Updates; The Hunger - Chapter 27

I accidentally posted this before I was ready lmao. But that's okay. :)  You might find a few typos or style errors, but I'm working to get that cleaned up. For the most part, it's very legible. It was like 99.999% done already.  Please check it out and leave me comments! I want to know your thoughts. :D Also let me know what you are most looking forward to in the next update!

Also: Did you know I have a tumblr specifically for my stories? When I make updates, I make lots of drabbles about them. I also reblog writing tips, images that spark curiosity, music that I love to write to, etc. If you like behind the scenes type stuff, and little tidbits that might help you with our own writing, you might really enjoy this. Here is the latest entry to go along with this chapter: http://kyusung.cu.cc/post/124979209528/updates-the-hunger


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