One happy and one sad eye

I got accepted at my desired university but it lookslike I can't accept that spot ><

The ticket for bus and train I would get there would be invalid for my city that is two hours away from it. Also I have a job here in my hometown with a one year contract. I could still quit without consequences until September but I would quickly need a job and apartment in the city of my uni but that's very difficult!

My parents are at work and I don't know what to do!!!


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Gwentree #1
Make a list and decide what makes more sense. Also, look for jobs near the uni.
Maybe ask for some time to overthink it because of personal issues?
Find out which one is more important to you and try to settle things to your advantage :)
Wait for them to get home and think it over hard in that time ^^
CuteAsianDoll #4
try send them a message..