mistakes in life, so please don't stress too much. Follow what your heart says and what makes you happy. I'm sorry if I didn't help much because I have no experience in dating :D