I'm Tired

My family is mad at me because I finally spoke my mind,

and now one of my bosses is mad and irritated at me and I have no idea what I did.

Like she won't even talk to me, and everything that I have already done with this labeling thing, she's taking the other intern and telling her that everything I did was wrong, and that it needs to be redone.

I took all of her suggestions and did everything she wanted, until she told me she thought it was perfect, and now she's doing this?

I'm just tired. I'm tired of being here, I'm tired of not being what everyone wants me to be, and I just want to go to sleep forever.

That's basically it.



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Dmat17 #1
Your boss is a jerk. Very unprofessional. I would look for another job. That's ridiculous!!! And I'm sorry your family is mad at you. But that will pass. They love you. Just remember that.
I hope that you'l feel better better soon. Everything will be okay as time passes. Hang in there and keep positive.