  you must be MOON SOORI
   gardeviance ♡ nat ♡ 9
Moony / Bobby and only Bobby / It's a pun of her family name, also because she loves Remus Lupin and Moony is Lupin's pseudonym, Bobby also said this is a more affectionate and enjoyable way to call her, instead of Soori.
Soo / Her friends and family / This is a shorter form of Soori and once in a while, people would call her 'Soo' or sometimes Soo-ya.
Secondary Alpha / Owen Grady and Barry / Since Soori doesn't literally handle a pack like Owen, but just one raptor, they like to call her the secondary alpha. She's the alpha of her own little pack.
AGE  24
BIRTHDAY December 19th 1991


ETHNICITY Korean-British
Korean / Fluent / She's a full Korean and have lived in Korea.
English / Fluent / She lived in England for 12 years and even when she's in Korea, she still got English lessons back at school.
"bonding with a raptor is much much more easier than bonding with a human. period."
  physical authentication。
   you must be...
WEIGHT 103,6 pounds
HEIGHT 5 ft 5 inches

APPEARANCE The first thing that people often say when they first met Soori is that she looks like a doll and looks nothing like her mom and in fact, she doesn't look white at all. Soori has fair skin; full, reddish lips; and big, doe eyes and her hair! Her dark brown hair always fall down her back in the most perfect way and would sway each time she moves.
Soori also have beautiful smile, her eyes would disappear into crescent and her wide smile shows a set of perfect teeth. Aside that, she's short and petite and quite sensitive about it. Her body is very, very petite but fit. She has curves in the right places, not too big but not too small either.

during work.
Soori at work will obviously wear something that is cool because she can't really stand heat, also comfortable enough to move around with in case her raptor tries to eat her, formal enough so the other staffs wouldn't scold her and of course, still fashionable. Her hair is often up in a ponytail or a bun. A neat shirt or t-shirt with jeans + running shoes would do.
(x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

outside work.
If you hadn't noticed, fashion plays an important part in Soori's daily life. She would not step outside her house looking like she came out of the dumpster. Her style varies, she can be cute, sporty, edgy, vintage, and more. Even so, she often settles down with something casual. Her trademark is sweaters and jackets. She collects them, be it oversized, knitted, printed, cropped, she has all kinds of those.
(x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
  further information about moon soori。
   so, tell me about yourself...
Positive: observant, smart, caring, dorky, brave.
Neutral: awkward, adventurous.
Negative: blunt, distant, stubborn, awkward, overly self-reliant.

*Awkward Smile* // One thing about Soori is that she's painfully awkward and shy. Honestly talking to strangers give her so much burden that she'd rather check googlemaps and get lost rather than asking for directions. Lierally, Soori's social skill is a big fat zero, maybe even negative. Honestly she gets tense around new people and often feel like she's being judged by them. Really, she becomes very self-conscious and clumsy in front of new people (like literally, she'll bump into everything) and it's just so painfully funny to watch. Her awkwardness also shows when she has a fight with someone. Gosh, she won't know how to act, literally she doesn't know how to act or how to keep things normal when she had a fight, when her crush accidentally knows that she likes him, or when she did a great mistake.

"Take time to notice things other people are overlooking." // Soori is very observant. She's smart, but her intelligence doesn't solely come from books, but from her tendency to pay attention to little details. It's easy for her to guess what kind a person you are just by paying attention to your gestures, your way of speaking and the way you dress. Her observant traits really put her in an advantage; including tracking down an escaped dinosaur.

"Yeah, you honestly won't last five minutes in this raptor pen. They'll rip you off to pieces." // Though awkward and shy, once you get to know Soori, you'll realize that she's very blunt. She's not the type of person who'd sugarcoat a truth to make it sound nicer. You want truth? She'll give you the raw truth. Once you're close enough with her, she wouldn't hesitate to speak what's in her mind.

"Smart people don't plan their moves out loud." // Soori is very, very, smart (hey, she didn't read those thick encyclopedias for nothing!) and her intelligence are not restricted solely to books; that's what sets Soori aside from other smart people, she learns from everything--day to day experience, other people's behavior, news, literally everything. Also, guided by her observant trait, she really becomes the person who knows what do to in a dire situation.

"I don't care, I want chocolate and I will not eat anything right now aside from chocolate." // Soori is stubborn. Really, her stubbornnes can make you feel like you want to tear her hair out, or maybe her hair (but her hair is glorious so please, don't). She's smart and she has facts to prove her theories and because of this, she can be very stubborn, constantly thinking 'I am right and you are wrong.' and not only that; once she sets her mind on something she wants, not even an indominus rex can change her mind (well, of course it can, but you get it). Believe me when I say she wants A or thinks A is the right thing to do, it's almost impossible for you to change her mind.

"Aw, look at this cute puppy, I just want to shower him with all the love in this world." // Underneath her stubbornness and sharp tongue, Soori has a kind heart that's big enough to love all the dinosaurs and all living things in the world ("Except spider and other bugs since, you know, they're diabolical."). Really, she's very affectionate towards living things; especially animals. In truth, Soori loves to help everyone and everything, it's just the small act of kindness she does often goes unnoticed (Like putting in a coffee and a nice meal in your bag for your trip tomorrow). She's filled with kindness and compassion.

"Why can't you hear a Pterodactyl going to the bathroom? Because the P is silent, get it? P!" // Soori is dorky. Believe me; what kind of first impression she gave you, throw it out of the window because Soori is nothing like it. She's crazy. And sometimes it's unbelievable how a 24 year old girl can be so lunatic. She can come up with the most ridiculous and lame puns, frustrate you with the lamest joke, or make you cry out laughing because of her sarcasm. Her dorkiness really shows if you pair her with her best friends or with an animal. Oh, maybe you once saw a girl having a howling duet with a Parasaurolophus? Don't worry, that's just Soori being utterly stupid.

"Not all who wander are lost." // Soori sees life as an adventure and saying that she's adventurous is just right. There's always some she's doing today, or tomorrow, or next week; and those stuffs are not mundane, it's something fun well for her at least, like checking out this new strange restaurant downtown or escaping for a silent holiday in the countryside or walking from bookstores to bookstores to get a new bookhunt, learning how to tame a wolf, and of course, checking out the Jurassic World and betting her luck in becoming a raptor expert and trainer.

"When people get too chummy with me I'd like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care." // She may has shown you her dorky side, she may have showered you with kindness, but does that means she sees you as a friend? Not quite. It's like she's friend to everyone but best friend to none. It's really hard to break down Soori's wall. She sees friendship as something sacred and serious and is very picky when choosing friends. It's not that she hates commitment, she appreciates it, she really does; she just wants to make sure that she's sharing that commitment with someone that's worthy of her trust. Honestly, Soori herself admits it's easier bonding with animals and dinosaurs rather than actual human.

"Move, I'm going to give Claire a piece of my mind." // For a girl her size and judging from how meek she is the first time you laid eyes on her, Soori has bravery that can surprise you. Well, if she's not brave enough she wouldn't apply to become a raptor trainer, but it's not just about adrenaline rush. Soori's bravery mostly came from her just side. If it's the right thing to do, she'll do it, even if it means talking back at Claire when she's neglecting the dinos for money. She wouldn't mind helping the ACU when there's a dino on the loose (if she can help, of course). She's brave enough to stand up and do the right thing. If she's in a high school movie, she'd definitely be the girl who stand up against the bully and defend the bullying victim.

"I'm fine, I can do anything." // Soori hates showing weakness. Apparently, she sees talking to someone about her problem and worries are counted as weakness. It's not about trust issues (Well, part of it yes, but not a major reason), but she doesn't really like asking for help or advice when she's having a hard time. Really, it's not about trust issue, she just doesn't see the need to; and this really frustrates her friends because instead of sharing the load with her friends, Soori choses to carry the burden by herself and faces her own demon by herself.

Chapter 1: Birth. // Moon Soori came into the world in 19th of December 1991; a snowstorm was raging during the labor and the road to the hospital was very dangerous; fortunately her family made it to the hospital safely and in 19th of December morning, a healthy baby girl was born. Her father named her Soori, which sounds like Suri, they don't really know what it means, they just like the sound of it.

Chapter 2: Life as Moon Soori. // Growing up, Soori was surrounded by animals. Her father, a paleontologist, often showed her fossils of dinosaurs and prehistoric plants and it wasn't long before she was truly entranced by the dinosaurs. She even had her own holy trinity and it was brachiosaurus, pteranodon and elasmosaurus. Her mother, a vet, taught her how to take care of animals and often let Soori helped her when she was working.

Soori loved learning, she loved knowledge and saw it as something important, but the stuffs she got at school (especially math) was not the kind of thing she wanted to learn. Soori loved history, art, language and biology. Reading has been pretty much her hobby ever since she know what a book like.

Chapter 3: Goodbye LA, hello Hellhole- I mean, South Korea. // In 2001, her family moved to South Korea. It was sad, really, but what's harder was adjusting. It wasn't long before the people in Soori's school learned about her bi-racial status. Some was welcoming, thinking it wasn't a big deal, but there were others who picked on her. Soori didn't know why at that time; people seemed to welcome her just fine back in England. Was that racism? Probably, she didn't really understand at that time but a few racial experiences every now and then were enough to make her a bit wary of trusting other people.

Chapter 4: I shall call him squishy and he shall be my squishy. // She got enrolled into SNU under the veterinary medicine department. On the street from her flat to her college, she found a stray dog which she took care of everyday; she gave him food, play with him; she even named him Summer. It's quite a dramatic story, actually. She found Summer when he was being bothered by local children and she saved him. They were the best of friends. Well, until one of the children's father killed Summber because Summer bit his children. It was infuriating, Summer wouldn't bit those brats if they didn't bother him.

Chapter 5: THE PARK IS REOPENED. // Read the news about Jurassic World grand-reopening on the net. Thought it was a hoax. Turned out it was real. Ecstatic. Hyper. Annnd she immediately applied for a job position as a dino expert there. Her parents weren't entirely pleased; dinosaur and animals are two entirely different things. They are not taking any about working at the park- even if it's as a gift shop staff, nu uh. It really took her an entire year, begging and pleading and compromising before her parents finally agreed on letting her apply for the job.

( Chocolate ) Honestly she's pretty much munching on chocolate 95% of the time.
( Animal ) She really loves all kinds of animals. Animals are friends. Animals are family.
( Acoustic songs ) Soori finds a lot of acoustic songs soothing and she always listens to them before going to sleep.
( Books ) Sci-fi, educational, Soori reads all of them. Her top three currently are Harry Potter, The Maze Runner and A Song of Ice and Fire series.
( Movies ) The kind of person who -talks movie adaptations but still watches them and be amazed.
( History ) Be it dinosaur, ancient egypt, ancient rome, she loves them all.
( Red ) It's her color. HER color. Almost all of her stuffs has the color red on it.
( Her bed ) Most comfortable place on earth.
( Baymax ) She knows she's 24 but baymax is just too cute and she can't resist it.

( Spicy Food ) Ate a spicy ramen for a whole day, suffered diarrhoea the next day. Never again.
( Cigarette ) Its smell suffocates her, she really don't like the smell.
( Rain ) It's troublesome, wet, and it makes her shoes sticky with mud.
( Getting disturbed when sleeping ) Just don't, unless you want a loch ness in rage.
( Heat ) Even peeling her own skin wouldn't help. Heat and sweat are just ugh.
( Bugs ) Gross, just gross gross gross gross, look at how many feet it has ew gross gross gross.

Becomes very, very clumsy when nervous
Pouting her lips.
Biting her lower lip when she's thinking hard.

Watching movies

( Spider ) Damn, these things are even scarier than a raptor. If she sees one, she'll let out a scream that sounds like a dying whale, be it small or big, dead or alive and she'll run for her dear life.
( Zombies ) Ha, y'all are so hyped up about zombies, wait 'till it happen for real in the future. Bet it wouldn't be as fun.
( Ghost ) She can't resist the urge to watch a horror movie, but afterwards, she'll beg you to accompany her to the bathroom and sleep with the light on.

( Singing ) Was part of a choir back at school and she's proud to say that she has a beautiful voice.
( Sleeping Beauty ) She sleeps like a log, honestly it takes forever to wake her up.
( Weak point ) The muscle on her left knee is weak and she often got hurt because of her left knee, but it's gotten stronger now and she hopes it won't act up when she's in a dire situation (read: escaping from Scarlet in case the raptor acts aggressively).
( Zombies ) She has nightmares about zombies like A LOT. In total, she has been having zombie nightmares for 12 times and those nightmares with different characters from real life and in two nightmares, she ended up becoming a zombie.
( *opens Powerpoint* ) She made a 50-slides long presentation about how much she wanted to work at Jurassic World and even teared up when she reached a page about raptors because she's very, very, very passionate, which instantly melted her parents heart.
( My melons ) Really loves melons and thinks it's the tastiest fruit in the world.
( *moonwalks away* ) Learnt how to moonwalk back in highschool and is proud of it. Pretty much the only dance she can do and it's become a habit. When she's thinking hard, she'll start to moonwalk unconsciously.
( *laughs* ) We all have the 'pretty' laugh and the 'crazy' laugh, apparently her crazy laugh sounds like she's having an asthma attack and constantly scaring the out of people.
( Ticklish ) Is very, very ticklish; her neck, her waist, her knees, gosh her whole body is ticklish.
( Mosasaurus ) Her phone got splattered by the water from Mosasaurus' pond on her first visit to the attraction. She's still a bit butthurt because it's still new and already broken.
( Daily necessities ) You'll always find a bar of chocolate in her bag. Always.
( Hello, I am Baymax ) Shamelessly collects all Baymax merchandises. Her favorite are this, this, and this.
Father / Jinyoung, Moon / 50 / Paleontologist / Kind, patient, hard-working, protective
» "Just please don't return back to Korea in a human remains pouch." Soori and Jinyoung are close, but sometimes Jinyoung is too protective to Soori's liking. But still, he's the man behind Soori's extensive knowledge of dinosaurs, especially raptors. Until now, he still reminds her every details about raptors and makes sure Soori knows well the dangers of her job ("Remember Soori, it can tear your whole arm apart in just one bite, so please for the love of God, be careful!"). But still, if there's anyone in the house that's actually happier than Soori about Jurassic World re-opening, it's definitely him.

Mother / Madeline, Tyrell / 47 / Vet / Stern, motherly, over-protective, impatient
» "You sure you're eating well? The raptors didn't try to eat you, right? Have you taken your vitamins?" On the contrary to Jinyoung, Madeline isn't exactly impressed with the opening of the park. She thinks, dinosaurs extinct for a reason and for humans to actually bring them back to life is just messing with nature. If Jinyoung is protective then Madeline takes it to a whole new level; it took Soori everything to ask for Madeline's permission to work in the Park. Often bickers with Soori but eh, that's just how mom and daughter works. Skyped with each other everyday now and wasn't entirelly impressed when Soori greets her with an image of a real live raptor 'grinning' back at her.

Sister / Sooeun, Moon / 26 / Model / Confident, dorky, sassy, kind
» "I don't get why you'd risk your life in that park but okay." Sooeun does not and will never understand Soori's love for dinosaurs. Sooeun, like other people, thinks dinos (though cool) are dangerous. They don't even look like each other; Sooeun inherits Madeline's white looks while Soori is more on the Asian look. Even so, despite the differences of the 'worlds' these sisters lived in, Soori and Sooeun are very close. They're often seen shopping together, wearing each other's clothes, skyping and Sooeun often 'advertises' Jurassic World through her instagram and twitter. Aside that, having a successful model as your sister is great because Sooeun often offers free ticket to attend Fashion Week(s) and other runways.

Sister / Sooha, Moon / 20 / College Student / Awkward, generous, sarcastic, calm
» "Ugh, why do you have to be so far in Costa Rica, no one is helping me with my homework." Sooha and Soori definitely look like sisters; they're even more similar in personality. Back in Korea, Soori often helped Sooha with her assignments (The latter is taking a course in law school in Yonsei Law School) so after Soori's departure to Costa Rica, Sooha has to deal with her homework alone- well there's Sooeun but the older girl barfs at the sight of law books, and there's Hansol who'd rather spend the night partying so, no help at all. However, Soori, Sooeun and Sooha become the best trio in the world. Sister goals, to be exact- they love to tease Hansol, like going trhough his contacts and learning about his crush whatsoever. Since Sooha is pretty much clueless when it comes to technology (Can't log in into damn Skype, she's hopeless), these two doesn't really talk much but still loves each other the same.

Brother / Hansol, Moon / 18 / College Student / Confident, straight-forward, dorky, mischievous
» "Maybe I should just quit school and become a dinosaur trainer like you." The two used to be very close back when Hansol was still a kid. Now, this guy is somehwat the cool kid in his school and has drifted apart from Soori; and the constant sibling tease he receives from Soori and the other girls aren't exactly helping; then Soori moved to Costa Rica so it doesn't look like their relationship is getting any better. He did expressed interest in becoming a dinosaur trainer, but Soori knows it wasn't serious. Even so, she'd love it if they're given a chance to rekindle their relationship.

Best Friend / Seulgi, Kang / 24 / Dancer / Kind, caring, innocent, clumsy
» "Since you're a staff at Jurassic World now, can you give me a discount?" Seulgi and Soori are pretty much wife and wife. Seulgi is one of the few people Soori can run to when she's in a dire situation. Yes, Seulgi is worth it. Seulgi is Soori's first friend in Korea- and one of the few who welcomed her despite her biracial status. She's the one who taught Soori how to moonwalk and in exchange, Soori gave her anything she wanted to know about dinosaurs. They skyped each other a lot and Soori has introduced Seulgi to all of her co-workers- including the raptor. The two are now organizing a plan so Seulgi can visit the park with low budget.

Best Friend / Barbara, Davenport / 24 / Jurassic World Receptionist / Sassy, easy-going, chill, outgoing
» "Look, Bobby likes you, you like Bobby, don't make this so difficult and just kiss him already." Barbara reminds Soori a lot of Sooeun; the two girls just share the same vibe, same aura and same speaking style that it terrifies Soori a bit. Barbara is definitely the person Soori'd go to for a cup of juicy gossip- Soori swears, Barbara literally knows all kinds of gossips. One of the very few who easily finds out about Soori's small crush towards Bobby and has been urging Soori to confess already. Yes, Barbara reads a person easily. Also, apparently Barbara is a Nordic-Hungarian mix and her step-dad is ridiculously rich and they live in Hamptons now. Barbara doesn't have a nice relationship with him. Soori calls Barbara "Barbie" since the latter hates to be called Barb and has a childish obsession towards Barbies.

Good Friends / Pyper, Pendleton / 24 / Queen of T-Rex Kingdom Rex Expert&Trainer / smart, aloof, reserved, fearless
» "You're embarassing yourself." They're not the best of friends, but they're close enough that Soori is comfortable enough to show Pyper her crazy side; of course, Pyper often judged her for it ("Why am I friends with an idiot." - Pyper, 2015) but Soori knows she doesn't really mean it. Soori thinks Pyper is so freaking cool. Like honestly, she tamed a T-Rex. A fuqing T-Rex. Soori always makes time to watch how Pyper handles her rex. Honestly, the first time they met, the first thing Soori said was, "I really think you're a cool person- what you did with the T-Rex is... amazing!" like literally, her admiration for Pyper is so obvious. Soori literally dubbed her as the senpai along with Owen. Also, Soori loves to call her Pyp (read: Peep).

Friends / Ethan, Oh / 24? / Stegosaurus Expert&Trainer / humorous, thoughtful, easygoing
» "If mosasaurus lives on land, who do you think will win? T-Rex, I-Rex, or mosasaurus?" They're not that close but once Soori and Ethan is paired up, it'll be a full joke session. Their sense of humor is what connects them, apparently- often mortifying Pyper to the pits of hell. But that's it, when the joke session is done, Soori still doesn't really know Ethan well. Even so, it's needless to say that they respect each other and would give a helping hand if either one of them need it.

Somewhat friends / Leon Stark / 26 / ACU / Polite, cool, smart, fearless
» "Well if a dinosaur ever chases you or anything, I'll always be here to save the day." Leon was actually the person who saved Soori when her raptor became aggressive and tried to attack her. He shot the raptor with a trainquillizer gun and saved the day. Soori became acquaintance with the british guy after that but since both are very busy, they don't see each other around much. Soori likes him (not like like but you know), he's polite and she feels comfortable around him. Barbara said Leon definitely has a crush towards Soori but the latter doesn't believe her.

Admirable Mentor / Owen, Grady / 37 / Raptor Expert and Trainer / Chill, funny, intelligent, brave
» "Soori is definitely the secondary alpha." Soori looks up to Owen a lot. He's pretty much the one who helped her to adjust with life as a dino trainer, along with Barry. He's a good friend slash mentor, he helped her a lot in training the raptor and even now, he still gives her advice and helping hand when he sees the need to. Often treat Soori a drink. When they're in playful mode, Soori likes to call him 'Sheldon'; which is his middle name.
  so what exactly are you applying for again。
   the whole reason why you're here, kinda...
STAFF POSITION  Expert and Trainer
DINOSAUR  Velociraptor
Scarlet / Everyone / The one who came up with this nickname is Soori because of the eye-catching, red color the raptor has and also because Soori loves the color red.
Fluffy / Soori / Surprising, I know, and not a very fitting name for a Raptor (and it doesn't even have any fur), but Soori thinks Scarlet is the fluffiest and magnificent being on earth. Scarlet is Soori's baby.

RELATIONSHIP  Respect. That's what their bond is all about. At first it was a miracle that Scarlet actually listens to what Soori said but as the time passed (and with the help of the almighty Owen Grady) Scarlet is pretty much obedient to Soori now. Pretty much. Though Scarlet 'respected' Soori, sometimes Soori still needs to repeat her order before Scarlet actually does it; but still, it's clearly visible that Scarlet trusts Soori and respects her. Soori whistles to get Scarlet's attention and to communicate with the raptor.

But above all else, despite the good cooperation Scarlet and Soori share, Soori still knows that Scarlet is a dinosaur; and a dinosaur's main priority is to eat- if not territory and child. No matter how obedient Scarlet is, Soori is fully aware that the possibility of the raptor eating her will never disappear. Well, few weeks after she settled in, Scarlet did snap and try to eat Soori- and Soori still thanked the God above that all her body part still remain untouched until now. But still, despite all htat, there's no denying that Soori loves Scarlet with all her heart- heck, she'd even let Scarlet sleep on her bed with her if not for the raptor's high aggression index.

  Bobby kim。
   Leon Stark 
Jiwonnie / Soori and only Soori / If Bobby calls her Moony, she'll call him Jiwonnie
Jiwon / Soori / Bobby's Korean name is Jiwon and Soori often calls him Jiwon when it's just the two of them or when they're talking in Korean.
Rider / Jurassic Staffs / Basically because Bobby is able to ride on his dino's back; he's very, very proud of it, flaunts it all the time.



PERSONALITY  Well, first of all, Bobby's nickname is probably 'fun'. Like honestly he literally lives on the fun side of life. He can conjure the lamest of jokes and often does stupid things that'll leave you on the floor laughing. Honestly if he's not making anyone laughing, he'd probably be humiliating himself by doing stupid things, but that's what makes Bobby... Bobby. He's cheerful and full of spirit and probably has endless ammount of energy. He's also very optimistic, always up to the challenge and loves to do challenge (resulting in him getting into trouble, of course). Bobby is also very, very sociable. His heart is probably made of kindness and dorkiness. Yes, he's very, very kind. Bobby is affectionate, generous and loves to take care other people.

Bobby is dripping with confidence. This guy is intelligent and brave and very adventurous. He's the kind of person who'd think, "Yeah, it's dangerous, but it'll be fun, so why not?" Adventure. He sees life as an adventure and he always makes the best of it. Also, his loyalty for his friends and loved ones are strong and when the people he loves are in danger, he wouldn't hesitate to take on the risk and help them.

Despite all that, though, Bobby can be a bit careless; well to careless maybe. Since he lives on the fun side of life so he probably don't think too much of the results of his actions. He's a bit over-confident too, thinking that he's always right when he actually makes mistake every now and then. Stubborn, he's also stubborn and it'll be a bit hard to reason with him. Also, he loves to tease people but sometimes, his teasings can be just a bit too much.

Is born on the 22nd of December 1990, currently 24 going 25.
Is one of the trainer for Apatosaurus.
His apatosaurus is named Titan.
Wears snapback and beanies. A lot.
Really wants to dive into the mosasaurus pond but knows it'll be the death of him so yeah.
Back at school, he was a genius. Soori gets all her knowledge from learning but Bobby is the kid that sleeps in class but gets A+ on his tests. Friggin genius.
Good friends with Ethan
Owns a Pooh plush toy that he treasures with all his heart and soul.
Plays the piano and guitar.
His mom lived in ia and he contacts her regularly via skype.

"Yeah raptors are cool but you can't ride raptors, that's why my apatosaurus is better."
  any particular close peer。
FIRST MEETING Their first meeting was quite bland. Bobby has been a trainer in the park for quite long so when he heard there's a new raptor trainer in the park he thought as a fellow trainer, he should say hi. Boy he was surprised when he knew the trainer was a girl. Sure there's nothing wrong with a girl to become a raptor trainer but Soori just didn't look like the kind of girl who'd spend her time with dinos. In fact, she looked so weak and small, but when Soori managed to tame Scarlet, Bobby was impressed (He guessed he shouldn't be surprised, after all, the park has T-Rex queen and that's Pyper). The latter then introduced himself to Soori and welcomed her into the family.

Through Soori's eyes.
"It's in the way you look, it's in the way you love." // Soori looks up to Bobby. Really, Bobby is everything she wished she can be. Sociable, confident and sure of himself. And he's very, very, nice. Though they don't train the same dinosaur, he always seem to notice when Soori is feeling out of place with the other trainers and he never hesitate to help her adjust. Yeah, with him, Soori can be herself and be comfortable. But of course, they don't know each other for long and she's pretty much his good friend, not best friend (yet). Soori definitely has a crush on Bobby but she still hesitates in admitting her feelings because she's still unsure if Bobby is worth the troubles she knows she'll experience if her feelings progressed into lovesomething more..

Through Bobby's eyes.
"You've got something I need." // Soori is pretty much like a puzzle for Bobby. Heck, from the first glance Bobby knows Soori is as crazy as him, but Soori always holds herself back, especially around people she's not close with. He thinks it's very funny how much of a klutz she becomes when she's in her awkward mode; and of course, he's very impressed at the bond she and her raptor shares. Bobby makes it his hobby to tease Soori- her reactions are just priceless. He somewhat feel a bit protective towards her since sometimes she's just so helpless. He may or may not have developed a crush towards her. Well, maybe a little, just a lliiiiiiiiiiittle and he wouldn't mind a date or two.

Through each other's eyes.
"Together we're the A team, a match and gasoline." // Though they're not really, really close yet, it's easy to treat each other like buddies. They have the same sense of humor and they spend 90% of the time having fun together, tbh. When they have the day off they like to walk through the park, checking out other dinos and eat lunch together. They always seem to have a topic to be talked about but sometimes they can just sit side by side and enjoying the silence. Oh, bickering amongst the two is normal, since both of them are stubborn, literally if not having fun, they're obviously bickering about something; from something serious like taking care a sick dino or even something very mundane like who's prettier, Miranda Kerr or Barbara Palvin; or if french fries is tastier than onion rings. Bobby and Soori pretty much share the same group of friends so it's normal to see them hanging out together.

Through other people's eyes.
"I tell you, it's just a matter of time." // Through other people's eyes, they look like the typical buddies. Other staffs obviously know Bobby is close enough with Soori that Soori is able to show people her lunatic side when she's with him. Yet to other staffs with keen eyes, it's just a matter of time before they become official. Bobby and Soori go to lunch together, watched movies together, bicker with each other, creates nickname for each other- though the two of them somewhat able to make people think, "Lol, no, they're definitely buddies." if you look close enough, it's quite clear Bobby and Soori look at each other with adoration. It's faint, yes, but it's definitely there.

CONCLUSION I'll be bland and choose the happy ending where they just kiss and make it official, please.
  interview time。
   with pyper cause the operations manager is too busy...
SO WHAT WAS YOUR REACTION UPON HEARING THAT JURASSIC WORLD WOULD BE RE-OPENING?  Seriously? God, I was... ecstatic! Man, even that sounds like an understatement. It's like having my wildest dream came true! I was literally jumping around and hugging every single one of my family members and I took out all of my dinosaur encyclopedia and just re-read them all, imagining how they would look like in real life. It was wonderful.

WHY EXACTLY DO YOU PLAN ON WORKING HERE AT JURASSIC WORLD?  Well, to see and take care a real dinosaur is honestly my wildest dream ever. I know this probably sounds freaky but I think these dinos need a person who would dedicate their time for these dinosaurs; people who treats them as living beings and made it their purpose to train these dinosaurs. I know I can be that person- well, at least I think I'm up for it.

ARE YOU FULLY AWARE OF THE DANGERS THAT CAN COME WITH WORKING WITH THESE UNPREDICTABLE CREATURES?  *nervous laugh* yeah, of course I do. One mistake can cost me my life- or limb, if I'm lucky enough. But then again, don't we all share the same risks as those animal trainers in the zoo or circus? Like, those lion trainers can get killed at any time; it's the same as these dinosaurs. But yeah, I am fully aware. To be honest I'm actually scared but this is literally my wildest dream came true so... yeah.

PYPER: ALRIGHT THEN, ONE LAST QUE- ETHAN: DON'T YOU THINK PYPER LIKES ME? PYPER: I WILL LITERALLY FEED YOU TO THE INDOMINUS REX, ETHAN  *nervous laugh, again* Um, I would like to answer 'yes' but if that answer antagonizes Pyper and resulting me not getting the job, I'll stay silent. Oh, wait, I have answered that already, sorry.
  last call。
   a pleasure reading your staff file...
ANY LAST WORDS I didn't intend to write so  much oh god, I'm so sorry T_T also, that zombie dream thingy really happened to me. I've been dreaming about zombie since I was in middle school and up until now, I've dreamt about them for 12 times but why am I telling you this irrelevant story tho anyways! I hope you like her and good luck with the story ^^

Maybe a moment where Soori and Leon take a leisure walk through the park. Not date, just hanging out and enjoying their time together.
A scene where Bobby helps Soori to ride Titan would be very, very wonderful. Maybe he'll hold her waist to keep her steady. He'll let Soori sits in front of him because he knows Soori would love to hug the apatosaurus' glorious neck.
A scene where Bobby and Soori just lie down in front of his bungalow (I imagine he has a bungalow like Owen's) at night just talking about something, or nonsense, or just enjoying the silence
idk, I'll add more when I think of something?



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