Hey guys! Haha. I need your help again. =))

Hi, guys! Haha.

You see... I need your HELP again. Sorry for the disturbance.

So, yeah. Here's my problem. I need a poster for my new fic.
(Yes! Finally, I have a plot already and now I need a poster. Hehe. ) 

So there, anyone could do me a favor?

Can you make a poster for my new fic? Please? Pretty please? Pleeeeaaasseee? 

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please messege me if you could help me. Thank you! =))


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my editing is worst too ;_______;
fujisyusuke-kun #2
Title, Characters, plot=happy, sad or wut?
fujisyusuke-kun #3
I need one too!!
TT^TT Imma try to make you one.
I'm trying photoshop.
My editing is the worst.