will inspiration ever strike?

okay team, and by team, i mean whoever bothers with reading my blog entries that tend to be super vague.

so i counted and i technically have 7 ongoing fics, and after receiving a passive aggressive comment, i realized that i either have to abandon some or figure out where the fudge i want to take these fics. so i'm asking for some top notch motivational speeches or just some general 'i believe in you' comments.  

or if you can recommend how to attack having so many ongoing stories.  do i take it one at a time to give everyone a little dose or do i pour all creative energy into one fic at a time?

also if you holler @ me if you know any quality knk and astro slash fics.


(still alive. yay!)


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I'd say to take your time and update each fic. I think your readers would want quality over quantity and it makes me sad to see that there are people who kinda force you to write, when you don't have inspiration. I think everything comes from deep inside you. In my case, I have a lot of ideas, but I'm super lazy to write and organize my thoughts