(my woes) :(

i just feel really awful right now. (physically + emotionally).
i don't have energy, even though i want to write. i spent too much time in an incredibly toxic tumblr environment that just drove me into the ground even further.  i already feel really bad that i posted like nothing in the past week, and everything is just making it worse.
i'm tired, and feeling bad is the worst thing ever.
i just want a hug or encouragement.
thanks for reading.


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It's alright to take a break even from things you love. Trying to keep up with all of your activities perfectly 24/7 isn't healthy. Maybe take a week to detox from the negativity and then come back when you feel rested and have the energy.
Take it slow! No need to stress yourself. Sometimes a walk in the park alone or a coffee date with a close friend works really well!
Hey darl. It's okay. Its okay not to update since authors have a life too, I know you may feel guilty to your readers but you can make it up to them later on and hopefully they will forgive you, real supporters do that anyway :)
My message box is always open, or simply write on my wall if you need someone to talk to. I may not help as much but I'll try my best to listen to your worries. Taking things out of your chest is the best way to relief.
I hope you'll feel better soon, maybe get some rest. Good sleep is always great. Cheer up soon, *hugs tightly*