「Esper」 - Song Jaehyun



nickname — gamz or liv

activity rate — 4/10


name — Song Jaehyun

❀ Mister Oblivion | the guild members calls him by that nickname from time to time in order to

birthdate — August 2

AGE — 25 by appearance (was born thirty years before the human takeover)

birthplace — Oblivion Forest

hometown — Oblivion Forest

Race — Elf | full

❀ Language of Elves | fluent
❀ Language of Humans | conversational


face claim — Lee Jongsuk

gallery — Gallery

backup face claim — Seo Inguk

gallery — Gallery


appearance — Jaehyun has short and natural wavy brown hair and brown eyes. He is 178 cm tall and weighs 62 kg. He has a mole right in the corner of his right eye and a jellyfish tattoo going up his left side.
fashion style — His regular clothes consist of different v neck sweaters and shirts and skinny jeans. He is usually seen wearing boots. He loves simple and darker colors and prefers the clothing of elves.

a girl worth fighting for

traits positive (calm, patient, cautious) negative (blunt, selfish, escapist)


Jaehyun has a calm demeanor despite being very antagonistic towards his close friends, constantly verbally attacking them without a slightest care of the consequences. He is not easily intimidated, usually speaking to others in a very direct and arrogant manner. He is not the talkative kind of guy; obviously not because he is shy, he just prefers to stay quiet and observe the conversation. He turns talkative, when he is around his closest friends or someone mentions something he likes. He is also very blunt and says things that others can not say openly or without feeling ashamed; he does not have any problems with telling you the truth. If you ask him for an opinion, he will tell you his answer regardless of how rude or nice it is. He is lacking self-consciousness and is not afraid to show who he truly is; he is comfortable with himself and independent from any opinions. He is usually very calm and laid back; if you want him to get angry, you would have to do something very drastic. He can be very lazy about things that do not matter to him; his enthusiasm and energy levels last for a brief period of time and if he is not interested in a conversation he will either change the topic or end the conversation.
He is an extremely meticulous and analytical man. He figures out problems very quickly, whether it has something to do with a job or a person. He can figure out pretty much everything if he wants to; he will know whether you are telling the truth or a lie. He is an intelligent and cunning individual. He knows what he wants from life and the people around him, and he knows exactly how to get what he wants. Once he sets his eyes on something, he has all the patience in the world to get it. He is even willing to take drastic measures to make his efforts successful. He is responsible and reliable. You can be assured that he will do his part, after allotting him a task. He never goes into a situation without a plan; or a backup plan, if some things somehow do not turn out as he expected. He is proven to be an aloof individual, careful to keep his secrets unknown and even resorts on lying to do so. He keeps his distances from most people, because he does not really trust anyone, except for those who have proven to be trusted.
He tends to be escapists. When things go wrong, he will blame it on his bad luck or something else and just avoid to deal with it. In order to avoid pain and heartache, he would simply avoid confrontation and bitter arguments. Run away or just go with the flow – either of the two is his way dealing with the problems, on most occasions. If things does not turn out as per his expectations, he will lose the motivation to carry on. He tends to look at the negative side more than the positive side of things. He is not impulsive, and will never take a risk or do anything that has the potential to upset his life. He is very cautious about stability. He is concerned about how turn of events will affect him, and therefore, he tends to be quite self-centered at times. He is often selfish, and would hardly act if there is no self-interest involved. He is a liar and dishonest when there is no benefit for him.

At first glance you may never guess this of him, in fact, you may even think he is a nice person. He comes off as a laid-back, nonchalant person who moves at his own pace, and is constantly seen with a friendly and genuine smile on his face. He is easy going and is sympathetic, loyal and helpful to a friend in need, but in the end, he mainly focuses on his career. Even though he does not really care much about the people around him unless it will benefit him, he does seem to be fond of Esper. His intentions seem questionable, at least for the guild members; they do not know for sure whether he is on their side or against them. While initially cold towards the guild members, he gradually warms up and starts to openly express himself more.


background —

Jaehyun was born in the Oblivion Forest and was raised to become an independent sword fighter like his father. He never really thought much of fighting and would not share his father's interests, but still did as he was told, since he respected him. Even as a child, he was not the talkative kind of person and preferred to observe the people around him. He did not want to associate himself with his classmates or the people around him, because he always thought of himself as more mature and intelligent. But it is not like that the people around him actually wanted to befriend him, they also did not want to associate themselves with him, because of his arrogant and blunt way of talking. His parents often tried to change his behavior, but to no avail.

After the humans started to attack the other races and the Great Aeon War broke out, his father dragged him into the war in order to protect the Oblivion Forest and Florem's peace. He participated in a few battles, but soon realized that they would not stand a chance against the humans. Jaehyun absconded from the war and his responsibilities. He traveled throughout Florem and helped out some local residents, if there was benefit for him, but he was caught by some soldiers and sent into prison, after he got to close to the human capital. Several years after the war had ended, a member of Esper was also sent into prison, whom he escaped with ten years later. He joined the guild, thinking that it was the best option for him; at least for now.

❀ snow | he thinks that it is very beautiful and romantic
❀ rain | he loves the smell after it stopped raining
❀ flowers
❀ sea animals | especially jellyfishes
❀ tea | especially green tea

❀ sour food | he has a very strong dislike towards it
❀ hot and dry weather | he is not very fond of heat
❀ bell peppers| especially the green ones
❀ nosy and loud people
❀ traveling on a ship | he gets seasick easily

❀ reading | especially books about Florem's history
❀ playing chess with Youngjae or Sunggyu

❀ drums fingers when he is concentrating
❀ touches or rubs his neck when embarrassed
❀ is prone to hair-twiddling when stressed

❀ has no sense of direction and is often late, because he gets lost on his way | that is why he is usually seen with someone
❀ he is quite messy
❀ winter is his favorite season
❀ poor health | he gets sick very easily
❀ actually quite skilled at fighting
❀ currently lives in Matoki's Inn

Zero to Hero

Aeon — 'Chrono Vision' (Precognition + Retrocognition)


How and when did he find out about it? When he was 20, he got a vision of the upcoming war and another one in which he was being imprisoned; and bunch of other visions that had no impact on him. He merely thought that these visions were nightmares, or dreams in general, until they became true. He wondered whether it was due to an aeon or pure coincidence. He later on read in a book that his first guess was right.
What kind of supernatural power is it? Jaehyun has the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen and can also discern the past and past events, whether it be concerning himself or of an unfamiliar lineage in a future or past occurrence.
How well can he control it? He has no control over it at all, though he is slowly able to decide when he wants to get a vision and whether he wants to see the future or past.
What are his limits? He gets at least one vision per day; ten visions are his maximum. He is only able to perceive time subconsciously and falls in trance every time he is getting a vision. He also has no control over what he sees; he often can not distinguish whether it is the past or future he is seeing. He is only able to perceive all possible futures, but can not determine the future that is going to take place.
What does he use it for? He mainly uses it to contain a stable and safe life.
If he uses it for fights, how does he fight with it? /

backup Aeon — Dowsing


How and when did he find out about it? One day, during his imprisonment, his aeon activated showing him every single person that was once captured within in the prison. He knew immediately that it was due to an aeon that apparently ran through his veins.
What kind of supernatural power is it? He is able to track various things down and is even able to see what the person he tracks down is doing at the moment. He is also able to track down the stem of a plant by touching its roots or the exit of a maze by touching its walls. The image appears in his head, he often closes his eyes to get a clearer image.
How well can he control it? He managed to control it almost perfectly, though sometimes he activates it subconsciously, when he touches an object or a person.
What are his limits? He can use it up to five hours or ten times a day. He can either he use it for five hours straight or ten times with a maximum of 30 minutes for each activation; even if he uses less time, he is not able to activate his aeon an eleventh time. He needs to touch an object or person that had contact with the specific object, person or location he wants to track down in order to locate it. The object or person must have been in contact with the specific thing for at least ten days, otherwise it is not possible for him; the days do not have be consecutive. He also can not track things down that are protected from being tracked down. Roots, wires or walls needs to be connected. Since various people might have touched the things he is tracking down, he needs a timeframe or a description of what they look like; there is no guarantee that he is tracking down the right things.
What does he use it for? Tracking down people, objects or locations
If he uses it for fights, how does he fight with it? /


affiliation/Occupation— Esper | fortune teller, also often advises Sunggyu and Yongguk about futures that concerns Esper | tracker

Weapon — Short bow & long sword

Honor to us all


father | Song Jaehwan | 50 years older than him | missing in action and presumed dead | elf | sword fighter and instructor | disciplined, calm, stern | They were not really close, their relationship was always a little bit cold and distant. He got scolded a lot for his way of speaking or his messy room. He respected his father a lot and learned sword fighting from him, but he will never forgive him for dragging him into the Great Aeon War.

mother | Song Hyoeun | 46 years older than him | alive | elf| nurse | kind, peaceful, patient | They are neither close nor distant. He visits her from time to time and drinks tea with her. While his mother still hopes that her husband is still alive, he is almost certain that he won't return, but he does not mention this in front of her. She cares for his well-being and is often concerned when he does not check in with her regularly. She would often nag about the fact that he should visit her more often.



best friend | Yoo Hyerin | you should know | alive | elf | I assume a member of Esper? | it's your character so | Hyerin is one of the few people he trusts and often sticks around. He would often ask for her opinion on his visions. He also likes to a lot and even though he trusts her a lot, he is still quite careful around her.

True to your heart

love interest — None at the moment.You can have some Lee Jongsuk gifs instead.

agE — (keep original age)

Race — (what's his race?)

Aeon — (optional. see florem, cheatsheet)

affiliation/occupation— (is he in esper or anima? or is he a civilian?)


personality —  (refer to plotline. at least one paragraph with about six sentences. give me something I can work with)

Relationship — (refer to plotline. otherwise optional)

I'll make a man out of you

 — I actually wanted to put some more Taka gif in here (deeper deeper), but I thought that would've been too much. I didn't really know what to write about his relationship with Hyerin, since I know nothing about her personality... You're welcome for Jongsuk, Lil.୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔ୨

scene requestsJaehyun hitting on Hyerin

password Earth

Turn inback to the story


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