change the picture of baek to a picture of your face claim. height should be 300px; i think the width changes with the picture but please try to keep it between 200 - 225px. jongin should be changed to your love interest. same thing, height is 300px, width should be 200 - 225px;. i apologize in advance that our app is sort of long. we want to get a lot of characer development down ; __ ; '' but yeh, any questions u can come to us. everything is scrollable so don't be afraid of that. erase all the notes that we wrote.




last name, first!

「 nicknames → u know the usual. who calls you it and why do they call you it, yada yada. other names go here as well so if you have an english name, right here. you have a chinese name? right here.
「 date of birth / age → most of the girls are high school seniors going into college so you'd probably be around 18 - 19. there are exceptions so we'll only accept the age range 17 - 20. trust if you're 16 i doubt your parents would let you go off on a road trip with your older friends, no matter how amazing they are.
「 Face claim + gallery → fx's soojung & soloist iu is taken! tbh i don't think we'd need a back up so no need to put down another idol / actress / etc. in case we do, however, we'll ask you after we've chosen you.
「 tell me about yourself. → just a little blurb about yourself. you can write as much to as little as you want but just remember not to make this too long. this isn't your personality, this is just like a little blurb about yourself !! there's a hidden scroll so don't be afraid to enter when you're writing nicknames or add little pictures, etc etc !! ( btw u as in ur character i don't need u to actually tell me about urself i mean u can but this is an application so uhm yeh #it's2am )

all i wanna do is sing for you

「 personality → honestly, we're fine with contradictions, we're fine with 3 paragraphs, we're fine with five. just make sure it makes sense because we want to be able to work with your character!! we want to look at your personality and go, "OMG WE CAN DO THIS WITH THIS!! OMG OMG!!" u know? u feels? yeeh.
「 background → just what made you the person you are today, how'd you meet the step-sibling your friends with, etc. include everything here; so birthplace, home town, what your parents were like growing up, etc.
「 other relationships → while this is completely optional, we are giving you the choice (of maximum two) to write about anybody. for example, if your love story includes harboring a one-sided crush on the guy in your english class and then all of a sudden you find yourself swooning over the cutie that can help you fix your car on the road trip, you write about your crush here since it's important in the beginning of the story. i hope that makes sense.
「 trivia → anything pertaining to you and the road trip!! i don't want to see stuff like, oh she's allergic to expensive caviar. ok but they're on a coastal road trip they're not going to drop by a five star restaurant and eat, u feels? we want 7!! if you're not sure what's allowed and what's not, you can always drop a question / pm / comment or you can check out mira and minjung's app!! this has scroll so write as much or as little as you'd like (and by little i mean enough to get the point across, not a puny sentence).

wang jackson!

「 back up love interest → just know that jongin and baek are taken. we don't care if you use the idol as a face claim or what not. just idk use your common sense and if you're using them as a face claim, make sure to state so.
「 date of birth / age → for the guys, they can be in their first year of college or last year of high school. so their age should be, 17 - 20 like the girls.
「 personality → doesn't have to be as long as your own personality but a decent amount should be suffice.
「 background → while normally we don't ask for your love interest's background, we wanted the story to not only focus on the girls (and their friendship + relationship with the boys) but we also wanted the boys to grow as people too bc #character development is rad af.
relationship → uhm while we would prefer you guys not to give us a definite ending (since we usually have plot bunnies when we see an app we like), you guys can. i guess just how they acted in the beginning, middle and (if you want) end!
「 trivia → same as girls but this time, less. 5 min, 5 max.

the cha sister's q & a!

「 ok so which one of us did you come on the trip for and what do you think of the other sister? → basically, if you haven't read the cheat sheet, there are no plots but you have to be friends with at least one of the cha sisters. which one is totally up to you!! the relationship between sujin and dahyun will be shown through minjung and mira's own application so if you need help figuring it out, make your way over to either royaltea's or dumbhun's? i may or may not forget to link this but yeh.
「 describe your fashion sense in three sentences and a brand. → make it match! for example, sujin is known more as the fashion runway girl so she's not going to describe her fashion sense with the brand "h&m", she's going to say "burberry" or "chanel" !! likewise, dahyun isn't going to be a "ralph lauren" type of girl. she's more "acne" or "urban outfitters". you get it.
「 do you have a driver's license? if so, what time of the day to you prefer to drive? if not, do you like sitting shot gun? → JUST A QUICK HEADS UP. the age where you can get your license in korea is 18 SO if you're not 18, you absolutely can not have a license. it's also preferrable that you don't have a license, simply because there are so many ways to get around in korea (subway, bus, etc) that one doesn't really need a license but if you have a good enough excuse, you can have one. sujin and dahyun have one anyways so even if you guys didn't have one, there would be two drivers that can switch off.
「 quick! what's in your purse right now? → again, idk, make it match your chara. i'm sure you're getting tired of me saying this but YEH.
「 do you hate the middle seat? → answer here
「 what city do you want to visit the most? → while the girls are taking a coastal road trip (meaning they're not really going inland) feel free to write whatever city. we're all starting at gangnam-gu, by the way!! so don't say gangnam. 
「 it's summer so obviously, you'll have a bathing suit. what kind? tell me the deets! → bikini? tankini? do you prefer to cover up or do you wear a bikini top and wear spandex? up to you!! :^ )
「 do you know how to siphon gas? → don't look it up. just answer the question, heh.


oh , our car broke down. sos!

「 comments? questions? concerns? → all here.
「 scene requests!! → we shall do our best to provide : ^)
「 password → shut up! and drive. :)


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forward #2
mooncastles #3
i ship jackji so much IM SATISFIED.......
elegantly #4
is that youngji-
hoduken #5
me too :))))