ㅤㅤ ✕ 永遠の友達 / LUCAS HAN

永遠の友達 : lucas han
korean name : han seokmin
other naME(s) :
luke solo / han skywalker : dumb star wars puns because of his english name
birthdate & age : 07/01 + 23 years
ethnicity : korean-AMERICAN
languages : fluent english & korean
occupation : secretary / law intern
faceclaim : Ahn jaehyun
Backup : nam joohyuk
height and weight : 186 cm / 64 kg
appearance :
lucas is that awkwardly tall fellow with the equally awkward lanky figure that walks with a slight slump in his posture. he has raven hair that is always a mess but has a charming look in his face with his brown eyes and lopsided smile.
stylE : his style has no effort, very monochromic with it being black white or blue. he shops from j.crew & h&m.
"how you doin?"
plotline : the one that's awkward
personality traits :
( + ) : benevolent, humble, generous
( - ) : cautious, gauche (socially inept), ignorant
( ? ) : literal, skeptical, whimsical
description : everyone knows lucas han, or at least knows of one.
he's the guy in the group of friends that means well but never gets the results he wants; like when you look up the definition of 'nice guys finish last' his picture covers at least 75% of the page. its not saying that he's bad luck or anything, its just that the poor boy can never catch a break.

with every first meeting lucas has with others, one will definitely feel his awkwardness as he often misses obvious social cues or just doesn't have much to say.  sometimes, he's quite gulible and takes things literally. being naturally shy and afraid to mess up with first impressions he often stumbles through conversations with a 80% passing rate that people will think he's more strange that he leads on to be.

but if you're one of the few that make it past the first ten minutes of tense conversation, one will see the kind and warm hearted kid that is rarely seen. if anything, lucas is the purest of the bunch, he's the kind of guy that will happily do your laundry with a bat of a lash or confidently take on an extra load of paper work if granted he hears that his coworker needs help with it. more often than not, people abuse him for such naive generosity he has. no one understands why he's so nice nor why he doesn't know when to stop being nice. for lucas he purely believes in helping others for the sake of it, as its the right thing to do, despite it being such a naive practice he follows in. no one ever argues with that fact with him.
at the end of the day, lucas is just the guy that wants to be accepted in the crowd. whether he has to bend over backwards or save his time and move on, his charm of being the friend to help you out when no one else can or over-worry about one being too drunk, is what makes him unique. others would be quickly annoyed at how demure or stingy he can be, but the group of neighbors he calls friends are the ones that love him the most for who he is.
background : before lucas was born, his parents were an old fashioned couple raised in south korea. at the beginning of the 90s, the han family moved to new york to give birth to their only son, han seokmin; later renamed as lucas han. the small family patiently lived in brooklyn up until lucas was old enough to attend preschool, in which the hans then moved closer into the city of manhattan.

as being the only child of the family, lucas grew up withdrawn from social interaction for the exception of being in school. sure, the hans lived in a nicer apartment where there were a small amount of families that had children lucas could've played with, but having school being a high priority meant that the boy had to pick and choose the right battles to win.

when he became older he eventually got better in talking to others but still was considered as "awkward" or "always the friend, never the boyfriend." He spent many years through high school and university stuck in the friendzone so much that he just eventually stopped caring. with his parents wishing him to be something great such as a doctor or an engineer, lucas shocked everyone when he professed his interest in being a lawyer, and even more so when he landed an intership with a well known firm and a part time job as their secretary. in his defense, the crimminal justice field was the only thing that interested lucas, seeing as he thought that the justice system was always crooked. being a guy that was always at teh short end of every stick, he felt the need to help others that needed better representation, both individually and as a society in general. from that decision many people started to respect him and acknowledge him for being bolder than he seems but with his kind nature he still is often "bullied" into doing things for others.
lifestyle : Despite graduating two years ago,  going back for law school, and the stack of loans piling up, lucas lives comfortably through budgeting his lifestyle to only the bare necessities. his income, being a secretary and intern at high profiled law firm, amounts to 80% of his bills thus tries to cook at home most of the week, get only black coffee when he's at central perk, and will find coupons to anything and everything anyone could need when living as a 20-somthing adult in new york. even though he's not the best at socializing, he likes to go out more than often because his apartment is smaller than a broom closet (ok an exaggeration but he has to share it with someone else). he can drive but he would rather rely on a bike than any other mode of transportation.
trivia :
∙ speaking habits: he often mumbles which pisses some people off. this goes back to his inability to socialize well. this habit slowly decreases as he becomes comfortable with others but from time to time he'll revert back when he's too scared to say things on his mind (think of the girl from pitch perect, lily.)

∙ kareoke superstar: ironically having a soft spoken voice also equals a great singer. when the crew (or anyone really) takes him out to the kareoke bar everyone is often blown away by how great he sings. he loves to belt out queen and maroon 5 but his guilty pleasure is that one whitney houston song (AND I---- WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU----) HE OFTEN PRACTICES IT IN THE SHOWER SO ITS EASY TO FIGURE OUT WHERE HE IS IF ANYONE IS EVER LOOKING FOR HIM.

∙ handy man man man: who needs to hire repair men when you have lucas? from leaky faucets to broken hearts, he's usually available to fix things together. even the landlord rents him out when there are dead lightbulbs needing to be replaced in the elevator. he doesn't usually charge people for his services but if you ask him to kill a bug, expect him to ask you to pay a minimum of $10.

∙ never been kissed: you heard him, he's a in all aspects besides hugging and hand holding. he's not really into getting in a relationship (bc he thinks 10/10 experts say he's not ready for it) but its not like he's ever though of being in one. the girls tell him he has potential to woo a lady and the guys often ask him to download tinder so he can try to get some, but at the end of the day he rejects it all and instead settles for being the guy to hold when you need someone there.

"we were on a break!"
catchphrase : (something goes wrong) (everyone looks at lucas) "alright, i'll go clean up the mess"
what is your ideal type like? :
"u-uh.. let me think about that..."
"i guess she'd have to be bearable? like it's bad enough that people would have to deal with me but if i can't get along with her then, yeah. ha. but otherwise if she can hold a conversation then that'd be all i'm looking for?"

why did you decide to move here? :

"well my old college roommate just decided to get married to this girl of 6 months and it was either me or the cat." (breathes)
"they sadly chose the cat."

describe a typical day in your life is :

"well i wake up-- wait you want me to go through me entire day?"
(stares, doesn't wait for an answer)
"ok well basically i wake up, eat, go to work, do my work, do other people's work, walk home, get distracted and end up at central perk, get dragged out to something absurd that my friends want to do, eventually get home, wash up, sleep."

say something funny :

"something funny."(blinks) "is that funny enough?"
"i don't even have a pla"
scene suggestions : 
∙ the one where he goes on a blind date: having been fed up with lucas being lonely boy, the crew of neighbors band together to scourage up a date for him. chaos ensues as the date is everything lucas doesn't want in a girl. they all think lucas is mad but turns out he isn't but asks them to never do it again. ever.

∙ the one where someone gets locked out: its been a long day without you my friend, but i'll tell you all about if you let me in. aka one of the neighbors has forgotten their key and they have to stay with one of the only friends at the apartment that's actually home (Everyone else was busy) until the landlord finally complies. this is even better if it was opposite es/opposite personalities.

comments :
im sorry if this is really long.
i plan on doing a female version so please expect that also!
and my name is ria. hi.
password : YES


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