I LOVE this...

Every time I see that Infinite is making a comeback, I get SO EXCITED...They are so good and improve with every comeback. The mirror theme was genius and it fit so well with Infinite's style<3. 



I also LOVE this performance of Come Back Again. It still amazes me that they could dance so well in water...


NOW, I know that a lot of people think that Last Romeo was Infinite's best song and video, but MY favorite of theirs is Paradise. It was wonderful...




It's a personal rule for me to watch every Infinite dance practice AT LEAST eight times, studying each member, then watching them all together afterward. It's something that only other Inspirits would understand...






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My favourite is BTD because that's the first song that I heard from them and made me stay with them for 4 years. ^^
DAMN RIGHT!!! Paradise is their best song ever!!! and did you notice that L always wear black clothes whenever the dance practice vid came out? xD
I totally agree that Paradise was one of their best. And I am so in love with Bad right now. I've been listening to it on repeat for days. ^_^
Omo I thought I was the only one who thought paradise was there best song!!! And as for the dance practice I do that with most groups depending on the style song and dance. Like some of EXO's songs I can watch their practice for so long then watch them on the stage and it's just amazing! That usually goes for all groups really!
my fav is also Paradise ;~~~; best song, best mv, best era, best everything