

Hello everyone, especially to my (old and new) readers, subcribers and voters. I am so sorry for not updating.. I know I've been telling you guys that I would update it sooner but yeah I would do that in a mean time? (Lot of things to do in my life, I'm sorry /bows/). Just bear with me and I won't dissapoint you guys this time. I know I have disappoint some of you and probably most of you and I'm really sorry for that, really really sorry from the bottom of my heart. I'll promise that I'll come back this year, (probably) so, I wanna say thank you for those who supporting me and keep on supporting eventhough I've been missing for a year? to those who keeps encouraging me not to stop writing, and thank you to all the readers who still stays with me. I'm so sorry that I'm not really good with words and I hope you guys enjoy reading my stories! Thank you once again everyone! :))  xoxo   -ShichiGatsu-                                                                                        








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you're backk!!!!!!!
you're welcome!!! I'm still here for you!

welcome back!!
I don't know whether or not you still remember me, but I miss you
sogolhehe #4
first of all welcome back ......
you are the best and your stories are the best ...I can wait for you to continue your stories till the end of my life