Right now... I hate the world... Especially my parents. I really hate them. God some people must think I'm some heartless , if I think of my parents like that. I love them at times, but most of the time I bottling a whole lot of hate for them that I never express.

I feel like I'm being mocked by them. If you've been following my twitter (@Ifnt_TaeYoung) or my instagram (@ifnt_taeyoung) you can see that I've been expressing how tired I am of restricting my appearance to suit others taste in style. I've been dying my hair bright blonde which you can see photos of on my twitter and instagram and I've been doing goth again after such a long time of not dressing in the style.

I'm happy with bright blonde hair, even if it doesn't suit my skin tone that much, I'm having so much fun experimenting with different colours. I really miss dressing as a goth and I've been practicing my makeup skills for going back to it. Now my parents are saying all sots of that's bringing me down.

Ever since I reconnected with my childhood friend Arin (whom I talked about in a previous blog post) I've become really sensitive to what my parents say about looking like a boy and goths. Since Arin is a goth and identifies as a boy.

My parents talks of goths as they aren't people, normal people. There's nothing wrong with being a goth, i you think about it technically, goths just appreciate th darker side to life. It's a fashion style that suits rock music. My mum would say that I look like a freak and she would threaten me that she'll refuse to go out in public with me. She'll also try to guilt trick me and say that she keeps having sleepless nights because of me. Today she commented at me saying that the next time I go to the hairdressers the woman will refuse to cut my hair cause she would be 'too shocked'. My mum is also commenting on how I would look like a boy if I went to get my hair cut shorter. I really hate my hair and I don't care if I look like a boy. If I decide to have long hair, I'll wear a ing wig if I have to!

My dad as usual is a joker. He jokes about goths and stuff. Even if it's little things, to me it builds up to something big. I don't forget things my parents say to me.

I feel like crying and screaming majority of the time. They don't realise how ing upset  I get by their words.

I think I'll message Arin in a bit and ask for his advise. I think he'll be able to understand me the most. Since we're very similar with interests and style.


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Goths are people. Not technically, not in a weird way, they are people. They just have different tastes. And your tastes don't conform to those of your parents. That's because you're not your parents. You're you! Every person in this world has different tastes, different styles, different issues ... if we were all the same and liked the same things, the world would be so very boring. Every person has a story to tell. And your parents might think that they are trying to protect you and help you to become this wonderful person with this career and that degree and this house and that car and this partner and that lifestyle, but if you're not doing anything wrong then they would actually be happy with you just being alive and happy, and that's really all that any parent wants, regardless of what they say. It just upsets them that their child isn't growing up the way they imagined and a lot of parents don't know how to handle it. They don't understand it either because it isn't their style. But if being goth makes you happy, then be goth. It doesn't even mean you have to like the dark side. You can be goth and be happy and hyperactive and cheerful and cute. Have a look at some of Nika Harper's videos on YouTube. She is a goth and she can be so stupid and silly and adorable. Just because you associate with a certain identity and feel happy being a certain way doesn't make you a bad person and won't make you any less of a person in anyone's eyes. And anyone that does think any less of you doesn't really have enough respect for you or for themselves.
You're not the only one...I understand sweetheart and know what you're going through. It'll be okay. <3