Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has left so many comments and messages to me in my time while I was away! (´;ω;`) 

I know it's been a very long time, and I'm sincerely sorry about that. I know I have many unfinished stories, and it's been difficult for some people who got invested in them since I haven't concluded or added anything. I still want to finish these stories. Life has just had a way of giving me quite a bit of hardships over the past few years, and it's been incredibly difficult for me to find the time to sit down and write, and also get the energy to do so.

I promised you all a long time ago that I would never rush, and I would never just throw something out just to get something out there. I really care about my readers, so I don't want to give you trash. I want to upload only things I think would interest you, and match the tone and characters already set up in my stories. This promise is still very, very valid. I am not going to do that to you. 

This isn't me saying I'm not going to write anymore. I still would like to! I just haven't been blessed with the ability for a while. I could give you my many, many excuses... but at at the end of the day, I still haven't posted, have I? lol. (Omg I feel you, George R.R. Martin, so much at this point lmfao).

Some negative things have happened that involve my family and my health, but some positives have also happened, so it hasn't been all bad things. ( ๑´・ᴗ・`๑)  Still time-consuming activities, but all the same, not everything has been horrid. My biggest problem is I've become so busy helping other people that I feel like I have no energy at the end of the day when I have actual free time to write or have some time to myself. Or I'll get in the mood to write something, and it will be like ten minutes to bed time. ( ̄▽ ̄;)  This happens soooo much haha. And I unfortunately don't have the luxury of ignoring sleep these days. When I tend to get into a writing spurt, I go all out for hours at a time, usually;;; so this has been really hard to cope with. 

I think the thing that's most frustrating for me as a writer who writes as a hobby, I'll still have these moments where I'm showering, or in the kitchen, or in the store, or wherever, and I'll think t0 myself, "Wow. This would make a great entry for xyz story!" Or "Omg this song is so matching of xyz story!" and even, "OMG THIS WAS TERRIFYING AND WOULD MAKE A GREAT ENTRY FOR XYZ" hahaha. I get all these amazing ideas, and then I'll get home and stare at my computer screen, unable to figure out the approach I want to use said idea for. OTL  Or, depending on the story, it will be incredibly difficult for me to get into the necessary head-space to write for those characters since some are more emotionally torn than others. 

Annnnd since it's been so long for some of these stories to get updated, I'll even forget where I was at, what I wanted to do, etc, and by the time I'm done re-reading a lot of the stuff I've already written, I'm too exhausted to continue lol OTL OTL OTL

One thing I have done that's made things a lot easier for myself, is I've set up a Google Docs account with a note pad for individual stories I'm working on. I've tried to compile notes for things like "X character was last seen doing Y, and you need to connect Z to that," as well as, "You can introduce XYZ concept, since this character has done whatever," and just summaries for the last chapter/what happened. That way, when I'm out somewhere and the inspiration strikes, I can try to add to this and it will make drafting a lot easier when I can sit down and compile something. (^▽^)

I currently have two stories I've been slowly editing together this way, and I have two original shorts that I haven't posted yet that need to be edited and filled in a little. I can't give you specifics on when I'll be posting them, because things are still not at the point where I'm thinking about that yet in my drafts, but I can promise they are being developed, albeit slowly. 

In a positive ending note, I'm going to do my best to go and see SuJu at Kcon NY! ^^ I've managed to get tickets, but am having a difficult time to find a way to get there, so that's still up in the air. But, I hope those of you who are also going have a wonderful time. ^^ Maybe we'll even see each other in passing~ ♡♡♡♡

I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope to talk to you all really soon. (´ ˘ `๑)♡


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Just you need to know one thing that you are a human being and not a machine as well even a machine gets a battery down while overworking and I am glad and happy that how our comments and upvotes have made you have a smile on your face. I really applaud you for writing such a lovely blog in respect to us and we believe that our comments and love be your constant support over the stories you write and I wish to be a good support, friend and a well-wisher to you here in AFF. Thank you so much for your amazing stories and we love you