Digimon Adventure | Minami Kyou


nickname(s) —
+ little sunshine | his grandmother calls him by that name, because of his positive and energetic personality
+ shrimp | used by his friends and grandfather, because of his height

Age — 17
birth place — Sendai, Miyagi | Japan
hometown — Sendai, Miyagi | Japan
currently lives in —Tokyo, Japan

ethnicity — Japanese
nationality — Japanese

languages —
+ Japanese | native language
+ English | learned it in school (it is his worst subject though)

Minami Kyou

by tofuthief (gamz)


face claim — Hinata Shouyou (my son Haikyuu!!)
back up — Mikoshiba Momotarou (Free!!)

height — 163 cm
weight — 52 kg

fashion style

He usually wears the black gakuran of his high school or his black volleyball track suit. Outside of school he likes to wear printed t-shirts or over-sized hoodies and skinny jeans. He also constantly wears sneakers, people start to assume that he only owns sneakers as shoes. He has no real style or color preference he just likes to wear whatever is in his closet and is comfortable ((light) usually buys his clothes).


traits: positive (optimistic, hard-working, friendly) negative (naive, loud, escapist)

Kyou is an optimistic and quirky person. He believes that the human nature is basically good and that is why he is positive that people are able to change for the better; he later applies this to Digimon as well. He is very kind and friendly and will treat others just the way he wants to be treated as well. He is someone who is always smiling. You will never catch him without a bright smile and he will always brighten your day. His laughter is so contagious that you will want to laugh along with him even if you do not know what he is laughing about. He is very determined and hard-working. Once he sets his eyes on something, he has all the patience in the world to get it. Although he at the game, he constantly seeks for improvement and will not easily give up. He is an outgoing and obnoxious person, he loves being loud, but his energetic and loud nature often attracts unwanted attention quite easily, which often bodes ill for him. He is also unexpectedly shy when it comes to talking to girls he has not met before. Although he is very considerate of his family and friends' feelings and insecurities (especially when it comes to (light)) he likes to tease his friends in an affectionate way.
He is really curious about the world around him and believes in many things as long as there is no proof at all. He often gets his hopes and expectations high up and gets disappointed in the end. He is naive and is easily fooled, influenced or deceived by others. Sometimes it seems like he knows something fishy is going on, but he bites the bait anyway. He is extremely intuitive. More than logical reasoning, facts and figures, Kyou relies on his sixth-sense while taking a decision. Although he is someone who smiles often and laughs carelessly, he often has bad days and forces his smile; he does not want to worry (light) and wants to appear strong in front of him/her. He tends to be escapists. When things go wrong, he will blame it on his bad luck or something else and just avoid to deal with it. He feels uneasy while dealing with the real world. In order to avoid pain and heartache, he would simply avoid confrontation and bitter arguments. Run away or just go with the flow – either of the two is his way dealing with the problems, on most occasions. 


— likes

one — sweet and sour food | he loves it; especially if it is candy
two — rain | he loves the smell after it stopped raining
three — subway sandwiches | Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki is his favorite
four — green tea | the one his grand mother makes is the best, at least in his opinion
five — rock music | One Ok Rock and P.T.P. are his favorite bands

— dislikes

one — messy rooms | he ends up cleaning the room up; even if it is not his own
two — bitter food | he has a very strong dislike towards it
three — too hot or too cold weather | he does not have a good temperature endurance
four — horror movies | he is terrified of them
five — clowns and pantomimes | he thinks they are scary

— habits

one — drums his fingers when he is concentrating
two — stutters when he is nervous
three — his ears turn red when he feels embarrassed
four — gets excited easily
five — speaking in Sendai dialect every time he is nervous or excited

— hobbies

one — watching anime | mainly One Piece
two — playing the guitar and video games
three — volleyball | plays together with Hideki in his school team
four — helping out his grandmother in the shop
five — coming up with ridiculous names for Digimon attacks while playing the game

— other facts

one — crush | he has a tiny crush on (friendship)
two — (courage) | he admires his/her talent and wants to be on his/her level one day
three — scaredy cat | he is easily scared
four — fears injections
five — height | gets excited every time someone is smaller than him and angry every time someone makes fun of his height
six — The convenience store is part of his grandparents' house; it is located downstairs


Kyou was born and raised in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. He had a pretty much average past; average school marks, friends and a good relationship to his parents. That was until the terrible car accident in which his parents were involved and lost their lives to happened. He and his sibling (light) moved to their grandparents (father's side) who live in Tokyo and comforted them, as good as they could in their own sorrow, to start anew. Which more or less worked for Kyou. Remarkable to his grandparents was that their outgoing grandson did not even bother to make friends in his new school, but who could have blamed him? His marks were also getting worse due to him not caring for anything at all during that time. But after he saw that (light) was probably suffering even more under their parents' death, he reminded himself that his current attitude would not bring them back and that his parents would not have wanted them to be grieving over their death forever and that he should take care of (light) due to him/her having a rather fragile personality. Going back to his bubbly self in order to brighten his sibling's life was very tough for him. However, he became friends with a guy in his class who has a similar personality to his own and who later introduced him to Digimon during a lunch break, joined the volleyball club and his marks were also getting better again (although they are barely average again), but he always kept (light)'s well being as his top priority.  
He never really got over the death of his parents and subconsciously represses the memories of the events by escaping into the Digimon community in order to keep his mind busy. He cut of every connections and relationships to his friends in Sendai so he would not be constantly reminded of his past. He wants to look forward in order to create a stable future for his sibling.


grandfather — Minami Hibiki // 68 // author // witty, calm, creative // Teasing people in an affectionate way? He definitely has this trait from his grandfather and he constantly has to deal with him making fun of his height, comparing him to a shrimp (which later was picked up by his friends as well). He grumpily lets this comments slide, because he respects his grandfather; elders in general; but he sometimes gets caught in his shenanigans and starts to bicker with him to which his grandfather retorts amused by his grandson's reactions. He is however often busy with writing books and thus does not spend that much time with his grandchildren.

grandmother — Miyamoto Etsuko // 67 // convenience shop owner // warm, friendly, nags a lot // He loves his grandmother a lot and is seriously unbelievable sweet towards her, always offering her his help or keeping her company within the shop (he is quite concerned about her well-being (who knows what kind of guys may enter her shop?)). His grandmother appreciates his help a lot. She often looks after her grandchildren, helping them with their homework as much as she still can or pulling their blankets up after they fell asleep. As caring as she is, she nags a lot in regards of their school marks or the cleanliness of their rooms (which is often not a problem, since Kyou takes care of cleaning up without her mentioning a word, his school marks on the other hand are a different topic). She often tells him that he should put his energy into school instead of the Digimon game if he wants to create a stable future for his sibling.

sibling — (light) // 17-20 // student // whimsical, compassionate, absent-minded, passive // After their loss he is constantly worried about his/her well-being and does everything in order to make him/her happy. He often forces his smiles in front of (light), because he does not want to put extra weight on his/her shoulders; and while he thinks (light) does not notice that he/she is aware of the fact that he forces a happy attitude around him/her, but does not say a word so he could feel at ease. He often looks after (light), cleaning his/her room or protecting him/her from mean classmates, because he wants to shelter his sibling from as much pain as possible; he fears that (light) might break down any minute.


close friend — Akiyama Hideki // 17 // student // short-tempered, stubborn, passionate, blunt // These two used to hate each other's guts which gradually started to change during volleyball practice and games. Hideki is often irritated by Kyou's and Takehiko's loud behavior and snaps at them. Kyou is very found of his reactions and often teases or impersonate him, but only to a certain extent, since Hideki can get quite scary and intimidating. Although they are often bickering (even to the point that people compare them to an old married couple) they get along fairly well. They often hang out after training or during lunch break (though they are not in the same class), but neither of them would admit that they care a lot for each other.

close friend — Kimura Takehiko // 18 // student // loud, hot-headed, caring, easily scared // Takehiko was the first person he befriended with in Tokyo. He was also the one who introduced him to Digimon during lunch (Takehiko played against Hideki, though both of probably as much as Kyou does). Due to their similar personalities they got along very quickly. They often hang out in front of his grandmother's store where Takehiko teaches him on how to play the game while pretending to be the best player of their school and Kyou believing him (*cough* idiots *cough*). Since he is the oldest of the trio, Takehiko often feels responsible for looking after his two friends, he can become surprisingly calm in certain situations.

crest of hope

Digimon — Terriermon

Digimon's personality — Terriermon is a very energetic and cheerful Digimon. Just like Kyou he is constantly seen with a smile on his face and reassures everyone that everything will be alright. But unlike Kyou who trust his sixth-sense, Terriermon tends to analyze a situation before jumping into a battle. He is also shown to be very composed, hardly every loosing his cool during a fight.  He also has a somewhat mocking personality, teasing the people around him or speaking with most people as if their are close friends. He is also not afraid to call people out on their bad or rude behavior.

Relationship With character & DIGIMON — Due to their similar personalities they got along from the very beginning, although Kyou was a little bit unsure about his abilities at the beginning, but Terriemon assured him that he will be fine as long as they work together. They often goof around and mess up Kyou's room in the process, much the boy's dismay. During school time he leaves Terriermon in the convenience store so that he could keep an eye on his grandmother. 

facts about digimon — 
ONE — gets confused every time Kyou comes up with a different ridiculous name for an atack; though he starts to get used to it
TWO — frozen yogurt | he loves them a lot
THREE — heights | he has a great fear of high places and clings onto Kyou's legs as if his life depends on it
FOUR — volleyball | enjoys watching Kyou play and also enjoys tossing him the ball


last comment —

sorry the similarities to haikyuu otl

his past section was a little bit hard to write, since I have no experiences with the death of close one (I hope it's somewhat realistic... OTL)

oh and English is not my mother tongue so uh yeah

scene requests —
// idk, maybe Kyou revealing to his grandmother that Terriermon is not a doll and she reacts pretty chill like "I figured as much. I saw him helping me out when he thought I wasn't looking" (I'm so bad at scene requests OTL)

password — “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”



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Oh gawd, Ryou! I love you for using Hinata!!
Now that I see that you used Momo as a back up I realise that I could have used Ai as her brother, because of the mole, or Suga... *facepalm*
But then his personality wouldn't fit him anymore oAo