I don't know what to feel right now

The only thing I know what to feel right now is anger that's it. Its not an emotion that I am familiar with since I am almost never angry but supressing my building anger is all i can do right now. 

I am not the type to post my personal issues onto social media so im not going to say what exactly is going on right now. All i can say is that i hate my family and i hate my dad right now. I was always forgiving of him throughout my life but i cant forgive him for this. Not ever.

I just want to let you know that I'm not in a good place right now, i am angry and hurt and sad. Just in case you dont see any updates for blogs or stories or anything, you know that there is a reason why. Thank you for understanding. 

If you want to know what's going on then by all means message me, but you don't have to. Thank you


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MotionlessInWhite #1
>.< I just saw this! I'm messaging you missy
Kimchuckles #2
I wont ever know how you truly feel but i know what its like to hate our dads. I was there once and it took me years to finally forgave him. Whatever the reasons may be,let the anger flow. Get it out. Scream. Talk. Eat. Sleep. Anything that will help. If you ever need someone to talk to or listen...i am here. :)