little hannie — Often she and Luhan share this nickname, hence the "little" since she's younger.
winnie — Her English name, she went to an international high school and was greatly interested in going overseas for work, so she needed something simple that rolled off the tongue.
Yifan's secretary — She's always the one that's around Yifan, and usually offering to help him, so people just call her that as a joke. They say Howin knows Yifan's schedule better than he does sometimes.

birth daTE & Age — 13 / 10 / 1991  + 23
birth place — Beijing, China
hometown — Dalian, China

ethnicity — Chinese

chinese, Fluent — Native Tongue
korean, Fluent — Her roommate in college and high school was Korean, they traded languages hehe.
english, conversational — International high school and college = Languages learned. She's not good at structuring her sentences well, but she understands the words pretty well.

blood type — B

han howin

by symphonies (dannie) - 7/10

eyes bright, uptight, just girls

character appearance

face claim — Jeon Jiyoon / 4Minute
back up — Solji / EXID

height — 170 cm
weight — 48 kg

Howin has been blessed with good height and a good metabolism, which is something no one (especially Kyungsoo, but more on that later.) lets her get off easily about. So she falls under the sort of 'model' category that Korean and Chinese beauty standards have, which is nothing to sniff at, and Howin is always pleased when someone compliments her body or height. She also likes that it intimidates the smaller men in the Pathcode and frequently uses it to her advantage.

One thing that she doesn't have, though, is pale and clear skin. Living near the ocean, it's normal to get a copious amount of sun and she was no exception, prefering to stay outside than in. She didn't like that she got tan, but skin whitening products were expensive and honestly scared her so she just sort of dealt with it. Her skin fell to puberty and stress, so it's not unusual to see her looking in a mirror and checking her skin or covering up a red spot, especially when due dates are near and she feels like nothing's done.

She LOVES her short hair and dying it different colors, but occasionally likes to put in extensions to give the illusion of shoulder length hair (it will be colored, though). Short hair, she says, doesn't get in the way of her job and also doesn't get in her food, so it's a win win sort of situation for her. It also accenuates her nice V shaped jaw and pretty facial features. While her eyes are small, she uses eyeliner often to fix that and even admits to looking into plastic surgery. Speaking of which, she has gotten a nose job and isn't ashamed. She paid for it herself and wanted a smaller nose, so she did it. The rest of her face she insists is completely natural. Howin likes wearing makeup and is known to visit the makeup department to steal some sort of product to use.


dressed in black from head to toe

character style

Since she's out and about and in public a lot, Howin likes to keep it simple but nice, usually with skinny jeans (she loves those, most of her closet is dedicated to the pant) and a nice shirt and maybe a jacket, depending on the weather. Compared to some of her coworkers (like Kaya) she seems very casual and laid back, but she does take some pride in her appearance but also tries to be reasonable about her profession. It wouldn't make sense for her to wear high heels and a pencil skirt when scouting, so she settles for her pants and a pair of comfortable shoes. Rarely if ever does she wear a dress or a skirt, but a few of the girls are determined to get her into one.


With a girly demeanor and a loud mouth, Howin is one of those people that at first glance, you wonder how she even got the job. Until you put her out in the field with a script and locations to find. Also, Yifan owed her a favor. She's the girl that seems to know where everything is, and her sharp eye for detail makes her perfect for scouting and securing locations for the film sets. She's known to be bright and optimistic; which makes people second guess her age, and that's the one thing she doesn't like. When she's not on the outside exploring (and occasionally annoying) with Kyungsoo, she's with Yifan, usually helping him prepare for meetings and telling him not to act like a dork.

inside out

character personality

Positive: Optimistic, Energetic, Dedicated, Open-minded, Intelligent. 
Neutral: Resourceful, Casual, Undemanding.
Negative: Opininated, Childish, Impractical, Manipulative, Dependent.

Known as the child of the team, Howin is all sunshine and rainbows 95% of the time. She is a glass-half-full kind of girl, and is usually encouraging and doesn't like when someone on the team is upset. Howin is usually the one bouncing around and asking when she can leave the office, always preferring to be outside on location than trying to sit down and do paperwork. She definitely is known as a ball of energy, and when people her own age complain about being tired, she claims that she's the alpha of the group and if anyone needs her, she'll be redecorating her new office (usually Kris', but there are times she goes to Suho's) and they are to take orders from her now. As goofy as Howin can be, she's very dedicated to her job and loves what she does, genuinely. She loves to travel and as a location manager she's able to do that, even if it's only 30 minutes away from the office. She won't stop until the job is done and done well, whether it be work related or another task she has on her mind. While a lot of people don't think outside the box, for Howin, there is no box. Not even a line of what could be the "logical" solution. She's open to any and all solutions and ways to get there, even though it might sound like a hair brained idea to everyone else. Even though she's a very bubbly character, Howin is still very intelligent and knows more than what people assume she does. It's just her overall personality that sometimes overshadows her brain. 

Whether it’s finding a shortcut due to time or gas money restraints en route to the location or finding a way to get her paperwork done in the least amount of time as possible, Howin’s quick thinking and resourcefulness can save the day. However, she does use this skill for some not so good purposes, such as using a hair pin (or pieces of a pen, who knows where she learned that) to pick the lock of a certain office of a certain executive, just to mess with them, it can sometimes end up a bit silly and unprofessional. Being as she is, she’s fairly casual with those she is close with and at the office. This can lead to her acting like those who are in charge, aren’t actually in charge. “But Yifan, are you sure that I have to do it?” is a common phrase coming from her desk when her paperwork needs to be done. However, she’s a very undemanding person, only wanting people to be nice to everyone and when you really need her to actually focus and do something, she'd more than willing to do so.

With all of Howin's cute personality, there are some down sides to her nature. If she has an opinion, she will say what she thinks, even if it's out of turn. During meetings with all of the group she frequently gets scolded as she blurts out what's on her mind, sometimes even speaking up over Joonmyeon or Kris or whoever may be presenting at the time. She’s not called the child of the team for nothing, frequently acting much younger than she is and sometimes pouting or being overly silly over something that’s really not that big of a deal. Going back to her open-mindedness, she can be a bit… impractical. If she really wants an idea or a location to work, she’ll try and do all sorts of things to try and get it to work, but it sometimes just ends up with either her getting hurt or just overworked and an overly concerned staff. It’s no secret that Howin’s got certain members of the team wrapped around her finger, and occasionally she does use this to her advantage, especially when it comes to her chores or duties outside of her normal job. Because of this, and because of the way she was raised, she’s extremely dependent on people and likes being around them. She doesn’t like being alone and by getting people to help her or do things for her, or just in general following some of her coworkers around, it soothes her nerves.



— likes

one — Sketching/Designing Sets. Howin loves Theater, and as a hobby she'll pick up a script and sketch out ideal sets and locations. It's something that keeps her calm and still for longer stretches of times.
two — Makeup. She's fasincated with how makeup can literalyl change your entire face with just some contour or eyeliner. If you really need to find her and you know she's not on the job or at her desk (or eating in the break room, or in Kris' office) she's usually down in the Makeup department.
three — Outdoors. It should go without saying, but she's an outdoors, energetic person. Howin loves being outside and doing outside activities. 
four — Travelling. It's been a dream of her to travel, and her job allows it, even if it's only thirty minutes away. She loves adventure and new places, and isn't afraid to explore.
five — Food. This is also an obvious one. Howin always has some type of food on her, and if you want her to do something, just promise her food and 9 times out of 10 she'll do it.
six — Coffee. Howin's already hyper, but coffee puts her over the edge. Most people don't want her to have it, but there are a select few who think it's hilarious to give her some and then unleash her into the world.
seven — Animals. Whether it be furry, scaley, slimey, etc. Howin will probably wantone. She frequently asks if they can get an office pet. 

— dislikes

one — The Office. She loves the people there, but she hates the indoors and the paperwork, the 'boring' part of the job.
two — Her Skin. Compared to the other girls of the company, Howin has darker and less clear skin and she's definitely self concious about it.
three — Burned Food. Food is a precious thing, and if you waste it by burning it, Howin will not be pleased with you. 
four — Strict Rules. No one really knows why, but whenever you try and enforce rules onto Howin she immediately retracts and seems upset for a while. 
five — Whistling. Why? She can't actually whistle. She's never been able to do it. 
six — Being Undermined. She won't show it, but it seriously bothers her when she hears people whispering about how she's not a good match for the company.
sEven — Long Meetings. Long meetings means sitting still and listening without trying to speak out of turn, and that's just difficult for her.

— hobbies

one — Sketching. She usually keeps a sketchbook in her bag with her at all times, in case she gets an idea.
two — Cooking. Howin doesn't just like to eat it, she likes to cook, especially Chinese dishes. They remind her of home.
three — Making Lists. If she's really, actually focused or trying to help, she'll make many a list of things to do.
four — Sports. Howin's probably played every type of sport there is, but she's pretty fond of soccer and tennis.
five — Sea Shells. Being from a beachy area in China, she loves her sea shells and has a jar of them on her desk.

— habits

one — Scrunching her nose up when she's embarrassed.
two — Not actually meaning to, she ends up analyzing her teammates due to her psychology/sociology background. It's one of the few things she keeps to herself.
three — Biting on her lip when she's upset.

— other facts

one — While her major hasn't a lot to do with film making, she added her minor when she met Kris so she could join Pathcode.
two — Has a whiteboard ourside her desk that has a "Fact of the Day" which is usually some unusual fact involving Sociology or Psychology.
three — She, along with Kyungsoo, aren't fazed by Kris' stress demeanor when it comes around. (She lets Kyungsoo deal with it usually because of, you know, reasons...)
four — She only works on her designs and sketches when she thinks no one is looking. She likes to keep them to herself.
five — Is usually the one that tries to use pink sticky notes just to get on Kaya's nerves; Kaya can find one stuck to her desk that day with a little smiley and a "good luck today!" written on it. She still gets in trouble, even if she's "just trying to encourage" Kaya.

once upon a time

character background

As an only child of the Hans, one would think she was quite lonely, however with all of her family living nearby, she was hardly ever alone. She became best friends with her cousin and other neighboring children. Encouraged only to asscioate with the kids from good families, Howin had a lot of direction and rules set upon her to uphold her family's repuation. The only person who could really understand her was her cousin, Xianhua, but he moved away to Canada with his own family when she was about to enter middle school.

Once she entered middle school, her parents started putting even more pressure on her to do well, threatening serious consequences (for a kid, that is) if she weren't to succeed. The Hans were very traditional, wanting Howin to graduate and get married and start a family at a fairly young age, which quite honestly scared her. A lot. Going into high school she had to deal with many dates, many formal dinners, and many things that involved her acting much older than her age. When college application time rolled out, she desperately applied anywhere and everywhere, wanting to get out of China. She received acceptances from quite a few, but one especially caught her eye: Dongguk University. She accepted entrance into the Korean university and went. As for her parents thoughts, they were excited that their daughter got accepted into a highly rated school, and decided to let her go.

Upon entering a new country, a new school, and with no pressures to be an adult or to have to do anything, Howin sort of... reversed aged, in a sense. She became chlidish and silly to makeup for the time where she was forced to be more of an adult. Eventually, while taking an Accounting class for her math requirement, she met a tall dork by the name of Yifan, and they quickly became best friends. They kept in touch after they graduated, and when he told her of the startup company he was working on, and how they would need people, Howin asked if she were eligible. So Yifan may or may not have promised her a job when she graduated, and that's how she ended up at Pathcode with the title of "location manager", although most people just call her "Yifan's secretary".



mother — Han-Lau Jiaying  // 53 // Homemaker // Punctual, Straight forward, Prideful // Not the best, to say the least. Jiaying stands by her mother with the tradional aspect -- you should get married young and start a family. With Howin being out of the country, she worries if she'll find a proper husband and settle down soon. She's very proud of her family and would like to see grandchildren before too long. Occasionally she'll phone Howin, and Howin immediately changes into a quiet, proper Howin. These phonecalls usually end with Howin excusing herself to the bathroom or to be alone. 

father — Han Houjin // 55 // CEO // Attentive, Boastful, Structured // Ever busy and not around a lot during Howin's childhood, Houjin only ever required Howin to obey her mother and grandmother and wasn't ever all there, even when he was home. Howin never had much to say about him, even when asked. As a high profile CEO, he only mentions that his daughter is attending classes at a high profile university and nothing much after that. 

grandmother — Lau Kueching // 81 // retired // Traditional, Strict, Nagging // Howin and her grandmother really don't get along all that well. Kueching is the reason for all the dates and the pressure growing up, wanting to make Howin a respectable young lady. She's not at all pleased with Howin's decision to go to college, and whenever her mother calls, Kueching grabs the phone and insists that she come home and get married instead of "wasting her time at a job that will get her no where". 

uncle — Chenglei Lau // 51 // Lawyer // Relaxed, Busy, Encouraging  // They said you can't choose your family, and Howin wishes that it were the opposite because she loved her uncle very much. He moved to Canada to practice law and he frequently calls her and tells her to visit soon. Chenglei cares about his niece a lot, and even when she was younger she had him wrapped around her little finger. He jokes that her "husband" (whenever she chooses one) will be even more so than he is. Howin talks about him and her cousin much more than her actual family back in China.

cousin — Xianhua "Henry" Lau // 25 // University Student // Musical, Upbeat, Determined // Best of friends, even across seas and over ten years. Henry, as he's now known as, is a music student, going after what he wants to do and encourages Howin to do the same. If ever she were to visit Canda, or he was able to come to Korea, expect lots of tears and Howin to never let go of him. She very much cares for him and considers him more of a brother than a cousin.


i understand you — Baek Yoojin // 21 // Director of Photography & Colorist // Reliable, Whimsical, Blunt. // Yoojin is a precious cinnamon roll who must be protected to Howin. Yoojin doesn't mind Howin's personality (most of the time...) and can appreciate Howin trying to be a little bit of happiness in a stressful work enviroment. Howin completely understands Yoojin's family background, and is slightly protective over her because of this. She greatly admires how pure and happy Yoojin is despite her troubles in life, and strives to be like her. Howin frequently goes with Yoojin to her mother's cafe and helps out whenever she can. Ms. Moon is always kind to all of Yoojin's friends, and there are times where Howin wishes that she was her mom instead. 

boy you're trouble. (I like you.) — Kim Jongdae // 22 // Editor // Mischevious, Outgoing, Flirtatious // Now Jongdae has always had an interesting relationship with Howin, ever since she first walked into Pathcode. With their bubbly and outgoing personalities, it was easy for them to click and to get along well. She gets fairly annoyed when he goes and flirts with other girls, complaining that she'll have to get a leash and collar for the guy because of his antics. Jongdae and Howin are always "platonically flirting" with each other, seeing how far one is willing to go before breaking down into laughter. If you ever see an exceptionally pissed off Kyungsoo, or these two running off to join up with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, it's best to just duck behind your desk for a while and let the chaos unfold. 

big brother, big brother! — Lu Han // 25 // Camera Operator // Persistent, Kind, Compassionate // Sharing the same last name went a VERY long way with these two, and Lu Han immediately adopted the "Little Hannie" as a younger sister, appreciating her support when he goes on one of his "I'm manly" rants. "Of course you are, gege~" Howin likes to be around Lu Han, finding his personality and smile one of the best things about her day working at Pathcodes. She really appreciates his hard work and hopes that someone realizes just how special he is. He wants to take a trip with her to Beijing to introduce her to his family, because she's his "meimei" (little sister) and should be adopted into his family. Speaking of, Lu Han is usually the one that checks in on Howin first after a phone call with her mom/grandmother.


i just want you to smile! — Lee Kaya // 24 // Production Designer // Responsible, Creative, Strict // Kaya has little to no time for silliness, while Howin can be nothing but that. Even though Howin genuinely just wants Kaya to smile, Kaya seems to find Howin's antics (especially when paired with Jongdae) unamusing and overall distracting. There are a few times that Howin's actually managed to get her to smile, and Howin couldn't be prouder. She just wants Kaya to relax and remember that this job is fun, even with the stressful deadlines. Howin just sometimes doesn't do it in the best ways (she really should rethink those stick notes...) With Kaya and Yifan's past, it probably didn't help Howin at first, seeing as she's always following Yifan around and acting like his best friend. It wouldn't surprise anyone if Kaya thought that Howin was the girl that Yifan ditched her for.

please don't explode, but-- — Do Kyungsoo // 22 // Production Assistant / Location Manager // Brave, Intelligent, Quick Witted. // Where there's a Kyungsoo babbling and trying to get things together, there's usually Howin running after him, pen scribbling furiously and surprisingly keeping up with his nonsense words. They make a fairly good team, with Kyungsoo being more proper and business like and Howin being the socialite and sweet talker of the two. However, Kyungsoo is very much one of the first to scold Howin for her childish behavior, and if he can't, he'll get Yifan to do it. They both have a vow to keep both Joonmyun and Yifan from going insane, but Kyungsoo's convinced that he's the only one actually committed to the promise.


  • Dongguk University (Social Science/minor Business Administration, 2013)

location manager (Key makeup artist)

— "Accomplishments take time, and that's okay. I'm willing to work for however long it takes."

On paper, Howin was a great choice, and with Yifan’s strong (actually insistent) recommendation, Howin secured a job interview. In the interview, the girl before them was very much different than what was expected. But when questions about detail and background started to come to light, Howin’s eye for detail came out and she started really displaying the intelligence levels that were shown on her resume. Howin could take an idea from a script setting and pin point locations that matched it’s description fairly easily, and when in a scenario where she had to secure the location, she was able to diligently explain the script, give detailed information about how to contact them, and clear intentions from the crew (with a few slip ups, but hey, that’s why they had Kyungsoo.) And still saying, Yifan promised her a job so she was guaranteed a hire anyways. Howin and Kyungsoo work together to ensure that one: They get the locations needed and two: Yifan doesn’t fall on his face.

What is your dream for Pathcode Films? And how do you suppose you will be able to contribute in achieving that dream?  — Honestly, I just want us to do well!  I don’t really know much about the film industry, but I’m trying my best to learn! If we keep high enough ratings, then we should be in store for greater things to come! As the location manager, I’m set to find the best place possible for our crew and ensuring that we’re all taken care of on location. 

Do you like your position? Why or why not?  are you aiming for a higher one in the future? — I love my position! Traveling and looking at scenery is a wonderful job to have, even if there’s a lot more layers to it than that. Hm, Higher? I could always take Yifan’s spot, but… Nah, I’m pretty happy where I am. I couldn’t stand to be put in an office more than I already am now.

If you could switch positions for a day, what would it be? Why? — I’d like to be in the Makeup department! I love makeup and hair design, so I’d like to actually be able to experiment and get a feel of what it’s like to actually work down there.

DO YOU think pathcode films could go a long way? —Of course it can, I see so much potential and talent in everyone who works here, and if we all work together there’s no limit to what we can do! We might be young and maybe inexperienced, but with determination you can never tell! 

DO YOU get along well with everyone? — Well. *shifts* Honestly, I get along with the people I get along with and there’s people I don’t get along with. I admit that I have flaws and there’s just some traits that just don’t mesh well with other traits of other people. I hope that we can at least be pleasant with each other, you know?

Previous Work ExperienceS

  • Intern (Secretary) — Adaptive Human Solutions Ltd. — 0311 - 0112 — It was a mandatory intership for her major.
  • Intern (Business Admin) — tvN — 0212 - 0513 — Baek Ji-yeon's People Inside // Saturday Night Live Korea

wu yifan

— kim jongdae


Positive: Collected, Hardworking, Dorky, Charming
Neutral: Stubborn, Confident, Leader
Negative: Easily Irritated, Pushover, Ritualistic, Oblivious

If you work at Pathcode, you probably had to go through Joonmyun and this guy right here. Tall with intimidatingly good looks, it's no wonder that he's an Executive Producer and handles clients well. He knows what he's doing and always seems to have it together to the rest of the crew, making him a perfect sort of figurehead for the company. He's not just a pretty face either, Yifan's worked hard and continues to do so to prove that he's earned this position and he's not one to dismiss. He genuinely loves his job, so even if the hours are long and the people (aka Jongdae and Howin) can be exhausting to handle, at the end of the day there's no place he'd rather be. Underneath all that cool facade, he's really just a super tall dork who likes to joke around with the rest of his friends. He can be a little slow to pick up some of the games they all play, and usually he loses and is the of the joke, but it's all in good fun and he gets that. With his good looks, it's no wonder he's a charmer and knows how to work to his advantage. Yifan can get secretly pleased when he makes someone blush or a little hot under the collar, or win over a client with a simple (adorablecough) smile and polite greeting.

He's not an Executive Producer for nothing, because this boy knows how to lead and lead well. Sure he messes up sometimes and his inner dork is revealed, but the guy knows what's best for the team and genuinely wants everyone to succeed. I mean, they're all taking a chance by working for a startup company like thi so he wants to make sure it's worth it. Yifan is confident, in his looks, in his work, in everything he does. It can get close to cocky, but certain people make sure that he never goes to far and are ready to knock him down a peg or two when they see his ego inflate. If he thought the sky were orange, he'd argue with you until the cows came home, he's that stubborn. It's great for meetings and negoations, but in real life it's irritating to have to deal with his think skull.

If you see Yifan striding down the hall with heavy steps, it's best to run, because even though he's pretty easygoing he can get just as fired up as anyone else. He gets irritated easily, over little things, over deadlines, and his fuse shortens when negoiations come up. Never try and goof off when a project could or could not be signed with Pathcode, because Yifan is in 110% Business Yifan mode and it can get scary. Yifan is also a pushover for his friends (as if you couldn't tell) and he's willing to do a lot of things for them if they ask. He can be taken advantage of sometimes and that also irritates him. He wants to be nice, but he also doesn't like it when people intentionally use him either. Yifan is a man of habit, not wanting to stray too far from routine, especially at work. Mess with his routine (and you're not Howin or a usual troublemaker that he can/should expect it from) and it's... interesting. If his whole day is thrown off he's in a daze and a rush at the same time, trying to remember what was what and where is where. The man is also extremely oblivious to a lot of things, including when someone's flirting or really interested in him romantically. As irritated as he can get, he can infuriate others pretty easily with this trait.


history — Howin met Yifan in college, way before Pathcodes even existed. She was only a first year trying to struggle through Accounting class, and Yifan was in her class trying to get credits to even graduate on time. They bonded over the pain of mathematics, then realized they had a lot more in common than originally thought. Yifan was one of the few people who didn't mind Howin's childlike and bubbly personality, finding it rather cute and endearing. Howin was just really excited to make a friend who didn't tell her to shut up or that refused to buy her ice cream at odd hours of the day. At the university, it seemed that the little spunky first year was almost always around the ever popular Yifan, and rumors flew around that they were dating. Howin didn't really mind the rumors, after all, she had sort of developed a crush on the ever kind and attractive upperclassman. Yifan didn't really see this, no matter how much Howin tried making it obvious. She never got around to actually confessing, perferring to stay in her daydream land of thinking of what it'd be like to hold hands with him, to stroll down the streets of Seoul with him and just... being with him. 

When Yifan's graduation date neared, Howin was close to tears. She'd grown so close, and she still had two more years left before her own graduation. Who knew where the tall giant she'd fallen for would be for at that point. Yifan had promised her that he'd come visit often, and that she'd never miss him for long. Howin held him to that promise, and even spent that summer with him, not wanting to go home. Spending time with him and a few of his friends was probably the best time she had ever had, the late nights, the last minute road trips to the beach, basically all those summer movies and music videos that you see everywhere came true for her that summer. Yifan helped her move back in for the next year, and then they both got busy with their respective lives, school and discussing plans to start up a company. When the Pathcode project was set in motion, Yifan promised that Howin would be able to join up if she added something that could possibly be implimented into the filmmaking world. At Howin's graduation, Yifan was the first to congratulate Howin and within a couple of weeks, Howin was basically hired in Pathcode.

interactions — 

"Why do I like him??" // Howin was the first to realize her feelings in the relationship, and truth be told she wasn't all that surprised. Yifan was sweet, attractive, and basically everything anyone could've asked for in a man. She was still in college though, and so she mostly kept it to herself, dropping (pretty obvious ones, in her opinion) hints every now and then about her feelings to them just to ease the ache in her heart a bit. However, none of them quite got through his head and just irritated Howin in the end. 

"Distance. It does things." // Even though the two were in almost constant contact, not physically being with Yifan helped Howin deter her not-so-small crush on him, and eventually she questioned why she needed a boyfriend or wanted one in the first place. It was the whole reason why she left home in the first place, so she should enjoy her indepence and make sure she should support herself before going out and settling down. For Yifan, it sort of opened his eyes on just how much he liked spending time with Howin. While he was busy setting up Pathcode, he was definitely thinking about stylish pixie cuts and familiar whining for ice cream more than he should be. He waved it off as simply missing spending time with her, though.

"I'm not planning on finding a boyfriend." // Joonmyun had, of course, heard so much about Howin from Yifan, so when interviewed by the two he had to sneak in a question about her relationship status, thinking that surely they must be together. When the words left , both were shocked in different ways. Joonmyun hearing it so casually from the then 22 year old, and Yifan for confusing reasons to him, it actually kinda punched him in the heart when she said that. He resolved that he was probably just attatched and the unpleasant knowledge of Howin not wanting a boyfriend would ebb away.

"Oh... Awkwaaard." // Howin had no idea of Kaya's previous relationship with Yifan, and when Kaya subtlely brought it up, Howin was surprised. She hadn't expected Yifan to be like that back in high school, after all, all she knew was the sweetheart she had liked back in college. Yifan stumbled over explaining himself to both girls, desperately not wanting Howin to think any less of him and for Kaya to please let it go. He was extremely embarrassed by the whole situation, while everyone else just thought it was funny seeing the usually collected Executive Producer flustered and stumbling over his words.

"She's got you wrapped around her little finger." // It didn't take long for the entire company to figure out that Howin had a special place in Yifan's heart, and that he'd do just about anything for her. Howin seemed to get that, but she really didn't grasp just how much power she had over the older man. Someone once said to him, "She's got you wrapped around her little finger." when he ran out and returned with her favorite ice cream, just because she had mentioned she had run out earlier that day, and Yifan simply sighed and said, "I know." and went off to give it to her.

"Watch me get a collar for you, Kim Jongdae." // Basically, Howin is never pleased when Jongdae goes off and flirts with another girl and frequently complains that he's a dog and should be collared. Jongdae then whines that she shouldn't be that in the workplace, and they both laugh it off and go back to their work. Yifan, however, finds this greatly jarring and sort of stews in his office upon hearing the two blantally (albeit platonically) in the office. It was during one of those times, one where Jongdae and Howin got especially close with each other, trying to play it up as much as they could without breaking and dying with laughter, that Yifan got mad and barked at them to get to work, being the roughest he had even been with Howin, if you could even say that. Howin was definitely hurt but obeyed him, and Yifan did a lot of thinking that day, before coming to the conclusion that hey, he sort kinda.. no he totally does have it bad for the location manager.

"I just keep... thinking about you." // A lovestruck Yifan... is still Yifan. Everything continued as normal, maybe with a bit more intentional attempts at skinship and trying to prolong conversation a bit longer than usual -- but nonetheless Yifan kept himself together, only spiraling to a long thought process all revolving around Howin. He couldn't not think about her, even when he was presenting, she'd work her way into his mind and further into his heart. But he didn't want to ruin their friendship on the chance that Howin didn't return his feelings.

"I thought I done!" // While Yifan just secretly obsesses over Howin in his mind, she was trying to figure out why she couldn't like any of the men that had asked her out. Howin had indeed had a few people here and there come around, but she'd always find some sort of flaw where she didn't want a second date: He wasn't tall enough, he didn't have the right kind of gummy smile, his laugh was off -- even pointless things like "He doesn't call Cola "Black Cola Drink" or that his eyebrows weren't angry enough -- and then when she was rambling off to Yoojin about these things, she stopped and gave her a look. "You mean they weren't Yifan???" And oh boy did that hit her like a ton of bricks. She thought she had gotten over that little college crush but it came back and hit her full force. She then went on to whine about how she can't believe she still liked him, because "Oh my gOD Yoojin he's so oblivious what am I gonna do--"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" // And this is the line that gets everything out in the open. The company was out for a couple of drinks after a job well done, and someone asked about that date Howin had that past weekend. She shrugged, not thinking much of it. But it made Yifan's stomach lurch in the most painful way, and it wasn't because of the alcohol in his hand. The night went on, and Howin asked to go home with Yifan, she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to be alone. As they walked up his driveway (after paying the cabby, don't drink and drive kiddos) Yifan grabbed her hand and made her face him. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, his grip tightening. Howin looked confused for a minute. "Huh?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He repeated, firmer and stepping just a fraction closer to her. Howin slowly shook her head. "N-no."
"Thank god." He sighed, before leaning down and kissing her. It took a minute for her to process this thanks to the booze, but soon enough she started kissing back. Let's just say that things got interesting after that and since then, it's been extremely awkward. Neither of them were very good about romance or things like that in general, so now it's just a matter of how long before everyone in the office starts getting sick of seeing Howin duck into the editing office or Yifan looking more out of sorts than he should be. (The answer-- probably not long. I guess the ending is pretty open ended, but I do really love these two together so let's just say they came to their senses and got together, in whatever way you seem fit ^^)


 last comment — So this is long overdue and you can see my Kris bias showing (...#sorrynotsorry) and I did go a bit into detail, I hope that's not too much ;;; I love your applyfic idea and can't wait to see what you do with ^^

scene requests —
// Literally anything involving Howin and Yifan I love their relationship so much.
// Also Howin/Jongdae, because adorbs and the flirting omg.
// The company having a 'bonding vacation' somewhere
// Idk it looks so good already ;A;

password — Alice Sebold (this counts right? Because this is literally my favorite cover they've done like ever.)



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