Useless Rant of a Desperate Author

Dear anyone who reads this,


As you may have realized, I am writing a blog instead of a new chapter. For those who are subscribed to my fanfic; I am sorry. For those who aren't; I'd tell you to check it out but I'm not sure if it's even good anymore. So let me share my pain.

I started this fic as pure and crack and after the third chapter it started getting deep??? Like, the characters developed way more than I expected and now I am torn because I'm like, 100 words for ending the new chapter but there's barely any action, it's filled with fluff and emotional stuff I'm pretty sure my precious subbies didn't ask for.

On one hand, I wanna write it, on the other, I'm not sure if anyone wants to read it. I think every writer faces this problem sooner or later. Am I right? Is anyone out there? No? Just me? Okay. Lemme sulk a bit longer before I return to my author duties.

So, I know it's like, wrong to ask for advice from others when it comes to such stuff but I just wanna hear different opinions. Should I finish the damn thing the way I want to or should I change it and bring it back to its original purpose? I probably don't even have the heart to erase the 2,900 words I've already written but maybe I can save it as something else???

Idk, I seriously don't know.

Btw, Mamamoo are having a comeback. That's cool.

Oh and my exams are over tomorrow so I'll have a lot more time to write. So yeah, I guess that's kinda cool too.



                                                                                                                         A Desperate Author


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Autumnaree #1
write what ever you want. we WILL read it. we don't know if it had taken on a life of it's own or if you planned it that way.
Honestly, you should just end the story as you like it ;)
It's your story and as an author, no one else should dictate the way you want to write.
I understand how you feel, when I write, I usually delete a lot because I end up wondering if my readers will like what I wrote.
So just write what you want, no one here will judge you for that, and don't forget have fun when writing. Writing can be stressful, but just remember that your readers love you for the way you write.
(But srsly tho, the lack of your fanfiction has made me cry >.<)
Have a nice day!
You should end the story the way you feel the most comfortable about it. But if you are really scared your subbers wouldn't like it, then have two endings and one is an alternative ending.

Forcing yourself to delete something you actually like isn't the solution here. It's always good to look at the beginning to see how everything started, but you are allowed to change the direction of your stories, so do what makes you feel the most comfortable.