BAP coming back to TS Entertainment?????

I'm so shocked when I read this news. Not sure whether to feel happy or not but something is really fishy bout this. Zelo's tweet also pointing at something. Nevertheless, I will support you BAP.

Please make a comeback ASAP!!


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Pandora1056 #1
ozwalkr #2
The decision is theirs. If they have gone through mediation and hammered out an agreement that the 6 of them are happy with, then I will support their decision. it is better than what happened to DBSK. HOWEVER! IF TS does ANYTHING to make my boys unhappy again..........
ozwalkr #3
WHAT did Baby Z tweet??
cheonssa #4
Same with me, I dont know im happy or not,,,

But im sure im sad bc some fansite is closing bc they are dissapointed about this news, many people judge b.a.p, they said bap are silly bc they want to return to TS, and all article just talking bad about b.a.p,,, T_T