BIRTHNAME : yijeong kang / 이정강
JEONG KANG / his preferred name when spoken to, by anyone and everyone that knows of him. He's not the biggest fan of his birthname so for the sake of consistancy and respect to his mother, he's officially shortened it to that.
"THAT AMERICAN GUY/FRIEND/STALKER" / specifically used by the Pie Hole staff when he's around. it used to be a code name to signal to each other that he had arrived but it wasn't long until he understood that they were talking about him. he eventually gave up trying to correct them, unless they were using the title of "stalker" then, no that's not right; he's not one, he swears.
HANDSOME SLOTH / used only by auntie juju. he has no idea why a sloth would be a term of endearment to the elder woman, but he tries not to complain whenever she dotes on him, coo-ing this nickname in front of others.
DATE OF BIRTH: Janurary 28th, 1994
AGE : 21 years old
RESIDENCE : New York City, New York, USA
ETHNICITY : Korean-American
SMALL DESCRIPTION : From the concrete jungle to the island breeze, Jeong Kang can't ever seem to catch a break. No matter where this blank faced "homme fatale" goes, comes the trouble that he never asks for (but always seemingly causes). Though his face does capture the attention of the residents of the island and allows him to charm his way into free meals, wifi, and a golden spot in Auntie Juju's heart, his cool façade quickly crumbles the moment he steps foot though the doors of the Pie Hole. Its there when people see him for who he really is: a goofy con-artist that shouldn't be able to charm others due to his inability to walk on two feet properly let alone speak without his lisp slipping out. When he encounters the baker who seems to be his match, he has to figure out how to stumble through the mess he's made on Papen Island; of broken plates he's dropped while staring at her too hard or the mutliple hearts he's strung along the way, without her figuring out or at least before the impending doom of his vacation time is up.
APPEARANCE : As if he jumped off the pages of Vogue or L'Officiel Hommes, Jeong stands proud at 182 cm and 68kg. And before anything else, yes, he can do that weird belly button challenge that's all the rage in China right now. Even though his height attributes to his slender figure he only has notable muscle tone in his biceps (and , fans of him happily note), as everywhere else pales in comparision, but otherwise he's very healthy. Unlike other guys his age in NYC that fall into the fad of getting tattoos and piercings- both symbolic and not- he still keeps his porcelain skin of any ink or metal. However, he does dye his hair on occasion, and currently he has it dyed back to a jet black color (as pictured below in the style section)- styled neatly with a long fringe (as pictured above). 
STYLE Let's be real, he's a guy; he's not expected to really put a lot of effort in his personal style and while the trend is to look good, he simply doesn't care as much. If he thinks he looks good, he looks good, right? With that said the city boy is alive in what he wears: fitted white t-shirts, jeans, maybe a snapback and a pair of beaten-up chucks is all he needs to be out in public, even if he's on an island. Of course he has other colored shirts, either grey or blue in hue, but he's not really the type to be very vibrant through his wardrobe.
PERSONALITY TRAITS : "homme fatale" on the outside, "embarassment" on the inside
POSITIVE / debonair, influential, outgoing, playful
NEGATIVE / clumsy, impulsive, insensitive, troublesome
NEUTRAL  / deceptive, self-conscious, stolid-appearing, boyish-minded

MORE WORTH THAN A PRETTY PICTURE / One thing that everyone needs to know about Yijeong Kang is that of all the things that define him his looks are the last thing that should be considered. As the true definition of 'never judge a book by its cover' Jeong countlessly surprises people by shutting down their assumptions that he's just another cold city pretty boy; he does have a face that looks aloof and stiff but he too is a social creature, easily being able to jump into conversations after seconds of observation and being captivating enough to keep a person's interest beyond the power of his looks. Although it may be a hard concept to grasp, people fail to remember that he's more than just a pretty face to admire, but he's human as well.  He is a young male adult; he craves for attention but also likes the thrill of adventure,  he is sometimes insecure about his appearance and his body language, he really likes to joke and play around with others and he's not perfect as he too makes mistakes. But alas, people often forget these things, especially when they're so entralled with how good looking he is.

DON'T HATE THE PLAYER, HATE THE GAME / Sure, looks aren't everything, but that doesn't mean he's never allowed to use it to his own advantage sometimes. Clever and a little bit devious, Jeong knows how to charm people with a look and a couple words to get what he wants, whether its a couple minutes of their attention or a couple bites of their sandwiches. The way he speaks can range from being so eloquent that he sounds like a posh gentleman to being very peculiar where half of his sentences sound like riddles that cause much confusion to the person he's talking with.  He's well aware that conning people is not a good practice to keep, especially with the fact that its not completely an earnest lifestyle to live by, but his ego does get to him sometimes.  If he's admired and praised enough he can easily get into a lot of trouble with his inflated ego to the point where he'll start acting impulsively just to impress others and make insensitive comments that appear harmless but are very much unnecessary at times. Though, of course, when his head does return from being stuck in between his , he does gather enough sense to apologize for such rude behavior before and will revert back to being the charming casanova, permitting that people aren't too angry at him for his douche like stints from time to time.

LET OUT THE BEAST? MORE LIKE LET OUF THE GEEK. / And so, like all cool looking guys are, the last layer of this good looking onion obviously has a core of a loser that just wants to be accepted. Everyone surely has a dark side that they wouldn't like people to see: for some its their hidden glutton or their incredibly uncontrollable anger, but for Jeong that side is his inner loser- that uncool, clumsy guy that can barely walk on two feet let alone wink properly (its more of a blink than a wink, always). Its this part of him that allows himself to accept that he has a lisp and isn't always the smoothest guy around the corner, and that- deep down in the pits of his stomach- he truly believes that Hillary Duff is his spirit animal (her songs are his guilty pleasures and Lizzie McGuire was the truth). Obviously after years of building up a reputation of being that suave guy and enjoying the perks of being liked he's too afraid to let himself be his goofy self. Even with people he's close with (for the exception of his mother) he still does his best to keep his cool façade up that by having such a big insecurity about this sometimes he has to mumble personal reminders to himself to "keep cool and don't look like a fool". As he becomes older he has done a better job at concealing this but at times when he's truly flustered (10/10 because of a girl) or just tired of putting up a front. For the lucky few that get to see this, it's actually not as bad as he thinks, but it's also been said its quite fun to rile him up and about it (especially mimicking his lisp, it's a real big vulnerability of his).
BACKGROUND Born to two Korean immigrants in the city that never sleeps, Yijeong Kang or Jeong for short, was always told from the beginning of his time that in order to survive, he had to adapt quickly and be of the fittest- or else he would perish. Being the only child of the Kang family, he was urged to grow tough skin when living in such the concrete jungle and becoming tactful in situations where he needed to be the winner, so as he would be a good representative for his family.

Of course, this scared the flying flip out of him, and so his mom would proceed to scold his dad until he would stop crying.

In truth, the theory of 'survival of the fittest' did stick to the boy like paper and glue do, and so he learned really quickly from his own father (a salesman and self proclaimed casanova) the ways of charming men and women through various "bonding exercises" such as shooting corny pickup lines at central park, selling candy at the local community laundromats and even performing on random subway cars from time to time. His practices would even bleed over to his education practices, letting his looks rule over his wit in achieving good marks on papers and projects, and favor with other students as his popularity seemed to naturally radiate off of him. Eventaully, when he became old enough, Jeong's father proudly applauded his son's transformation into a mini version of himself. The two then maintained a close bond based on the art of seduction alone, which Jeong is content with.

On the other hand, just on appearences alone, it seems that Jeong and his mother weren't as comfortable with each other unlike his relationship with his father; however this is actually far from the truth. While he has a leisurely conversation with his father, Jeong feels a greater sense of security with his mother, holding high regard for the no-nonsense type of woman she is-- especially since she is the main breadwinner of the family. It is her that truly sees him for what he is on the inside; overall reckless and clumsy but still cute without putting any real effort. She would be the only one that would see him when he's at his lowest point- of working hard to please his father, to his highest- when he's happy that he achieved anything good without having to use his looks but with his (hidden) intelligence instead, and her genuine love for him would give him a greater sense of appreciation than his father ever could.

But beyond his family, Jeong was just another good kid living in New York City, that only gets in trouble when he's attracted more attention than he can handle. He attended public schools and eventually went to college at NYU. As he approaches senior year of college he is aware of the reality that silently creeps up behind him that he's going to have to figure out his life beyond getting things that he wants from his good looks alone. 
READ MY LIPS, NOT MY TONGUE / The most notable (and arguably his best) feature Jeong has is his mouth. From his pearly white teeth to his slightly plumped lips, he gives the best smiles and smirks that anyone, espcially on Papen Island, has ever seen. While he has a horrible habit of and smacking his lips when he's both nervous and annoyed, the one thing he specifically hates about his mouth is his tongue. Since he was able to talk he has had a notable lisp whenever he speaks. Over the years he has been able to distinguish this flaw by either speaking very slowly or not at all, but at random times-- especially those of high stress, his speech impediment will get the best of him.

— ALL MYTHS, NO FACTS / Not trying to make himself sound incredibly stupid, but he's incredibly gullible and foolish when it comes to myths and urban legends. He's always the first to believe in all the folklore that the tour guide feeds to the group and is the last one to get the joke that they are not true. There's no real explanation why this is, maybe because he has a great imagination, or maybe he just likes the idea of fantasy, or maybe he's just that stupid (he swears he isn't, really), but he just never seems to learn his lesson when people tell him things such as that.

ALL HAIL THE SOCIAL MEDIA KING / Go ahead, follow him on twitter and instagram @mrkjeong. Primarily only gaining followers (approx. 1M on each platform, nbd) for his nice but often abstract selcas, he does post things that pique a normal social media freak's interest such as random facts, quotes, and food . He especially keeps up with his accounts now that he's on vacation on Coeur d'Coeurs as its hard not to take pictures and live tweet about the beautiful gem of a place. Also, he has started a youtube account for the purpose of vlogging, but he hasn't had the time to edit any videos due to the amount of fun he's having.

"I'M NOT, I SWEAR" / On multiple occasions (or what feels like every other sentence he speaks) while he's on Papen Island he's had to use that disclaimer when interacting with others, especially to Aera and Yoojung when they talk to him while he's at the Pie Hole  discreetly, but not really, stalking Soojung eating. Whether he's defending himself of being called a 'playboy', a 'stalker', a 'creep', or the combination and/or synonym of any mentioned, he has to forcfully use that line to confirm his position and claim that indeed he is not, and he truthfully swears on it.

THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME / Even though he's on a personal vacation, this is his first time away from America, let alone the first time he's away from his parents for a long time. There are times that he has so much fun being on the island that he forgets about home, but more than often- when the day is through- he can't help but think about his home and start to feel nostalgic and lonely. While he's away he's required to phone his mom at least twice a week, just for safety and reassurance that he hasn't been eaten by a shark or anything.

MISC LIKES / windy weather, edm/hip hop music genre, exploring, extreme sports, savory foods, cats, pie (when its made by pretty girls, just saying), coffee, cold water/showers, urban legends,  being the center of attention, and people watching.

MISC DISLIKES / rainy days, extreme silence, sweets/desserts (except for pie, but only  those that are made by pretty girls), dogs, organization (being tidy), coffee (yes, he has a love/hate relationship with it), his lisp, and causing trouble- nonintentionally, of course.
LIFESTYLE : Away from the skyscrapers and trash-lined streets of New York, Jeong currently is visiting Coeur d'Coeurs with his "brother" and travel partner Aiden (look below at the relationship section) for a part R&R, part business vacation. Being a savant at traveling, Aiden had set up arrangments to temporarly live at one of the more well known hostels on the island owned by his uncle and cousin Yoosang Lee. The lodging- located around the corner of Sunset Avenue-  is your typical hostel with simple but small bedrooms, an adequate kitchen and common space where other lodgers would meet. Unfortunately, even with connections with the owners, he has to share a two bedroom room with Aiden because they've come at the peak of tourist season but he tries to think of the experience as a very long sleepover with the elder male. The convenience of the hostel's location gives Jeong many opportunities to go out and explore the town with Aiden or Yoosang or by himself, thus he's rarely at the hostel unless he's sleeping or its raining out. 
A typical day for Jeong would start off as if it was anyone else's day; waking up he'd take a shower before preparing a small breakfast of whatever was in the fridge (usually eggs and toast). Picking up whatever clothes that were clean and weather appropriate, he would dress up and find the first person that was free enough to go out and hang with (that being usually Yoosang). Because his vacation schedule isn't as organized as Aiden's he usually lets Yoosang decide what they will do for the day, whether it's traveling around town to both places familiar and unknown to Jeong or just lazing around on the beach, before they settle on their daily trip to The Pie Hole. Going to the establishment quickly becomes a habit as he becomes to enthralled by the presence of the female baker there, despite the criticism everyone has for him being borderline obsessed (even more so than Aera and/or Yoojung combined).Thankfully for everyone he only stays for an hour before he heads to the market to give his daily greetings to Auntie Juju before heading back to do whatever Yoosang feels like doing prior to bedtime.
— "BROTHER BIG" : Aiden Lee / 24 / travel blogger / adventurous, spontaneous, wise /
 the best travel partner and the closest thing to a brother that Jeong has
It all began when Jeong was able to finally rush for a fraternity at university; he was one of the few asians his age to be selected and Aiden happened to be one of the few brothers that wasn't a complete or stuck up prick. After weeks of grueling tasks to fulfill, Aiden was the one chosen to be his 'big' (or brother to look up to) in the organization. Together, the two of them formed a strong friendship that has lasted even after Aiden had graduated university. Jeong is grateful to have Aiden as his pseudo-brother as he is more of a man than he or his father is; bold and brave enough to travel the world as an occupation yet very mature and wise to enough to recognize his boundaries and limitations in pursuing this venture. He is not afraid to call out Jeong's wrong-doings in the way he acts, but understands that the kid is still too young to really recognize the impact upon his actions, thus he tries very hard to guide him in the right direction of not using his charm for the wrong reasons- but even he knows that Jeong's influence is too strong not to deny.

Being a travel blogger, he is the one that finds a strong interest in visiting Coeur d'Coeurs, and decides to bring Jeong with him as both a belated birthday gift and an experience for the younger to grow up and more independent from his parents. He is the elder cousin of Yoosang Lee, the son of one of the hostel owners in the town, but they had never met due to their distant family lineage.

"ISLAND BROTHER" : Yoosang Lee / 17 / hostel worker / blunt, insightful, supportive /
the "self proclaimed" Kang Jeong fanboy who unfortunately tells it how it is
As the son of the owner of one of the few hostels on Coeur d'Coeurs, he's responsible for checking up on the tenants during their stay, occasionally entertaining them when they don't have anything planned when his father isn't around to do so. When Jeong arrives on the island, the young boy is immediately facsinated and interested in the elder's natural ability to hypnotize others with his looks that eventually he becomes one of the same that's stuck in his trap. The two form an acquaintence ship that quickly turns into a friendship as Jeong is often left by himself while Aiden does his research around Papen Island and Yoosang is one of the few that genuinely try to entertain him. He becomes a human encyclopedia about Coeur d'Coeurs to Jeong as the elder slowly begins to have an interest in the people of the community, specifically of the cute baker from the Pie Hole. Despite being younger, Yoosang does not hold anything back when talking to Jeong, being completely honest when the elder asks for his opinions about anything but even with his harshest criticisms Jeong finds him wiser beyond his years of life lead him to be. Silently, Yoosang looks up to Jeong and wishes he could stay in Coeur d'Coeurs forever and dreads the moment when his vacation on the island is up.

As mentioned above, Yoosang is the cousin of Aiden Lee, but they have not met. He likes to eat at the Pie Hole every once in awhile, but because of the hostel, he doesn't often go as much as he wants to. He likes creme pies.

— "ISLAND MOTHER" : Auntie Juju / don't bother asking, she won't tell you (shhh it's 42) /
owner of Juju's market, Aera's mother / shameless, brave, rash /
the mother that Jeong never really asked for, but loves anyways
Uttering her name anywhere on Coeur d'Coeurs people will either brighten up and comment on how kind she is and how convenient her store is or grimmace as they're probably one fo the few blacklisted at her store for doing something dumb and/or illegal. Nevertheless she is one infamous woman in the town for her broomstick and maternal instinct with a dash of a cougar mindset. When Jeong arrives at her storefront to ponder the selection of chips she has, she's immediately awestruck and tries to kidnap him doesn't hesitate to adopt him as a literal third child next to her own two children (Aera can't help but roll her eyes but then again she's happy her mother isn't trying to set them up like she would usually do with a handsome guy like him). Similar to Yoosang, she checks up on him to make sure he's not starving despite having 6 meals already or if he's well clothed in things besides his white teeshirts and ripped jeans. He's never really annoyed at the way she treats him as he is a 'momma's boy' after all, but sometimes seeing her with her own children makes him homesick. From time to time she'll invite Jeong to be useful and help out with the market but typically she'll do that just to coo at how cute he is while sweeping or clap at how he attracts more patrons to the market because he's behind the cash register.

— "DYNAMIC DUO" : Aera Gong and Yoojung Shin / "they're like 5 & 6 years old, right?" /
these two live at the pie hole, that's it / one's a dark rain cloud, the other one is sunshine /
the Pie Hole's official, unofficial seat hogs
Running into either of them (or quite frankly, anyone in Coeur d'Coeurs) is hard not to do, but as he's fascinated by the baker at The Pie Hole, there's no way of escaping them when all he's trying to do is catch a glimpe of his pastry angel while they laugh and mock him literally behind his back. He's kinda blended in with them for the time being as being another regular customer at The Pie Hole so its not unusual if he makes a place for himself at their table while they talk to their respective guy friends.

If you were going to ask which one he prefers he will simply shrug and say it depends on the day. To him, Aera seems to be the safer choice between the two girls as she's more reserved yet aloof, but sometimes her words have more bite than one would expect and her resting face is something you can't describe in words. If anything, he's kinda closer to Aera anyways thanks to Auntie Juju appointing him as the unofficial third child, and he's come over to her house on more than one occasion for his fifth meal of the day. They do exchange a colorful banter as she's not afraid to point out his stalking tendancies, but at the end of the day he doesn't find the younger girl harmful at all.

In comparision, Yoojung is the one he can have an easier conversation with, as long as she doesn't blatantly point out his flaws or doesn't lead into a unnecessary conversation about things not socially acceptable to talk about (belly button lint, the science of yeast when making pie crust, idk.). Actually, she's usually the one carrying conversations as he kinda stares at how fast can go without needing relief of taking a drink or breathing in general. Regardless if he does get a word in or not Jeong does enjoy seeing her being so energetic and youthful as it is kind of a breath of fresh air compared to other people trying to grow up so fast.
LOVE INTEREST : Soojung "Krystal" Jung

DATE OF BIRTH : September 18th, 1994
AGE : 20



"disciplined" on the outside", "femme fatale" on the inside
To her, the art and science of baking is what describes her best as a person. It requires both creativity and prescision in order for a pastry to be delictable to both the eyes and the mouth. For those that only can see her through the small window within the Pie Hole, they see her as the kind girl that's devoted her life to baking the delcious pies the store has been eternally notorious for. She appears to be hard working, almost too about her passion; counting each speck of flour and every ounce of water with a meticulous eye, self-critical of herself if a certain pie doesn't appear to be up to her personal standard of perfection. Many have whispered many times about how she hardly leaves the kitchen or has a life outside of the establishment but often commend her for her dedication and determination to please others. Because of this, mothers often compare their own children to her and some people her age sneer and roll their eyes at her, sometimes bugging her to go get a life, which (actually) she can't help but laugh and agree.

Outside of the her apron and dust clouds of flour is the girl who can give steel cold looks at people just to shut them up and give them a sly smile when she wants something. She's very intelligent, socially speaking, as she has a quiet confidence others don't recognize for because of her sheepish façade. Comparing the two she's a better con-artist of people's hearts than Jeong is due to her gentle appearance and nature. She's a great observer and is perceptive of social cues and hidden messages within people's speech. Occasionally, she uses this ability for her personal gain when others are vulnerable, but otherwise she doesn't usually prey on the innocent unlike Jeong. She prefers to stay modest and subtle about her seductive qualities as she's quite peaceful and rather not start up drama, especially since Papen Island is so small that she can hear the whispers of drama before they are even uttered.

RELATIONSHIP : First meetings are usually the stories you want to tell your grandchildren randomly on a summer's day, and the first encounter between Jeong and Soojung is definitely one for the history books, let alone worthy for storytime to his future kids (or just anyone who wants to hear about it). Only hours after arriving to Coeur d'Coeur's did Jeong get his first, yet quick, lustful glance at the beauty who was simply walking down Sunset Ave per usual. As dramatic as it sounds Jeong can't help but recall the moment as "a period where time slowed down and there was a spotlight of sunlight soley focused on her". (In reality, the sunshine was extremely bright for that hour and time was only going by so slow because the process of getting Aiden to stop taking photos of everything seemed to equal an eternity.) While the moment went by in a flash, it left him a deep impression and kinda gave him high hopes that he would see her again (and that every girl on the island was as pretty as her). It's not until days after, on a quick tour with Yoosang as the younger is doing a food crawl with Jeong, where the two actually meet at The Pie Hole.

Similiar to the first time he sees her, time slows down, but instead of a glowing halo- he only sees broken porcelain fly in the air- and can only hear a screech before white nose infiltrates his ear. In reality, Soojung had briefly stepped out of the kitchen to hand over a pie to her co-workers only to see a boy quickly stand from his seat and carelessly drop his plate of cherry pie onto the ground while blatantly stare at her with a gaping mouth. The scene alone was an eyesore to watch for her as seeing a perfectly good piece of pie go to waste by a clumsy accident is similar to taking a bullet in the brain for her, but to watch the mysterious guy's face contort into something very unattractive kinda made her want to laugh (in an ugly way) and she knew well enough that doing something like that wouldn't be a pretty sight to see. Eventually, after being scolded by the employees of the Pie Hole and Yoosang himself, Jeong snapped out of his lovesick daze to feel the sensation of embarrassment creeping up his cheeks yet the desire to see the baker again was #toostrong. Even with no information about the girl, Jeong felt that just seeing her was beyond your standard of "love at first sight".

From that moment on, the relationship primarily becomes one-sided as it's Jeong that really has an interest for Soojung, slowly learning about her through conversations with the people he encounters on Coeur d'Coeurs, specifically Yoosang (who straight up claims that despite being very handsome, Jeong literally has no chance with the girl) and Aera and Yoojung (plus the other employees of The Pie Hole). Despite putting in the effort to learn about Soojung, Jeong is conscious about the time limit he has being a tourist, and tries to have multiple attempts to talk to the reserved maiden- only to mess up at the last minute by either dropping more plates of pie (earning him more disapproving glares by her) or having an infatuated no-named girl interrupting him at the most inconvenient times or   when he does get a chance to talk to her, he ends up fumbling with his words to the point that he gives up mid sentence. But that doesn't mean he ever throws in the towel and gives up. For Soojung, she's never really oblivious to the fact that a guy like Jeong would have an interest in her, but having much pride for herself she doesn't give into the temptation of noticing him. In a turn of events, she becomes the wolf in sheep's clothing by feigning innocence as he slowly unravels his cool image in front of her, and preys on his clumsy behaviors as she thinks this image of him is much more genuine than what she's heard around the island. Eventually she does give him a chance and they get to know each other but they continue to dance around the idea of a relationship keeping in mind that Jeong only has a couple months (weeks, really) left on the island. 

TL;DR: Jeong is a stalker for Soojung and she's a lil shiz for pretending not to care when deep down she's really really flattered and kinda very interested.

— THATS NOT MY NAME As if they were destined to be together, or maybe they're just both dumb, neither of them can ever get each other's name right- kinda. Jeong has a terrible habit of calling her by her last name (Jung for Soojung, Son if Naeun is chosen instead) as he thinks its "hip" of him to do, whereas she will mix up the vowel in his name ("Was it Jong? Jang? Jing-nim? Don't laugh at me, okay?"). Though it is irritating for both of them, both of them silently think its cute as well.

— CUTE FACE, UGLY LAUGH : While Jeong is highly insecure about his lisp, Soojung is self-conscious about her laugh. A mix between a hyena and a wailing dog, this is the primary reason why she tries not to emote at funny things. When Jeong eventually does hear her laugh he does agree that it sounds strange, but because its her he does his best to look past it. 
"Well to be completely honest I didn't choose to come here but instead I was invited to follow my big brother- persay- to here." Jeong nods accordingly to the interviewer with a smug grin, taking the time to briefly glance at them before continuing, "He's here for business, with his travel blog and whatnot, and for once he didn't want to come alone. It was kind of a gift from him to come here- all of my expenses are being paid by him- but at the same time I'm kinda here to play by myself when he's off working and exploring by himself."

Scratching his chin in thought, Jeong's eyebrows furrow in immense concentration before returning to his default blank face, "It's nice and cozy here, like a home away from home- kinda." He waves his hand in a 'so-so' gesture, "I mean there's a drastic difference between the city environment compared to this island breezey life but the feeling is very similar. I just can't get over how close everyone and everything is.."

COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/CONCERNS : obviously i invested too much time in this. i'm sorry.
my personality is buttcrack. the background is poop. not gonna lie he's prob a gary stu.
not even sure how i feel about everything else. but enjoy? xoxo ria
A WHITE FLAG : After a month of visiting The Pie Hole, Jeong officially declares to Soojung, and the patrons of the establishment, that he is offically the unofficial stalker of her- as a ruse to get her attention. While this alarms everyone, this causes Soojung to laugh and silently acknowledge him before turning back to the kitchen, continuing to ignore Jeong but giving him a glimmer of hope that she fully knows whats going on now.

idk. i'll make more later but i'm tired tbh.


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