I swear I'm not a horrible person!

   Hey guys! Some of you (probably not many) may be like: OMAHGOSHYUNOUPDATE



I swear it's not on purpose.

I have been ridiculously busy!

   I moved into college Sunday and I have been in Eco Rep training until now (I have blisters and chaffing and brain overload istg) so I apologize! I had the opportunity to move in early and I couldn't say no.

   Regular move in is tomorrow so from 8am to 10am I'll be helping my homie move in, 10 to 12pm I'll be doing my eco rep shift, 12 to 1pm I'll be doing my loft, 1 to 3pm I will be finishing my eco rep shift for my residence hall, and afterwards I'll be moving around furniture and doing door decorations.


So yeah.


   Chorale University will be updated soon and so will Externally Ethereal. (Heretica has one more chapter left) and sooner or later, depending on my work load and university activities, I will release Earth Dweller.

So because I love you all, I'm going to reveal something to you!
























So I'll give you a short explanation.

GaiaMilina's Fiction Fieldguide (GFF) is basically a crash course manual for my stories that are on the supernatural side. This is based/inspired by taelighted's "Running with Wolves: Magic, Spells, and Creatures Guidebook"

I swear I'm not obsessed or trying to steal from her XD

It's just that one of my favorite parts of writing is receiving story comments and aside from the Q+A part, a lot of subscribers ask me questions or ask to clarify an item or topic. And that's not a bad thing!

To me it makes me believe that some of you are really interested and I want to help everyone understand what's going on since both of these stories are going to/have a very complicated and detailed plot.

Each chapter will either be about ED or EE and it will go in depth (with pictures and diagrams!) about that topic. I have already started and the first chapter is going to be alllll about Yuri.

Please be patient and let me know if you have questions!

I love all of you and have a great weekend!!!



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omg! The poster is so gorgeous!
good luck with college and it can get pretty hectic at random times.
I had this professor for one quarter one and literally her class for the first couple of weeks were like nothing, but then during the last 2 weeks she suddenly piled us with essays, essays and even more essays.
We had 2 essays due each week and out of all the time we could have been doing those essays instead of her teaching us how to arrange the perfect cover page. smh i don't even know.
Skipbo #2
Good luck with school :)