My cousin

I don't know if you know this already, but there was a shooting in the Grand Theatre of Lafayette.

I lost my cousin today.

I didn't even know until 4 hours later when my dad finally calmed down enough to call my sister.

It took him a minute or two after practically demanding my sister to give me the damn phone or tell me what the hell was going on.

Just five minutes before the call, I was told there was a shooting.

The first people I thought of was my other cousins and aunt and uncle who usually go to that theatre as a family.

I found out her and her boyfriend were in te row in front of the shooter.

Thankfully, her boyfriend lived.

By how much is a mystery to me, but I'm also thankful to the teacher that pulled the fire alarm to let everyone else know it was NOT a movie.

I just hope it was quick and painless for her and the other victim. 

I have to possibly face my ever strong uncle break down, witness her younger sister and mother get off of an eight hour flight to find her gone, and her young goddaughter... Who's face i don't want to picture when she finds out when she wakes up.

The only thing I feel is numb.

I have a pounding headache and I'm dreading the moment all of this actually sinks in... Because right now this is surreal, I feel my subconscious telling me this didn't happen. It couldn't have. These are the things that happen to other families, not mine. 

Though I am still in the process of accepting it, I still won't wish it was someone else. This is not something I would wish upon anyone, not even an enemy. 

The shooter is irrelevant to me, he faced his judgement this very night. He is facing a punishment far worse than what our judicial system can give him.

You can't bribe God or lie to him.

I do, however, feel bad for the shooter's family as well. They will have to face the shame of that man's actions. 

(Although if he gets a proper burial my sister probably won't rest until she finds it and at least spits on it ene)

If you read through this completely, bless your soul for reading my blank mind's thoughts XD

Please pray for all families of all victims, or at least silently send your condolences if you're not religious. We'll all need it...

Aaand Be A Man by MBLAQ just came so I guess I'll try to stop crying now XD (ahh sad laughter, what a horrid sound ene)


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She'll be there with you, as long as you don't forget he, because that's when they really are gone. It's all gonna be okay. You're a strong young woman *lolwhut* and you're more than brave enough to pull through this. The numb feeling will eventually pass, trust me. Did I tell you how glad I am that you decided to let it all out? :3 When it gets too tough, think of her. She wouldn't want to see you sad for a long time, would she? A biiiiiiiiiig hug to you. Condolences to your family.
Honey you'll be ok. It will take time but you will eventually get over it although she will be alive in your heaet always.
But don't stop crying and let it all out.
And god bless her soul and I'm sorry for your loss
I'm not sure what to say because I know I can't make anything better, but I just thought I'd let you know I read this through and can't imagine any of what you must be going through right now. I guess I can only wish you strength and hope that when it all does sink in, you have people around you who can pull you through.
This whole thing is terrible