〔 예썸 〕⸗ Lena


© layout rightfully by gyeseong
YESSUM!  "I'm the cool ice princess, so apply me to your burn"
OTHER NAMES。Lena= She chose this to be her English name as not only does it sound pretty (to her at least), but it also means sunlight. Minah found this quite ironic as she is described as the cool ice princess which is practically the oppsitie of the sun (I hope you understand).
Ice Princess- She got this name originally of her former classmates due to her cool style and aura that follows her around. Also because she is humerous and fun to be around but she is always has that chilled/cool vibe around her which may make her appear as mysterious or cold to others initally. Now her fans call her this, Minah doesn't mind the nickname but wishes they knew that she wasn't exactly how they imagined her to be.

— Taco - Minah gets called this by the rest of the members, but mostly by Tina (Seonhwa), as they both have a close bond and have a strong love of foods especially sweet or crispy things.

Unnie - This is quite obvious. As Minah is the leader, she is called Unnie by all of the other members. However, she also gets called this by fans (and others) as they view her as the protective older sister who loves everyone who is close to her no matter how she appears to be.

BIRTH DATE。April 20th 1994.
BIRTH PLACE。Seoul, South Korea.
HOMETOWN。Seoul, South Korea.
— Korean- Fluent- It is her native (and first) language.

— Japanese- Conversational- She learnt Japanese throughout high school and 2 years previously in middle school. She knows how to have a basic coversation; however she can't discuss difficult or challenging topics which require a larger knowledge of the country and language.
BLOOD TYPE。AB, look at the link (here) to know why I chose this blood type.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT。167cm and 49kg.
EXTRAS。Minah has a small tattoo that nobody knew about on her foot, not even her own family. Her family actually found out when they checked Minah's application for the new girl groups in the company where she ticked the tattoo box.  She got it randomley at 19 years old (image). She got the words "no fear" tattooed across the side of her foot to show that she could, and would, go through everything with her head held high as a leader. Her goal was to be the leader of a group so she thought that having this tattooed would help motivate her even more, there are also a few other reasons as to why she got this tattoo. She recently got this tattoo, only a few months ago. Minah plans to get this tattoo for her next birthday as well, but is not yet sure. If she does get one more tattoo Minah says that it will be her last one ever. Minah likes this tattoo as it symbolizes her love for music. She looks basically the same as her face claim that has been used. She did get surgery on her eyes to get double-eye lids just a month before her 20th birthday (before debut).
TRAITS(Positive)= Loyal, loving, humerous, hard-working, considerate.
(Negative)= Guarded (She has walls up when it comes to love), easily concerned, iritable, scared (of facing fears), emotional. 
Though to some Minah/Lena may come across as a shy, cold person she is actually the oppisite. The ice princess, is simply a nickname which is based of her aura and looks, not typically her personality. In fact, she is actually a loving unnie to a lot of her 'children'. You can tell in interviews and shows that Minah is the leader as she is always taking care of the others. A small example would be when she helps but straws into the other members cartons of milk etc; a bigger example would be when she willingly carried Tina (Seonhwa) up a hill when they were all given free time. Not to mention that the hill she climbed was rather steep. She doesn't accept people bullying, teasing or simply being rude to her members. However, she has an image to maintain so her full protective side can of course not be fully revealed. Minah is also like medicine to the other girls, as she is full of humour. But Minah isn't the try-hard funny girl. In a way she acts like EXO's Kris (Kreasssseee, I miss you) or TOP. This is because she tells jokes but always keeps that vibe, unless somebody says something really odd or funny, then Minah can't hold in her expression. Her jokes are presented in a light way, meaning that she says them very casually as though it was something that would be said in a typical conversation. If one of the younger members is upset Minah may make exaggerated jokes and gestures in hope of cheering them up. Really, this girl is so...4D?
Minah is loyal towards anyone she cares about and hates the idea of hurting someone. If you have a secret, or a worry, Minah is guaranteed to not tell anyone it no matter how big or small the matter is. She is the type of girl who highly values friendships and sticks by them until the end. If you break her heart or end a friendship her cool, cold girl image fades away quickly and is replaced by an emotional wreck of a girl. She is also extremely hard-working and likes to complete all of her tasks to perfection, or at least as close as it gets. This is typically work tasks that she completes to perfection though. In normal everyday she just does it to the 'good' standard (normally). She is also the kind of person who doesn't take things for granted or anything like that. Minah believes that others should come before her, for this reason she is considerate. When somebody gives her some food, this is normally what the fans do, the first thing that Minah thinks is "I'm going to give the other girls this too, so we can all share". Nobody knows why Minah does this, but she explains that they all worked hard so they deserve a treat too. Sometimes Minah can be too considerate and let things pass by which should be looked at more (People using her trust etc)...

Minah can show her willingness and friendship easily, but showing love is more difficult. She wants to save her heart for someone who is the one so around boy's she is cautious in fear that she may fall in love. Silly, right? Thats what Minah thinks, but she can't deny her feelings always and needs to learn its just one of her emotions and thats normal and its 100% alright to feel it. Its no lie that she can bond and become closer quicker with girls but has her fair share of close male friends who have proven to be like an older brother for her. When she becomes close with someone Minah tends to be overly concerned. Like if someone just slightly tripped on a stone she would become like an actress in a cheesy asian drama. "OMO, ARE YOU ALRIGHT, SHALL I CALL THE DOCTOR?! SOMEONE HELP. OTTOKE!?". People find it amusing seeing 'the ice princess' actually be such a caring girl though. You may feel a little harrased if a situation like this particularly occurs as she won't stop asking if you're okay...It will take her a good 24 hours to process that you are indeed going to live and will not die for not recieving treatement for a minor accident. One thing you should...Actually NEED to know, is that Minah can be irritaited. If someone teases her about a mistake or won't leave her alone she becomes the real life proclaimed ice princess. Trust me; during this time it is not the most pleasent thing to be around her. Within no time her members get her back into the leader that she normally is #girlpowertho #begoneiceprincess.

This girl is not fearless, she hates facing her fears or even mentioning them. Minah prefers to stay inside curled up eating some cheap Korean snacks, than doing sky-diving or in other words plummeting towards a freefall of doom. It takes a lot of convincing to get her to do things like this but you have to be a brave warrior to even attempt to persuade her. She goes from neutral to alkali real quick (Chemistry reference, Alkali is a dangerous subastance like oven cleaner or bleach btw). Finally, Minah tends to be emotional. She hides her emotions when in front of the camera and if she can, in front of the other members. However, she does get upset quite easily especially about rumors but its usually just her feelings. Her members, friends and family show great love to her during these kind of times to assure her that its ok. Minah normally ends times like this by wiping her eyes standing up in a cool style then working harder. I'M A SURVIOR, NEVER GONNA GIVE UP. Excuse the song reference, but thank you for reading Minah's personality, that is all...For now unless I have to edit this later *Grins, but realises she may have to edit this entire thing and slowly sinks into her seat*.

◢ Minah was born and raised in Seoul, the capital and statement city of Korea. She grew up in a large apartment situated just outside of the Namsan Tower with her sister and 2 brothers. Her family was stable and they were quite close-and most of the family members are still to this day. Minah was raised by two adults who taught her discipline and manors ensuring that she would grow up to be a nice lady when she got older. Her parents focused the kids throughout childhood on studying very much; she always had the pressure of impressing her family with her grades and studies. Though out of the totaled 4 kids in the house hold Minah was actually the least smart. Her parents pushed her even harder, starting at a very young age of prehaps 6 years old. She was a hard-working child and always tried her best but didn't always achieve the 'best'. In middle school at age 12 she took music class on as an extra afterschool activity. To be totally honest this was the only subject that Minah was excelling in. So of course her parents agreed to her joining the club knowing that it was something that she would actually do well with. Well, Minah did in fact do great in this subject and ended up as top in the class. She wasn't good at maths, geography or any sciences for example but she was average in English. Music was her strong point and the teachers were impressed by her skill of playing instruments (guitar and piano), singing well and at age 14 being able to write simple but sweet lyrics to songs she had created.

Teachers were very impressed with her music, especially the piece's that she would perform in school assemblies, and on her parents evening teachers suggested that Minah should try out for Sopa (School of performing arts, Korea). Her parents had heard of the prestigous school that many famous names had once attended and opened up to the idea. Minah still thinks that her parents only sent her there as it was the only thing she was good at and that they didn't want any more disgrace to be brought to there name, but her family don't believe this is the case. When Minah did audition at age 15 she made it first attempt. This came as a shock to everyone, mainly her parents though, this is because they had only heard her sing maybe 3 times?! When she made it into the school Minah thought her parents would show more proudness towards her due to her accomplishment that was something to be very proud of. However, no they didn't in fact they just made her work even harder. In the long term it was beneficial but it made Minah very boxed off, meaning that she didn't talk to her family much any more or have many friends. She followed her parents wishes and focused on studying music- but still took regular school lessons at home from 6:30 till 9:30. Yes, she did drop out of regular school. Unlike other students she didn't take online school but had a tutor. Mostly she was self-taught though; every day after school she would go online and work till late hours sometimes past 9:30 into the night.

Her talents were recognised around the school but nobody approached her due to her cold-shoulder like appearence and glance. At age 17 she got offered a contract with SM Entertainment as she had 'the looks'. Minah turned down straight away much to her parents dissaproval. She refused for her face to be the only reason why she would become a singer, SM tried to compromise claiming that her talents were amazing too but she kept rejecting them. Whenever new students came to SOPA they would be amazed by her h0w she rejected Korea's biggest label and just in general how talented she was. After rejecting SM Entertainment Minah decided she wanted to audition for Pledis as she was a fan of the music they produce and the groups that the company have created. When she audititoned, she got put on the waiting list. This means that if anyone dropped out; she would be put in. She had to wait a few months but was accepted. It confused her as to why they, unlike SM, didn't accept her but she got told that her confidence was lacking so she wasn't put foward at that time. Minah got moved into some nearby dorms for trainee's meaning that she would only have to talk to her parents occasionally. As a trainee Minah made a good friend who was there from the start, Seonhwa (Tina) (you may change the friend if you wish). It was an unlikely friendship as Seonhwa was the literal oppisite of Minah. She was loud, funny and super confident whereas Minah was far from it!
      Over her training time Seonhwa helped bring out the best in her, who knew that a small dance lesson could blossom a friendship... Minah changed a lot because of her; she still had that cold aura following her but when around her proclaimed sister Minah brightened up and was bubbly just like her. They trained together and worked hard, but played hard too, Seonhwa was possibly one of Minah's first real friends. She got introduced to a bunch of other trainee's and a mutual friendship grew. She still swears to this day that Seonhwa is her saviour. When Pledis announced that they creating a new girl group Minah freaked along with the other girls (some who made into the final line-up, some who did not). All her hard work paid off when she was announced to be an official member of Yessum. She was originally a little freaked to be the leader of the group as she wasn't exactly the boldest or reliable at that time. But while training and practicing she grew close to the girls that she hadn't /talked to (she had met some, maybe 1/2?) (WANT TO MENTION, MINAH IS LIKE EXID'S LE ON CAMERA, BUT IS SUPER DUPER BUBBLY WHEN NOT IN PUBLIC OR IN THE SPOTLIGHT).
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◢ Minah writes down all her worries when she gets concerned. If you tell her to stop asking about say a minor incident (what I mentioned in the personality section)she will write things like "He/she is okay" over and over in her notebook just to get it out of her system.
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PERSONA。The Ice Princess (but is really a caring mother to her 'kids', as shown in shows etc).
POSITION。Leader and Main Vocalist.
INDIVIDUAL FANCLUB NAMECrown Princess's. This is because she views her fans as the most important things, and the Crown princess is the next in line to the throne. Whereas a regular princess is someone who is the younger sibling, who will not inherrit the throne (William= Crown Prince, Harry=Prince etc). So its just a way of showing that her fans mean more than her title, and mean a lot to her. She has a fairly big fanbase as well.
LOVE INTEREST。Myungsoo, 23 (Non-Korean age, 1992), Infinite member.
2ND LOVE INTEREST。Jun, 19 (Non-Korean age, 1996), SEVENTEEN Member. (I also think Junghan out of SEVENTEEN is a good back-up, aww Noona relationship either way for the SEVENTEEN members XD). 
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SUGGESTIONS/REQUESTSI would like (if chosen *crosses fingers* ) to see Myungsoo bring out Minah's relaxed, openly fun side and help her conquer fears etc.
I think it would be cool, if the girls had a show named Yessum Showtime! On this show you could do challenges, hang out with love interests doing activities and maybe show Minah's motherly side as well.
On stage one of the members could trip and seriously hurt herself, and instead of continuing like the other members, Minah stopped and picked the member up taking her off stage (the maknae could fall?).
The girls could a) get put together with their love interest to do a dance or b) get the option to choose their partner. This could happen anytime that you like I suggest Troublemaker's Now cover (here). It has 5 girls which match the amount of members in the group, along with 5 boys. Or for something cuter this cover of 200% is good, it has a story then the dance begins halfway through btw.



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