HARLEY.XX ✕ Bandit


Dr3amers ✕ Kat ✕ 4/5
HARLEY.XX ALIAS Bandit- She chose this name because it typically means a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang; this is very accurate.
RANK Harley.G
FULL NAME Zhang Hyori (Zhang= Surname)
OTHER NAMES Poison- She gets called this normally by the Harley.F's. They address her as this as they have all heard that she uses seduction to capture her victums and the last thing she says before choking them and marking the words Harley.xx on them is "Sweet at first, but the aftertaste is poison"... 
BIRTHDAY + AGE May 6th 1989, 25 years old.
BIRTHPLACE Zhanghi, China.
HOMETOWN Zhanghi, China.
ETHNICITY Half Korean, half Chinese (the face claim is fully Korean though couldn't find one which matched).
LANGUAGES Chinese- Fluent- She grew up in China hense why she is fluent.

Korean- Semi Fluent- She started learning it in high school. When she entered Harley.XX, for some reason Shii Yan provided her with lessons to improve her Korean some more.

French- Beginner- She only knows a basic conversation and the sentence "Wouldn't it be a shame for such a handsome man/beautiful woman like you to die?" .

FACE CLAIM Nine Muse's Kyungri
BACKUP FC Nine Muse's Hyuna
APPEARANCE Before she got kidnapped in China, when she saw a incident occur with a man approaching an elderly lady with a knife, she got a scar about 2 inches long of where the mans knife caught her neck. Also after so many years of being in the Harley.XX she has the random scars around her wrists and a few on the side of her fingers but they are quite small and faint. At age 18 Bandit got a tattoo on her back (this). The writing next to the tree reads "I fall, I crash but I don't burn". She also has a tattoo behind her ear reading "Now this is funny Mistah J!" because it is her favourite Harley Quinn quote.
Bandit always wears her brown contacts mixed with a green colour to give her a more mysterious look, she carries around 2 contact cases. One is for her actual contacts, the other carries posion. On her nails she either wears white, black or red nail polish from a unique brand that only few know about. Bandit can use her nails to see if something as been spiked with drugs, dangerous alcohol etc. Other than that Bandit looks identical to her face-claim.
MEASURMENTS 171cm and 52kg.
Positive= Reliable, Hard-working, Loyal, Independant.
Negative= Rude, Bad-Tempered, Bossy, Stubborn.

Bandit is one of the most reliable members in the entire Harley.XX team. She is known for her loyalty towards all of her juniors and the Boss; and never dissapoints when completing tasks. Bandit is the type of girl who is willing to keep a secret even if it results in her own death. She won't tell anyone anything if she has made a promise; not even to the Boss who she dearly looks up to. Its a gift and a curse to be loyal- as it may leave her in complex situations with a difficult route to get out of. Her desire to work is admired by everyone, as she will practice move and think every stratergy through until she is definate that it will work.

Bandit is independant. She plans all of the tasks out however normally complete's the more challenging ones with a partner especially if it is a group that the girls have to take down. But Bandit is known for being in charge of seducing her victums into their own death, killing them at the moment when they least expect it. She feels a small ping in her chest when she does it but knows its for the best. 

You can't deny that she can be very rude though; shouting curse words and complaining about others lack of knowledge or experience. She likes to work with the best. Only the best. This links with her being bad-tempered. When something doesn't go her way she gets angry and lashes out. Normally, by throwing objects and screaming but she doesn't dare hurt anyone knowing that the Boss would be mad if she did. Also because Bandit doesn't just kill for the sake of it. Her bossiness may be overwhelming and her instructions can be a bit too much to handle-thats understandable.

People get annoyed when Bandit refuses to compromise with fellow members ideas and gets shocked at how demmanding and stubborn the girl truly is. To put it lightly its either Bandit's way, or it just isn't happening...At all.
BACKGROUND She always had a decent family and grew up happy most of the time. They let her do whatever she wanted and told her to follow her dreams. She did lots of sports and was also top level in Taekwondo a sport that her family loved to watch. In China she had a few friends and was happy. Bandit was always a nice person who always achieved her own goals; she dreamt of being a lawyer (ironic right?). However, when she was out in China at age 15 she saw something tragic almost happen. A man approached a lady with a sharp knife and held it to her neck and slowly began cutting. Bandit instinctly approached him moving the knife from the womans neck and attacked the man by breaking his leg.

She was shocked by what she had done and ran leaving the woman saying "Thank you!" continuosly. Bandit sat in the corner of the market shivering in fear of what she had just done. She couldn't believe it. Bandit was approached by the lady she saved and was given a hug- but got sleepy during it. It turned out it was all an experiment to find a new Harley.XX member. Bandit was took to see the boss and didn't look up once at her. When the Boss sighed and asked what her code name would be, she looked up with fire in her eye's and replied "Bandit, to show that I'm an outlaw someone who was took and is forced to comitt a crime". During her time in Harley.XX she realised that her parents didn't show much interest in her and made her do lots of hobbies as they didn't want to have to spend time with her. This made her work hard.

The Boss took interest to her, overtime Bandit realised just how good she was at the training and oddly enjoyed it. She joined in her late 15's became a Harley.A at 19 and a Harley.G at 22. Though a part of her loves her parents, another side wishes that she could just forget them.
The Boss- They aren't friends but the Boss has a part of her which cares for Bandit like a sister. She watched her grow up and practically raised her- they aren't close. Or at least aren't in this story, if there was a sequel these two would most likely bond together.

Zhang Wu- Her Dad- She will meet him again after her ending though it is brief (read on).

Zhang Sarang- Her Mother- She will meet her again after her ending though it is brief (read on).

Another Harley.XX- there needs to be a character (one you choose) who almost dies (important for my ending) who is close to my character. Maybe someone she completes tasks with?
1.) She started learning Taekwondo at age 5, and learnt it up till her kidnapping (she was best level already).
2.) Bandit is one of the longest running assasins in Harley.XX.
3.) She always smirks right before her attack against her victim/target.
4.) Bandit marks Harley.XX on either the neck or the wrist.
5.) She welcomes the new Harley.F's to the place and helps them settle in- she gives little peptalks on the rules etc.
6.) Bandit likes to read.
7.) If she takes a photo with her victim she always does a V Sign (face-claim photo) which stands for vengence.
8.) She sneeze's like a pig snort (something random).
Bandit is most useful with nunchucks and Taekwondo. She isn't the type who carries around a gun, instead she uses her actual body to do the work. While using nunchucks she can take down approximatley 3/4 people at a time by swinging them really hard. Whereas with Taekwondo only 2 at a time. However, she does have her poison which just needs to get into eyes (or be swallowed) to damage the victum meaning that she can take groups of them out pretty quick. For a group of 4 people it will take maybe 10 minutes by herself but with a partner possibly 5 depending on the targets skill. She is quicker at taking people out with her nunchucks and then killing them.

Though she is quick at running; her climbing is much better due to her flexibility. So she can climb up high and swing down, kick them then complete her jobs for example. However, when she is using her seduction method. She just acts very flirty and at the right moment- in private- she will either choke them (which she doesn't like the sight of), hid them hard across the head with her nunchucks or poison them quickly. She is typically quite quick and if in danger of being found out then she can just climb to safety.  Finally, she is good at using computers and GPS's to track down her targets.
Unlike a lot of the other Harley.XX members Bandit can't use a gun to save her life. She is always off target and isn't very quick with one either. Knife's aren't great for her eithe she only uses them to put the Harley.XX mark on. Bandit doesn't like the sight of any organs or things like lungs for example and hates having to look at them. Any of the standard weapons you would think a typical assasin would use, Bandit doesn't like. Also when blood gets on her clothing she likes to rub it off- this may take up time meaning that someone could walk in and see what she had done.

Also, though she hides it, when completing tasks Bandit does feel emotion. She doesn't like to see their faces right before death, especially when their eyes role back. Bandit might let a tear roll but will then walk away. However, she has a tendancy of looking at the body for a few minutes then whispering "I'm sorry" out of the slight guilt she may feel at the bottom of her stomach. This yet again can be time consuming.

Bandit can handle getting stabbed a few times in her arms, legs, shoulders and even stomach (maybe 3/4 stab wounds) if its not deadly deep but if it is between her chest then she will get dizzy and in worst situation may faint. She can easily take beatings as in training she learnt how to endure them, but when getting knocked in the head she will most likely fall. Bandit doesn't get concussion's that easily so it would have to be a hard hit- but it is more likely for her to have a concussion than it is for her to faint from wombs strangely.

Bandit can take punches and kicks very well as this was a large part of her training but does get a little startled if it is in the stomach, shin or the head.

Nunchucks are definately her favourite weapon- and she is best at using them.  She is known for her quick reflexes and strong hits with them. Anything which involves upper arm strength and a lot of pulling; Bandit is good at using in particular. She can use her Taekwondo as well, that is her 'weapon' which she is very well trained in however it doesn't always help in all situations.  She is good at using things which conduct electricity as well and can normally complete  her missions quicker that way. These weapons may go alongside her poison depending on the kind of the mission that she needs to complete.


Taekwondo is her main technique style, she uses it a lot against her enemies and normally knocks them out quite quickly using it. She can climb above them before they enter, or when they're not looking, and can just jump and kick them hard in the head. Also a sneaky technique is that she pretends to be injured; then attacks. This one is something that not everyone falls for- especially if they know how good she is- but if they do fall for it she can kill her enemy quicker than normal. It depends upon the situation and their strength whether Bandit sneaks up on them or not.
LOVE INTEREST No love interest.
ENDING Bandit is kind of favourited by the Boss, so she is asked to kill someone who broke the rules, Bandit agree's. However, after seeing that it is her close friend Bandit refuses. The Boss tries to compromise with her (the boss likes Bandit as a friend), but it is all too late as Bandit pushes the knife into her own stomach after admitting that she couldn't handle this life anymore. She is left with a scar under her chest of where the knife left its mark.  Bandit does wake up but is sent away back to China- not remembering anything that has happened over her life. The boss sends some money and leave's Bandit's parents address for her to go to. The boss spared her life knowing that she couldn't kill a sister of hers (not biologial though).

However, over the course of a single month. Bandit remembers everything. Bandit doesn't tell her parents and keep's claiming that she doesnt remember, though she now does. Bandit tells her parents that she is going to live with her close friend that she met in Korea as she got accepted a job, who was in her middle/high school and promised that one day she would visit her parents again.  She flies out to the Harley.XX area and walks into the room to see the Boss. The Boss is shocked but keeps a still face but smiles when Bandit says this "My life is here, I am an assasin, I want to work here again. Till I die". Over the course of her life she continues to work as an assasin.
Bandit could stab herself maybe halfway through the story, and could come back to the group a few chapters later? You could show her coming back better than ever (she still has her bad- skill).
COMMENTS Hi:) Thats all...XD
SUGGESTS/REQUESTS A plot twist where it is found out that the boss and Bandit are somehow related (cousins?) or that the Boss had actually met Bandit before the kidnapping- a little unrealistic but it would be a plot twist.
Songs: Demons by Imagine Dragons.


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