This guy confessed to me n everything turned awkward

So, there's a guy - which is actually a good friend of mine - confessed to me. He said that he likes me, he loves me and all. I dunno what to do. And the fact that I'm typing this with my phone didn't help things to be better. Look, I don't like him but I feel bad if I turn him down. I don't want him to be sad. I mean, I know how cruel a rejection could be. It hurts a lot. Like damn. Just what should I do? 


And there's this best guy friend of mine - also a good friend with the confessed boy - said that I should turn him down. Should I? 


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The best way is to tell the guy honestly how you feel. You shouldn't feel obligated to date him just because you would feel bad about turning him down. Rejections are still going to hurt no matter how gently they're delivered, that's reality. But he'll get over it eventually.
puckbunny #2
if the best guy friend told you to turn him down he probably likes you a bit and might be jealous . as for the guy idk but you should just tell him you wanna be friends and nothing more than that otherwise it`ll get worse .
i think u better tell the truth.
i was in the same stage like u long time ago. and what i did was telling him the truth. i told him in a good way, and yes he was sad for some time but since then we're good friends, and i think he now have a gf too c:
if the guy can move on, i bet he'll understand how you feel.
good luck!
From experience, it's best if you tell him your feelings as early as now. Don't say it in a harsh or mean way but don't beat around the bush either. If you give him false hope, that's REALLY BAD. Don't worry if he'll avoid you a little or if he'll give you the cold shoulder. If he really treasures your friendship, he'll come around and everything would be normal.
As a guy, trust me it will hurt a whole lot worst if you lead him on in anyway it's better to be rejected then be given false hope. It's a whole lot crueler to keep him thinking something might happen between the two of you than to just reject straight away.The only thing you should do is tell him your own feelings and let him off as easy as you can and hope for the best. If he's a good friend he'll come around. I hope everything works out fine for you.
This had just happened to me, except the guy has grown up with me and is a distant cousin..... he tried kissing me too, and half-succeeded but I was quick on rejection. I know how you feel.
Let him down gently. If you're good friends, then it's likely that you'll want to continue your friendship instead of avoiding him, but you can't lead him on, so it's best to tell him how you feel. If you don't feel the same way about him, then just tell him. I know it will upset him but it's probably the best thing to do. Good luck! :)
You should just follow your heart
Hmm.... Follow your heart.
smrookiesdeluxe #10
Be honest. If he's a good friend, he'll accept your decision and move on.
Plus, it wouldn't be fair to either of you if you just enter a relationship with false intentions.
Try to talk slowly with him first. And try to develope your feeling slowly..
mikimary #12
There are 3 ways that i can suggest: other people or maybe paid people to date you. Either way. then the confessed boy will not arouse the topic. But it's isn't so good since you need to difficult yourself.
2. Be distance with him. But since you guys are a good friend, it's gonna ruining the friendship
3. The best way is be honest with both the confessed guy and your bestfriend. Tel the confessed guy that you don't see him in romantic way and that your friend like him. Then tell your friend is he really sure to be with him if got a chance, tell your friend that the guy once confessed at you and tell that you don't want your precious friendship is ruined just because that guy and the confessionEven it's gonna hurt them but it'll only for a while.

Wishyou a good luck
estell #13
Give him a chance