Boarding House || Son Hyunki || Webtoon Writer



nokcha • rin • 8 out of 10


the basics.

name » Son Hyunki

nickname(s) » Hyun, KiKi, 

birthplace & birthday » Born on 14th April of 1993 at Daegu, Gyeongsang, South Korea 

hometown » Daegu, Gyeongsang, South Korea 

ethnicity » Korean

language »Korean (Fluent), English (Conversational), Japanese (Basics)
OCCUPATION EXPERIENCE » Hyunki posted his works at NAVER, as a webtoon writer who has finished 2 webtoon series so far, and currently posting and working his third one.

face claim » Kang Minhyuk (CN BLUE)

backup face claim » V / Kim Taehyung (BTS)


appearance » Hyunki weighs 60 kg and stands at 178 cm. Hyunki has fair white skin (which almost every girls envious of). Hyunki's arms and legs are slightly tonned and muscled as he works out in gym for one hour at least 2 times a week (or not, once in two weeks if he doesn't feel like working out). Hyunki's hair is natural black and sometimes dyes his hair at least one times in two months. He would dye them any shades of blonde. 


style » Hyunki loves wearing something comfortable. Comfy sweaters, sweatshirts, hoodies, simple t-shirts with knee-level pants or jeans. He  wears beanies and snapbacks, but he definetly enjoy wears beanies and fedora hats for fall or winter, and snapbacks for spring and summer.

"Love more, hate less."

"Because drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence."



the boy next door.

plotline » The Webtoon Writer

CAREER PAST EXPERIENCE » On his college days, he was a barista and a part-time cashier at a coffee. At 2012, he started posting webtoons on NAVER.

PRESENT CAREER » A webtoon writer at NAVER, and currently writing his fiction novel, preparing his debut as an author. 

personality » Hyunki is, overall, an approachable guy. He loves making friends and is very out-going. He loves smiling, laughing and making the others happy and very supportive. Hyunki loves to play and jokes around with his friends that he comes out cchildish and silly. He also talks and asks the others a lot, not to mention is very noisy. Hyunki is very active and bright, and has so much confidence on himself. Yet, he is very considerate to the others, the point he also put the others before himself, sometimes. People either find him charming or annoying, regarding his vibrant and energetic personality. Hyunki might be childish and silly, but actually, he is very careful with his words and actions. He loves to help the others, even strangers. He always has his family and friends in mind, and would drop anything for them. He does random and sudden acts of kindness to everyone, even when they don’t ask for help, Hyunki would offer a help to them without hesitate even a bit.


Hyunki has high imagination, even sometimes people can’t understand what is he talking or thinking about. He might imagine a beautiful mermaid swimming on the night sky, with the night stars replacing the fish. People like him are down-to-earth and know what to do in tough times. He always seems calm and rational when it comes to dealing with problems and that's where the charismatic side of her shown. When there is something that he wanted to learn, he will do it until he could do be able to do it. He also very full of curiousity, to the point he always curious of everything and would be the one who leads in unknown situations. He is the master of finding out information, or rather like a stalker.


He is easily amused and impressed by something, and he is also very talkative and noisy. Hyunki also asks and begs the others a lot, and has a lot of topics to be talked to. Once Hyunki talks, he won’t stop easily, and most of time he talks nonsense without he even knows it himself. When he feels like very lazy, he would sits comfortably at a couch and shoves in food. He loves to pull a prank, picking up on the others, but Hyunki himself is also easy to be fooled off.  He is full of energy, and not everyone can bear with his unpredictable actions. He has high confidence on himself, hence why Hyunki is very optimistic, or if not, a little narcissistic.


But still, at the end of the day, Hyunki is a guy who would peel an apple carefully, so he won’t damage the fruit, sketches every lines of his drawings carefully and makes sure he adds district details, and he’ll take cares of the others with much affections and considerations. He might seem something of a prick to others, teasing and making jokes about his friends and himself, playing pranks and saying mean things for laughs, but he still bothers to ask people if he’s too close, if he’s said something too harsh to them, and bothers to apologize if he’s overstepped some kind of boundary.


trivias » 
- Food
- Music
- Arts
- Photography
- Children
- Soccer


- Math
- Bitter drinks
- When someone steal his food
- When someone hurt his family and friends


- Drawing
- Cooking and eating
- Writing
- Listening to music
- Playing soccer



- Poking his cheeks when he's thinking something complicated and confusing
- Frequently blinks
- Speaks in heavy Gyeongsang dialect when flustered


- Originally wants to be an author, but changed to be a manhwa/webtoon cartoonist after realizing he enjoys drawing more
- His webtoon genres are either Slice Of Life or Action (with a hint of Comedy)
- Has high interest in cooking and loves to dub himself as 'Gordon Ramsay's son'
- Very eager to join any public TV shows
- Favorite colors: Blue, black, white, grey.
- Fanboys 2NE1, 4Minute, Big Bang, Epik High, miss A, IU, and Akdong Musician



home is where your heart is.

background » Hyunki was born on a warm spring day at 1993 in Daegu. His family was not well-off, which made him grew up on many different environments. His family always taught him to socialize and be friendly with everyone, hence why Hyunki is flexible at making new friends. Despite the family's poor family, Hyunki never transferred to other schools, so he can study steadily. Talking about school, Hyunki's report cards are all good in average, good enough to make his parents proud. Hyunki's family's financial started become steady when Hyunki still at high school when his family opened a traditional korean restaurant.


At 2012, Hyunki moved to Seoul alone to attend a college there while his family stayed at a comfortable house at Daegu.


family »
Father; Son Joonho // January 21st, 1969 // Owner of 'Haengbok Restaurant' // Before opened a restaurant, Joonho was a head department At first, Joonho didn't really like the idea of his son becomes a cartoonist, but after seeing how much Hyunki is passionate about it, he gives a permission. // Wise, Confident, Ambitious

Mother; Han Yeo-yu // June 23rd, 1969 // The main cook for 'Haengbok Restaurant' // Yeo-yu is very fond of Hyesoo and Hyunki, and very supportive for both. // Vibrant, Considerate, Gentle


Older Sister; Son Harin // November 1st, 1991 // Journalist for newspaper // Hyesoo is the one who made Hyunki realize he loves drawing. Hyesoo has been very supportive towards her brother's works, even she made multiple accounts just to comment on Hyunki's works // Out-going, Friendly, Energetic


friends/rivals »

Friendly Rivals; Kang Han [fc: teen top's chunji] // June 13th, 1993 // College student, webtoon writer // they know each other ever since in high school, both are known to be 'flower boys who draws well', they eventually became friends, but still competitive when it comes to drawing. but still, they are pretty close to each other // Competitive, Humorous, Out-going



Close friends; Yoo Juhee 
[fc: f(x) krystal] // May 25th, 1993 // College student // Hyunki knew Hyoju as a  girl who lived next to his flat. Turned out that they actually went to same college and went to same high school. Hyoju is a web-author, and she helped Hyunki a lot with Hyunki's cartoons' storyline. They are really close, sometimes they would went out eating together, and they rely to each other a lot and always got each other's back // Positive-minded, Confident, Friendly


Friends; Baek A Yeon // March 11st, 1993 // soloist // also a high school friend who maintain a close friendship with Hyunki. Ayeon and Hyunki got paired a lot for school works and eventually become close with each other and keep contact pretty frequent. Ayeon was the one who always push Hyunki to become a cartoonist // Gentle, Warm, Supportive


Friends; Min Yoongi (Suga) // March 9th, 1993 //idol, BTS //  Friends since elementary school, close friends. Met each other on the 4th grade of elementary school, and went to same high school. Although they didn't go to the same high school, they keep each other in contact. Yoongi and Hyunki shared a lot of things to each other, and sometimes some stories Yoongi told give Hyunki inspirations and vice-versa for Yoongi who write songs. // Chill, Easy-going, Caring


last words.

comments/suggestions » I hope you love him! I notice that I tend to make characters with (quite) complicated personality, so I hope I explain everything well. And sorry if it's too cliche and not to detailed though. Any mistakes, let me know! Good luck in writing~ <3

scene requests » I have nothing in particular, actually. Maybe just Hyunki making fuss of his food getting stolen or chef Hyunki? cx

password » Reality


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