❛ WAND, ACTUALLY ㅡ Park Hyerin





wand, actually

wand, actually

wand, actually


❛ name ㅡ Park Hyerin
❛ age + year ㅡ 17 years old, 4th year.
❛ face claim + back up ㅡ First Choice= Lee Sungkyung Backup= Lee Dasom
❛ house ㅡ Slytherin
❛ tell me a little bit about yourself ㅡ 

Hyerin is one of the younger, influential students in the Slytherin house. She is known as one of the best, and most popular, players on her house' quidditch team. Typically, Hyerin is the mysterious student who give's people chills due to her undescribable aura and captivaiting side smirk that captures all the boys (and some girls) attention. People admire her for her determination the banish the tarnished name that Slytherin had to deal with for so many years and create a new one to replace it. Hyerin is a popular student who has many friends despite her introverted personality that at times comes across slightly odd. People in other house's recognise her as Chanyeol's sister; the girl who was identified as the evil child by her younger cousins. Though that couldn't be further of the truth as this girl has a kind heart; possibly kinder than her brother Chanyeols. She wants to make a difference, that the whole wizzarding world will remember. Hyerin wants people to remember her house for good things, she wants to represent the goodness.
❛ wand ㅡ  Smooth, high quality rosewood with unicorn hair, 9 inches and 3 quaters, has an unbendable build and structure to the wand.
❛ amortentia ㅡ Hyerin smells items of clothing that Sehun left at the library when studying as it reminds her of him, she drinks bubble tea and smells his body spray that he uses everyday.
❛ boggart ㅡ .When in front of a boggart she see's things which scare her, normally her nightmares. She doesn't get pleasant experiances with them. She normally see's her family in danger prehaps dying or maybe even dead. She hates having to even be near a boggart as it scares her to death.
❛ patronus ㅡ . . .She performs the patronus spell and it creates it in the form of a swan; the same as Cho Chang.
twilight gif
❛ personality ㅡ : Positive= Reliable, genuine, hard-working, loyal, independant     Negative= Introverted, bad-tempered, emotional, bossy, perfectionist.
Hyerin is known as the student with her head down studying, quill on paper and all. She is the girl who all stuggling students turn to when in need of a helping hand, especially when it comes to work. Though she has a strict tone of voice and a straight face Hyerin is a genuine girl who wishes to help all. She just struggles to show happiness or emotion unless its sad meaning that she isn't the most loud of people...at all. Hyerin can sit there all day tutoring someone and wouldn't mind at all; Hyerin enjoys teaching and helping particularly when it comes to work and subjects for example. Though some students are afraid of her due to her high status and introverted behaviour Hyerin is always there if someone needs to talk. She is reliable with secrets and all students know that she is there ready to listen. In fact in this sense Hyerin is quite powerful as she knows the deepest and most shocking secrets of some of the oh-so seemingly perfect students who are hiding something possibly good or bad. She keeps the secrets that even the kind-hearted Hufflepuff's can't keep. However, she doesn't mention it to anyone not a soul at all, literally. The only time she would ever break her promise is if it was something life-threatening of potentially dangerous was told and that is the very last thing that she even considers. Somehow she appears everywhere. If a student is getting told off for causing an issue or creating a problem, Hyerin will get you out of that situation saving you from a huge punishment worse than eating vomit flavoured bertie bot jelly-beans! Teachers as well respect her and normally agree with her so she is actually very helpful especially at times like this. She will save you with just a few words and a stare in the eyes, this is yet another reason as to why she is admired. Her eyes are open and her ears are always listening; she's kinda like a Slytherin superhero who coincidently has powers/magic.
Once you get to know this mysterious student she will open up to you and will gradually become more confident. When around people she is close to, like her brother, Hyerin still appears "emotionless" but smiles sometimes and tends to become more humerous and bold talking a lot more. When it comes to school, as previously mentioned, she is dedicated and hard-working with everything she does even when it is not classwork. Activites like Quidditch are where her true talents really do come through. Ask anyone, they will all say that when she is playing Quidditch she is really no joke! Her competitive face is on and she has a sudden demand for success which normally leads Slytherin house into winning a lot of matches against the rest. When Hyerin makes a true friend she is extremeley loyal towards them not leading their side. If someone even dares to hurt her friend she will make a short, but strong, comment towards them which will make the entire room silent with anticipation as to what she will do next. Hyerin doesn't turn to violence she just use's and strong personality to do the damage instead. Around the 4th year she is fairly quiet but around her friends she's more open and likes to have more fun by using her sometimes rude humor to get the whole room in laughter. Finally, she is independant. Though group projects can be fun Hyerin is a solo-rider who likes to be the leader of the group. Unless its a desperate situation, then she just wants to solve the issue as soon as possible. Hyerin has great skill in navigation spell making and is great with animals and magical creatures. These 3 are her strongest points, and she is one of the only students who can complete difficult tasks by herself. Hyerin can indulge herself into dangerous scenario's and problems but most of the time makes it out unharmed and stable. She is a one of a kind student, someone who is very rare to come across in the school of Hogwarts.
However all students even the most magical and kind ones, have there flaws. Take for example that Hyerin is undeniably bossy and a perfectionist. She likes everything done her way and it has to be exact. If not? Well there is no "if not". You have to get it right otherwise you're going to have to deal with some angry glares and snarky remarks from the sometimes immature Hyerin. Though she hates to admit it, her reputation means a lot to her. If something isn't perfect it just isn't good enough the golden student just can't take any of that kind of nonsence. Even if its just tidying up her dorm; if something isn't in place or isn't actually tidy then she will get bad-tempered and mad. When mad she is normally quiet but if it is something that she cannot handle then she will speak up. Hyerin becomes bad-tempered when they are infuritating her by being idiotic or saying some biased or completley false about a topic (her Slytherin house?) that she deeply cares about. Then she will tell you every single detail, small and big, about why you are being unreasonable and why you're spreading lies. Its quite strange to see this happen. You know, the quiet girl with the strong aura speaking up loudly and in a way, telling you off. Its a rather unimaginable sight right? Well students didn't believe she was capable of this until they actually saw it first hand. Her friends are the only ones who can calm her down in these situations as she is rather opinionated and emotional to touchy subjects. So to put it simply don't insult or harm anything that she cares about because she is a fighter and won't give up on it until she saves it. 

 When something tragic happens she will show lots of emotion, and lets everything out. Very different from what she does on a daily basis where she keeps everything locked up inside. Hyerin, when sad, sits still and doesn't make a noise just lets tears roll down her face instead. She doesn't want to look vunerable and doesn't want pity so she doesn't cry loudly at all. After she has gotten over the entire crying thing she will start getting bad-tempered and will let everything go saying things like "How dare you! Why would you say that you squib!". Yes, she may throw some offensive and harmful wizarding language as well as an extra topping on top of her angst and rage. That is when you know that she has lost it and is about this *shows a centimetre between fingers* close to whipping out her wand and kaboom! Just joking, like I told you Hyerin is the kind who is the silent but deadly when it comes to vengence but does take action when it involves magic.As you most likely already know, its pretty obvious, Hyerin is introverted. She doesn't talk to much to people she is not familiar with unless it is for helping reasons or in desperate situations which require instant team work. She warms up to people when you get to know her though so she isn't actually that introverted for too long. If someone she doesn't really know starts to talk to her Hyerin will rub her head and smirk lightly, maybe just give the "I don't care" face. This usually makes people feel uncomfortable and eventually they will stop talking (the entire reason she does it tbh).

❛ background ㅡ Hyerin grew up with her brother Chanyeol and her two parents in a small house in the slightly quieter section of Seoul, South Korea. She was always the socially awkward, slightly frightening sibling who often got teased and called evil as she was odd and cold by her two cousins and sometimes her own brother. Her parents tried to get Hyerin to become super happy and girly, like her parents friends daughters but no...That never happened. The family all thought that Hyerin was different and they worried very much about her, curious about what kind of wizard she was. She was always quiet and got ignored by a lot of the girls that her parents introduced her too as they were all concentrated on the latest celebrities etc. Whereas Hyerin just wanted to study or play games with her brother and his friends. In fact as Hyerin got older, Chanyeol's friends took an odd interest in his younger sister and thought she was very pretty (but strange). This was her un-usual charm. Her parents eventually gave-up on trying to change her but still paid attention to her actions and movement. She always read wizarding books and fun story books about wizards, which her parents would try to take away from her as they wanted her to wait until she got proper knowledge of the Hogwarts teachers instead of reading the fiction in those books. This is when her and Chanyeol got super close. He used to sneak in the books and read them to her, he loved his sister and was super protective over her. She was one of his only weaknesses, and still is. Hyerin was fully aware that she was a wizard as a child and Chanyeol used to tell her about all the adventures that they would have over in the Hogwarts castle. This made Hyerin anticipate the journeys that the too would have together in the school. Hyerin was excited and had the feeling that the two would be in the same house as well. Her brother went one year before Hyerin got to go, so she was lonely for a while. During this time she got closer with her mother, who she had never been that close with. Her mother told her daughter about her wizarding days, how she met Hyerin's dad and all her fun times there. They also did lots of normal, muggle things like watching movies, going on walks and baking for example. Hyerin really loved her mother and now (current day;in hogwarts) misses her a lot as she is now 17 and hasn't seen her mother for nearly a year.

When Hyerin got to Hogwarts she was breathless. When it came to getting sorted into the house's Hyerin was shocked by the result. Her brother was sitting by the Gryffindor table waving frantically at his little sister. His face when she was put into Slytherin was horrified, he wanted his sister to be with him and not in the house which still didn't have a great reputation. The entire room was silent as she walked over to the Slytherin table; even the teachers could feel her amazing, powerful aura when she walked by. Hyerin thought her brother wouldn't get to see each other again but one of the older students comforted her saying that you still get to see people in other houses. Fast foward a few weeks and Hyerin was popular and known by everyone, and she had made a close friend named Sehwa. Sehwa introduced her to her friends and she eventually had a group of people to talk to. Due to Chanyeol's wonderful rat racing club idea her friendship group only expanded as well, now look where she is...
(Hyerin could be quiet and introverted due to her cousins bullying as a child).

❛ relationships ㅡ *Chanyeol is Hyerin's brother, they are really close btw* Hyerin doesn't have any enemies, she just has people (students) who claim she may be evil, or that she shouldn't be trusted but of course her friends deny that saving Hyerin from getting angry. You don't need to use these meetings that I created below, they are just some idea's that I thought were quite good:)
Sehwa= Best Friend= These two are an unlikely duo, as they are near oppisites of each other. They bonded during the first week at lunch. Hyerin helped a boy named Sehun with his work and he told her that she should meet his sister, Sehwa. Hyerin declined but got approached by a bubbly girl that lunchtime. Sehwa was shocked at how quiet Hyerin was but the two became close quickly. Hyerin was/is always comfortable around her  so she got close with her quickly, and they are together almost always when away from class. The two are roomies as well with two other girls.
Jinseul= Best Friend= Jinseul is like the replica of Hyerin. The two are the grumpy twins who share the common grumpy look and smirk, making these two the ultimate duo. Like Fred and George (Neither die tho *cries*). Though she is much sharper than Hyerin really is around friends; the two get along as they both like to be individual's and don't talk too much to people they don't know. It was the rat racing club which really brought these two together though.
Sehun= Study Buddy (At the moment ;) )= Sehun first met Hyerin in class where he didn't understand how to create the potion. Hyerin snuck up behind him and put her hand on top of his wand and directed it in the correct motion. He was shocked seeing the girl who hadn't talked much and appeared mysterious all of a sudden helping him. He thanked her and she grinned/smirked.Fast foward a while, Sehun and Hyerin hang out quite often but most of the time it is them studying or grabbing a bubble tea. They stay study buddies for a while...
Jackson= Friends= When someone was talking horribly about Hyerin Jackson stood up for her, and as he is a 6th year everyone stopped (for a while). The two talk when they see each other in the hallways. However, Hyerin is still introverted and quiet with him as they aren't super close at all. Hyerin looks up and appreciates his friendship.
❛ trivia ㅡ 1.). Hyerin likes to listen to Celestina Warbeck and sometimes The Wierd Sisters.
2.) She rode smoothly on her first Quidditch lesson on her 3rd try.
3.) Hyerin wants to talk to Mrytle, Chanyeol said she's really odd, but fun, to talk to.
4.) Her favourite bubble tea flavour is either the regular milk one, or the strawberry one.
5.) Hyerin's best subject is either charms or history of magic.
6.) Hyerin has tried the Magical Theory class and thinks its okay.
7.) Her favourite book is actually a muggle book called 'To Kill A Mockingbird' but she doesn't like the sequel.
8.) At lunch she sits with Sehun, Sehwa, Jinseul, Chanyeol maybe Kai and quite a few others.

❛ name ㅡ Oh Sehun
❛ age + year ㅡ 17, 4th Year.
❛ house ㅡ Slytherin
❛ tell me a little bit about yourself ㅡ Oh Sehun is the 4th years Quidditch king, he is the best player in any of the teams alongside Kim Minseok that Slytherin has had for the past 4 years and is popular among students due to his charming, good looks. This guy is aware of all the girls who are totally into him but he isn't interested and puts all of his attention into his sports. That is until him and Hyerin hit it off of course. He is one of the prefects for the Slytherin house, alongside some of his other friends. This guy makes all the girls squeal and all the guys sigh with envy not only because of his appearence, but also because he is kind-hearted, smart and relaxed literally all the time, though he can be a little quiet at times. Seriously though, why is this guy in Slytherin? No-one really knows but he's glad that he is. His knowledge of magic is insane and he gets straight A's in subjects which involve writing, and lets say he also knows a bit about chemistry...

*Sehun is a lot like how he is in real-life, I couldn't explain it that well, he can also be devious. Oh! Did you get the chemistry thing at the end (wink, wink).
❛ wand ㅡ Smooth, ash wood with pixie hair, 12 inches long, fully solid structure of the wand.
❛ amortentia ㅡ three He hangs his arm around Hyerin's neck, plays with her hair and sniffs her neck (Creepy as f..). When she's not around; he sniffs her perfume, looks at the few photo's that they took together or in groups or may go and hang out with Chanyeol for a while.
❛ boggart ㅡ . . .When in front of a boggart he see's his family during present time, or may see memories from the past. Sehun has seen some things from the future but he didn't find out that they were from the future  until they actually happened.
❛ patronus ㅡ . His patronus comes in the form of a stag.
❛ personality ㅡ  I tried but couldn't describe the personality, if you would like me to try again just tell me :)
❛ trivia ㅡ 1.) Sehun shares a dorm with Kai and a few others.
2,) Sehun likes muggle music like coldplay and Imagine dragons.
3.) He joined the quidditch team on the first year, this isn't common as most people arent good enough at this age.
❛ hi! this is chanyeol speaking. ok so how'd you find out about the rat racing club?  ㅡ "Oh hi Chan. Do you not remember, seriously? You came up to me within the first few weeks of school and told me. How do you not remember that" She stares at her brother.
❛ do you have a rat? ㅡ "Well yeah, isn't that an essential in the rat racing club? Who doesn't have one Chan?"
❛ ok truthfully 10/10 would you bang kim jongdae because i’m trying to prove it to him that gryffindors are the hottest but u know it’s kinda hard when ravenclaws are known for being y like i can pull of glasses too u know li— [ mic gets jerked out of chanyeol’s hand ] hi this is baek, you can go now that’s all we needed to know. NO BAEK I NEED ANSWERS. ㅡ "For starters Chan you are my brother, let me spell it out for you B-R-O-T-H-E-R. You don't ask your sister that kind of question. I'm not going to even reply to that okay? Like in the name of Salazar Slytherin, that is one of the most wierd things you have ever asked me. I have to go now, I have class. Oh bye Baek, bye Chan" Slouches out of seat and looks at Chanyeol cautiously before walking out the room.
❛ comments? questions? concerns? ㅡ Watch this
❛ scene requests ㅡ The Yule Ball!
Hyerin could be in front of a boggart go through the scary experiance that I mentioned, then her love interest could help her get out of her emotional wreck.
I think it would be cool if there was maybe some big drama at one point, and Sehun and Hyerin work together and prove really helpful using the boggart. Like if Chanyeol and Hyerins family is in danger, Hyerin might be able to see why they are getting hurt and how they would die since thats what happens when she uses the boggart. Maybe Sehun could really focus and see the future for them as well? This is just a suggestion though:)
❛ password ㅡ  Couldn't link the song for some reason... So here it is!
❛ username / what we should call you ㅡ Username= Dr3amers   Nickname= Kat






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