Purchasing Upvotes: I Have Lost My Dignity

As many of you readers and authors have noticed, there has been quite a lot of 'Upvote Shops' lurking around lately. And you may ask, what is an upvote shop? Well, an upvote shop is a shop that upvotes a story with multiple accounts for exchange of karma points. Upvote shops provide upvotes in a bundle, a small package may contain 5 or 10 votes while a large contains 100 votes. 

This leads me to another important point people have been debating about lately, the featured stories. A lot of people have been accusing the authors of featured stories to have bought upvotes in order to get featured, and I totally agree. But, I still believe they were good and well written. If the authors would spend karma points to promote their stories to that extent, it shows how desparate the authors are and how much they care about their story.

Now, here is something I just cannot comprehend. How can the purchasers of the massive amounts of upvotes sit still and face their readers and other users? The moment they transfer their karma points, excitement probably floods their minds as they were eager to get the 'attention'. But after getting the upvotes they want, after their story gets featured, they should feel more guilty than happiness.

When one decided to get featured by buying massive amounts of votes, the respect I have for them is definitely lost and the borders have been crossed. I believe buying upvotes to get featured is the worst thing an author can do. It is unfair to other authors, whose stories are wondefully written and actually deserve to get featured. 

When I see authors of featured stories saying things like 'I didn't expect to get featured!' 'Thank you all for your support!'. Come on, how do they have the guts to even say such things to the public?


Purchasing Upvotes: I have lost my dignity. 
Here is my own confession with purchasing upvotes.

Around a year ago, as I strolled among the lists of advertisement shops and packages, something caught my attention. Instead of the usual upvotes included in a package along with wallposts, I saw the 'upvote' packages of a shop.

It was my first time every seeing a shop that provided upvotes, I was really happy to come across it, I mean, I'll be able to make my story seem more popular and eyecatching, right? No, that wasn't the case.

As I watched my upvotes go up, I was content. But the shop made a mistake, I requested for 20 upvotes, but they gave me 50... The ratio of my upvotes to subscribers became 1:2. It made me look very desperate, and of course, I was. I felt extremely guilty.

I hid the number of subscirbers of that story and tried to pretend nothing was wrong. My readers didn't point it out, but I felt absolutely terrible. Even until this day, I wish I can 'down vote' my story again. I promised to myself I'll never do something like that, and I kept my promise.

For those of you out there, saving your karma points to buy upvotes, no matter how tempting it is, DON'T DO IT. It's not worth it, that star by your story isn't worth it. Don't lose your dignity over this little thing.

I am very ashamed to confess all this, here is the story link that I bought upvotes for. I don't even want to look at that story. It marks my immature and shameful past as an author. https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/714643#


December 14 2015- Update:

I didn't tell the complete truth in this blog. I actually have another story that I bought upvotes for. I didn't want anyone to know since it's my most popular and adored story. But looking at how other users are pointing out the fake upvotes, I'm afraid someone will bust me. So I'll confess before I get caught. 

I bought 20 upvotes for this story as well, it was from a very long time ago. I had contacted the shop owner to downvote my story, but I still heard no reply.


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True. I saw some stories have more votes than subscribers?? And I'm like obviously they bought the upvotes. It's not like anything is fair anyway. Usually stories are only known because they pay to advertise their stories, and stories which are better are less known because they aren't advertised
hunhantaeny #2
Same! I feel so guilty now...
Thanks so much for having the courage to share your story! I almost requested for upvotes once, but I cancelled my request immediately after because something didn't quite sit right with me about doing it. Hearing this and other stories makes me feel like I made the right choice.

The good thing is that when this happens on AFF, it's not the end of the world. It's not like people who did this embezzled 100 grand, they requested 100 upvotes to make their story more visible. Can you think of a better environment than AFF to learn that doing shady dealings to get ahead has a really bad aftertaste? :)
I have to be honest here, I requested for upvotes and I had no idea how much guilt I feel for it. I regret it completely. Being featured isn't going to make me happy, it's going to make me scared less. I requested them a month ago and now I realize how big of a mistake I made. The upvotes I have aren't even earned by my story, they were bought! /grips onto head/
It makes me feel horrible.
I don't want to take down my fic nor do I want to act desperate. I felt that the only way to have feedback for my story is if people see how many upvotes/subscribers there are after looking at the title on the website. It makes me feel SO frickin horrible. I don't know if it is allowed to ask to remove the upvotes I got.
I do have to point out that not everyone who read your story will have subscribed or commented, let alone voted for it. People will read it and like it, but sometimes won't say it to you.

Although it does bring about a good point: the quantity of praise you get, compared to the quality. One of my stories has been upvoted just five times, and has over 1200 views. Hardly any, right? So that story is crap, right? Wrong. It isn't crap because a) I wrote it for me and my own enjoyment and I quite liked it, and b) it has one little comment, out of the four that are there: "I don't know why you get very little upvote here". That one person read my story, liked it and couldn't understand why I didn't have votes probably in double figures to demonstrate the quality of my story. I could have 100 votes and it would do nothing to me like that comment did. And I think that's what people need to think about: quality over quantity. I had another comment on a story that I am currently writing that goes "My goodness, you have me on the edge of my seat!!" Which is EXACTLY what I wanted to achieve by that point in the story!! ^_^ That is another comment that makes me think my writing is good. If we treasure those comments more, then upvote stores won't be as effective.

But then. not all of us think that way, unfortunately. Some still think that 1000 upvotes is better than 10. And I don't think it is. Sure, these stores can be annoying, but they serve to quell one of our inner fears: if we can't show that we're good at it, then we're pretty much not good at it at all.
I am really tired from dance rehearsals, and I am usually a very verbal person when it comes to my opinion. But I am so tired and drained that I'm afraid I'll just slur around my response to this post. However, I just want you to know that this post made me feel a tad less disappointed to this site, kinda restored my faith and whatnot. I am, in all honesty, loathe people who cheats to get to the top, when the only thing that will happen is them feeling disheartened and hollow in the end. But this post sheds a light on a different perspective: yours. Im not happy of what you have done, but I am happy that you were this brave. Erase that, I'm proud of you. Although, I also believe that cheating can be justifiable if you and a lot of people (if not everyone else) believe in unison that you are deserving. But then again, it's all about being able to handle any kind of worst outcome.

, I said I wont type too long but anyway. Your courage made me happy tonight. You are free to delete this comment if you find it incongruous or if it doesnt make sense ! xx /virtual hug/