KOREANSSS: rare where i live (pt. 2)

a continue-ation of KOREANSSS:rare where i live. HAHA ;; so if you saw my first blog about. "OPPA"

 we found out his name "Andrew" omomomomomo. in korean "Jun Young" <-- sounds familiar right?? ; )

OMG! WE SEEMED LIke STALKERS!!!! we kept looking for him like 24/7. we tried to talk to him. but he ignored us. all attempts had failed. I think that's becuase my unnie's scary. BWAHAHAH. scary unnie.  srsly! he won't talk to us. We just wanted to know his name. But then he won't answer. SO we found out his name by his teacher.<---see i told u!! we looked like desperate stalkers... -.-


another thing was it was valentine's day. and my other friend decided to write a letter to him about how we blah blah blah. ye know. wanna meet him. OMG she asked can we take a picture with u. ?!?!?!? damn!!! u that desperate gurl?? it was her idea not ours!!! she was th one who thought of wrote. the whole maddah rice cake thang! not me!! or my unnie. -.-"


so i started ignoring him........... HAHA.. yehp.. i didn't rlly gaf anymore. cuz ye know who's names my friend put in the leter saying it's from???? ME. HER. MY OTHER FRIEND. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

K. that's all , gosh. -.-




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hahahahhahaha....hmmm i didnt see the first blog though but thats so funny kekekeke xD