That Feeling ...

That feeling when you are already in your final year in your premed program when you opened up to your mom about your love for business and entrepreneurship.  


i swear it feels like being showered with iced water when i saw disappointment in her face when i told her i might not want to continue taking up medicine.

To be a Doctor is not easy as 1 2 3,but seeing your mom disappointed is harder.  





Ahhhhh sdfjvhdjfvndfkvndfl what should i do????????????? 


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Good luck whatever your decision! Passion and determination always make the difference.
You should do what you like to do, because it's your life we are talking about. You're going to put up with your decisions for years, and years, so choose what you feel like really doing. I don't think your mom would be disappointed in you if she saw you succeed in something else that's not medicine.
They're parents, of course they get worried but that's not real disappointment. You did nothing wrong. You just need to choose the right path for you. Something you'd like and that would make also a good career.