〈 Produce 101 〉 → Mnet's Girl Group Project → Kat

katreeya leekpai   |   isuckgdrgn   |   xue   |    7

 A B O U T  H E R

name :: katreeya leekpai [ แคทรียา หลีกภัย ]
nicknames ::
   • lee kyungah [ 이경아 ] / korean name
   • katrina / english name
   • kat / shorter version of her name / used by family members and friends
age :: 20
birthdate :: June 10, 1995
birthplace :: hat yai, thailand [
หาดใหญ่, ประเทศไทย ]
hometown :: 
hat yai, thailand [ หาดใหญ่, ประเทศไทย ]
ethicity :: thai
nationality :: thai
languages :: 

   • thai [ 
ภาษาไทย ] / native / born and raised reading and writing in thai
   • korean [ 한국어 ] / semi-fluent / studied in school for 4 years
   • english / basics / self-taught select phrases and words ex.hello, stop it!


face-claim :: jung hyewon
back-up face-claim :: choi haneul
height :: 155 cm
weight :: 48.6 kg
style :: kat is the definition of girly. pinks, sparkles, skirts, frills, the whole kit-and-kaboodle. her favorite things to wear are dresses, and her closet is filled with them. kat would rather wear skirts over shorts and blouses over t-shirts. she also enjoys wearing heels, which is wonderful because of how short she is. ex. dorm / practice / casual / formal / airport / sleep / shoes / stage
appearance :: when you first see katreeya, you may think she is younger than she actually is. she is rather short and also looks very young. kat walks with a bounce in her step and a positive outlook. kat has a liking for makeup, but not too much of it. on a daily basis, she wears a bit of concealer, bb cream, mascara and a lightly colored lip gloss. her hair is a darker shade of brown than her eyes. kat likes to keep her hair shorter, as she feels cuter in it. kat has a scar on her left knee from where her cat scratched her when she was 3. no other marks are on kat's body besides that. she doesn't have any tattoos and is too afraid to ever get one. her ears are not pierced, as she is also afraid to get those done.



 I N F O

likes ::

   • skinship
   • korean street food
   • jyp himself
   • lemonade & lemon candies
   • long car rides

dislikes ::

   • storms
   • smoking / smokers
   • being yelled at
   • sweating
   • rain

hobbies ::

   • sketching / drawing
   • window shopping

   • skyping

habits ::

   • resting confused face
   • speaking thai when nervous / upset / angry

   • biting the inside of her cheek

trivia ::

   • favors thai food over korean [ except street food ] 
   • brought her cat, kito, to korea with her
   • favorite music aritst is bird thongchai
   • favorite color is pink
   • panual

   • agnostic
   • knows how to play piano
• favorite song is 'reminder

personality :: 
( + ) / intelligent, genuine, loveable
( - ) / ert, lazy, blunt, possessive, childish

"i'm not going to change myself just to please you."
kat sticks true to herself and won't change who she is for anyone. if you don't like the way she is, then you should probably turn the other way. when criticized, kat will still not change much about herself. that is the way she is, no matter who doesn't like it. the only people she is willing to work on her personality for are jyp and toon.

"you know you're my favorite right? i love you."
along with her cute stlye comes cute antics. kat is a person who is easy to love. she opens up to people easily and always shows her true self. with her, there is no need to worry if you are seing the real her, because you always are. she also is a lover, making her even more loveable. 

"just don't touch my stuff okay?"
kat is very possessive over the things she owns. she hates people touching her things without permission. the only people she allowes to touch her things without asking are her closest friends and boyfriend. if she finds out her things have been messed with, there will be hell to pay.

akat definitely has a childish side, which doesn't always show through. she may become a bit flustered over petty things, such as someone leaving the toothpaste cap off. along with her aegyo comes playing around with people as a child would ex.sticking her tongue out at them playfully.

"i just want to touch you."
kat tends to be a bit of a ert. she likes skinship and may touch people without asking, ex. holding hands without asking, playing with their hair, etc. when sitting next to someone, her hand naturally rests on their thigh. when it comes to girls, kat feels a need to touch their s. she isn't very shy about it, either. she will typically pretend that it's an accident just to do it. in more recent days, she has let up on the touching, as she is falling deeper in love with someone special.

"that looks horrible on you. take it off."
kat can be very blunt with her words. sometimes these words may make people angry or upset, but at tells it how it is. she doesn't hesitate about telling the truth when asked a question. and if someone lies right in front of her, she will definitely call them out on it.



  F A M I L Y  &  F R I E ND S

background :: katreeya was born on june 10th in hat yai, thailand. she was born just 4 years after her brother. she was born into an average household. her parents owned a small home, but it was theirs. while growing up, kat's family was always close. when she was old enough, they took family vacations and traveled around the country. they weren't rich, but used the money her father had worked hard for and set aside just for that purpose. katreeya started preschool, as any normal child does at age 4. at this time, her brother was already in the 3rd grade. because they were so close, he would check up on her during the school's luch break. as she was making friends, he was introducing her to his friends, as he knew they would look out for her as well. in current times, the only ones of those people she remembers are niwat, pramod and toon; two of which are still in her life. when katreeya was only 6, her father passed away. he left on a fire call, but he would never return. it was very hard on her family. he was their only form of income. at age 10, jattrin had no choice but to find some place to work. he was hired at a local grocery store as a janitor and stocker. while it was much less than what their father made, they made it through. after 4 more years, jattrin was finally old enough to move up to a bagger. they had around $20 more a month, but living expenses were rising. to help, 10 year old katreeya entered a competition to win money. it was a local singing festival. since their father's passing, the neighbor hood had been extermely supportive, always trying to give them money [ which her mother refused ]. kat was hoping that the people of the town would just let her win to have the money. at the festival, two very unexpected things happened. first, kat didn't win as she thought she would. second, she was approached by a man and asked if she could really sing. that man told her that he liked her look and thought she had potential. being taught not to talk to strangers, she politely took his business card and ran home. she told her mother about it, and she seemed to understand. she explained that the man wanted to recruit her to be a singer. because she was only 10, her mother told her she couldn't do it just yet, even though she was estatic about it. they called the number on the card and made an agreement for kat's training. she would practice and send them videos every so often. she was to mature before her mother would let her go train. half a year after the festival, sunisa found a new home that they could move to. while they didn't have much money, she knew this new house would bring them more money and they could pay back any debt they came into buying it. the home was above a restaurant. they bought the home and moved into it 2 months later. during the time when she was practicing herself, kat and a representative recognized her skill in rapping. from then on, she practiced more with that skill then singing. after 7 years of practicing from home, both katreeya and her mother felt that she was old enough to train properly. when kat was 17, she left for korea to train under jyp.

family :: 

father | sakchai leekpai | 47 | dead | fireman | brave, hard-working, stubborn, strict | n/a
mother | sunisa leekpai | 46 | alive | curry shop co-owner | nurturing, sociable, nagging, moody | 9
brother | jettrin leekpai | 24 | alive | curry shop co-owner | selfless, friendly, loud, naive | 10

best friends ::

best friend | kunpimook bhuwakul | 18 | got7 | hard-working, charismatic, adorable, ambitious | 10
best friend | nichkhun horvejkul | 27 | 2pm | leaderly, hard-working, caring, humorous | 9

friends ::
friend | park jinyoung | 42 | ceo / singer | accepting, intimidating, successful, wise | 8
friend | park jinyoung | 20 | got7 | kind, positive, naive, charismatic | 7
friend | lapat ngamchaweng | 16 | boyfriends | cute, irresistable, hard-working, athletic | 6



 L O V E 

love interest name :: toon phummiphat
age :: 22
group :: vamp

personality :: the greatest part about toon is how caring and kind he is to everyone in his life. he treats his family and close friends with genuine care and respect. while being great to everyone around him, he is also good to himself. like katreeya, toon is very genuine. he won't stray from who he truly is for anyone. when faced with choosing between himself and others, however, he chooses others. toon is selfless, always looking out for the well being of his loved ones and band mates before himself. anything they need, toon is always there to help them. along with all of these things, toon is hard-working and has great determination. if he wants something bad enough, he won't stop until it's acheived. overall, toon is a guy who cares about others and prioratizes his loved ones before himself; while not giving up on anything.
how you met :: toon was introduced to katreeya when she was in preschool and he was in the 1st grade. he was a friend of her brother's that said he would keep a good eye on her at school. he held up on his promise to jattrin and took good care of katreeya. he not only watched her in that year, he kept watching over her as she grew. watching her grow into a lovely young lady, toon started to grow feelings for kat. respecting the fact that she was his friend's sister, he refrained from telling her how he felt. after keeping his feelings in for so long, it eventually became difficult. he started showing it in simple ways, ex. tying her shoes for her, making her cupcakes for her birthday, picking her flowers from the school garden and giving them to her. when toon was 16 and kat was 14, he told her how he really felt. she accepted his feelings. because he was 2 years older, he did not ask her to date, just that she give him her heart for the time being. he was going to wait until she was 18 to ask him to be his. after three years of flirting, fun and mutual feelings together, katreeya was to leave the country. toon was determined not to be broken, as kat promised him that she would wait for him. during her training, katreeya was allowed to visit home once until debut. she decided to do so only half a year after leaving [ age 17 1/2 ]. seeing everyone was emotional, especially when she got to see toon. the two had never hugged eachother with such passion. they had never cried in each other's arms. and they had never kissed. there are first times for everything. after spending 6 months away from toon, it was a first time for all of these things. while she was home, toon made their relationship official. he promised her he would see her as soon as possible. when she left the country again, he decided to try and sing, as she was, to become famous and make it easier to travel and see her. he put his all into it and i worked out well for him.
how you act around each other :: katreeya and toon don't get to see each other very often, as he still lives in thailand. they skype each other at any free time they have to themselves. they are constantly texting, though. when they do see each other, they're full of passion and they're at their happiest. they don't hide anything from anyone and are completely comfortable around each other. toon accepts kat's love for skinship completely. he tolds her hand whereever they go. kissing her is his greatest joy. holding kat in his arms feels like he is holding the entire world, his entire world. while the two have grown up a bit, toon still does sweet things for katreeya. ex. making her cupcakes for every birthday, fixing her hair for her, cooking for her, sending her hand-written letters and her favorite thai snacks. no matter how far apart they may be, they are as passionate and in love as ever. no amount of land could tear them apart.

back-up love interest name :: bae suji
age :: 21
group :: miss a

personality :: suzy has proven to be a tough cookie. she doesn't let people bring her down easy and stays true to herself. she stays positive no matter the situation. suzy is also very mature. she knows when enough is enough and doesn't act childish at all. even though suzy is so popular and famous, she is level-headed. she doesn't let it get to her head. she is still very chill and acts like herself, no matter how many people are watching.
how you met :: katreeya and suzy met when kat first came to korea. while kat was training, she was always intruiged by suzy. the way she moved. the way she smiled. kat wished suzy would smile at her like that/ eventually, kat begged nichkhun to introduce her to suzy. at first, khun laughed at her but said he would. upon meeting suzy, kat was shocked at how down to earth she was. it was her princessesque aura and sweet personality that kat fell for in tht instant.
how you act around each other :: kat is very reserved around suzy while she is herself around everyone else. it never mattered what gender someone was for kat to like them, but not everyone in this world agreed to that. kat is always sure to smile at suzy and geet her upon seeing her. this is about as far as kat can go with suzy without feeling nervous and panicing.



 M E E T  T H E  N E W  M E 

stage name :: kat
company :: jyp
backup company :: jellyfish
fanclub name :: katalyst
fanclub color :: 
talent twin :: shin jimin
position :: rap
debut solo :: 'beautiful'
other activities :: apart from d-day, katreeya is a soloist. she is known for her rapping and has her own album titled 'the other side: pt.1', showing the other side of her that not many get to see. the title track is 'gazes'.
trainee life :: katreeya worked as hard as she could during her trainee days. it was hard on her, coming to the country without being fluent in the language, but luckily the company that scouted her had other thai singers. while training, kat often had lazy days and had to push herself. it was a constant battle with herself; staying and practicing to debut or going home. luckily she chose the latter. she has worked very hard, through fatigue and sore throats and is now ready to move to bigger and better things.
trainee years :: 3 years



 T H E  E N D 

comments :: please do tell me if i need to fix anything! [ toon is actually 24, but i had to take it down a few to make it work. i hope that's okay otl ]
questions :: none atm
scene requests ::
- toon coming to korea to visit katreeya
- interactions with kunpimook
- rap unit with kunpimook
- kat trying to hold jyp's hand
- a rap battle
password :: main rapper



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