
Hello everyone!

I know I don't have that many followers, and my stories are incomplete. I read about what I been writing here and I decide to make some changes, so, basically I delleted my story "I am tired" "Por que me dejas?" and maybe I am going to delet "Let it rain". Making this changes I hope you like them and some more people. 

Actually, the story I am Co-authoring it is in process, but the other girl, that is my sister(BreadPand), has been throug a lot of things, so she had had no time to write, and as it is her sotry I can not write it, because I have hear her ideas and are amazing, and I want to read te story from her. I hope You can go to her Wall or something and read a little. She was thinking to delet it the story too, but not forever, just like me, to edit the things that are missing. 

So, I hope you can wait, I can (hope) I can write more often and maybe update a chapter of "I am tired" later.

Take care and make every day beautiful.

Bye bye~


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