Pterodactyl Wings....

So, I got a job, which the name of the place I work at shall not be mention because they track it and will probably see this post if I say it. It's 2 words, One starts with an H, the other starts with a T; it's a grocery store for people that have money to blow (people that can afford to pay 10.99 a pound for sliced meat or 15.99 for a pound of Shrimp Salad). Anyway, I work in the Deli section for this store and I've seen some , but nothing like this.

A week ago, I was going to cut meat for the Sub station.

When you cut meat, you have to tag and label it with the correct name. I was getting a certain ham out to cut and I read the label.

It said 'Pterodactyl Wings', 13.49 per pound.

When I first saw it, I thought there was something seriously wrong with this store. Who sells Pterodactyl Wings and where on earth did they get it from?

Then, a few minutes ago, I looked it up. Pterodactyl wings are just really big Chicken or Turkey wings (?). 

Now I have to go tell my coworker about this, because we both thought it was actual Pterodactyl wings.....


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