I deleted my fanfic Beautiful Killer accidentally T_______T



I was going to post a  new Foreword for a  new fanfic and I thought it was pretty weird not having the option "cover image" so I got confused and did a test with a "fanfic" and when I went to delet it......................... Yeah, you know the rest.


MAN I AM REALLY REALLY SAD! Ç______Ç I can't believe I did it, omg

And this fanfic was for Dracula-oppa's Jongkey/Ontae Contest ..............

And I just had my record of subs in that fanfic. Omg someone kill now I can't believe TT'


Here's the link to the new one...

By the way... Is there any possibility to recover the original fic? I guess no T__T


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Virtuosos #1
At least you have a record of the subs? Maybe you can go on their walls and redirect :S If they are still interested, they will resub on the new one. Best of luck.