〈 ♀ | ❝EXUARE ENTERTAINMENT ▪ kwon sena 〉


BACKGROUND + Sena was born from not-well-off/poor family, when she was born, her father didn't have a fixed job. Because of her family's low financial, Sena didn't attend kindergarten and elementary schools, her family payed a home-schooling teacher for her because it didn't cost as expensive as schools.  But even so, Sena's childhood filled with generous and warm people in her neighborhood, she also has friends who were her neighbors. Since she was young, her parents raised her well and taught her to be always polite and smile brighly. Every night, she would always begged her father to sing a song with his guitar. Sena also learns how to play piano and guitar from her father. Her parents are a fan of music, and used to play their favorite songs to Sena, that's why Sena loves many music genres and loves to sing, thanks to her parents.

When Sena was 12, her family moved to Daegu, because her father got an offered job. Thanks to her father's new fixed job, Sena finally got to attend middle school. Sena didn't have any problem with socializing and adapted with the new environment, she also got many new friends, also her grades were quite good. That time, she also developed a new hobby, dancing. When they moved, at 2006, idols were really popular and she always imitate their choreography. Her interest in dancing rised when Big Bang debuted.

When she was 13, at the first year of her middle school, after the final semester exam, her class' home room teacher brought the students to karaoke, to celebrate the end of exam. When it was Sena's turn, she got many compliments and praises, saying she sings well. Since then, Sena always participate in many singing contests, and some of dancing contests, too. Sena auditioned for Exuare at September 2007 and joined the agency at October in the same year. With her parents permission, Sena moved to Seoul to achieve her dream as a singer and to do music (for her parents). She attended high school in Seoul, too.

TRAINEE BACKGROUND + Sena was scouted. At 2007, when she achieved the 3rd place in dancing contest, a represantive from Exuare Entertaiment offered her an open audition when the agency just opened their business. Sena actually auditioned in September 2007, with a courage from her family and friends. She didn't think they will train her, so she did the audition with hard work and with the motive 'for experience'. But a month later, the agency dialled her that she was accepted and she began trained in Exuare at October 2007.

Life as a trainee wasn't easy as Sena expected. It was really harsh and difficult, especially because she also had to compete with the other trainees who are also her friends. The trainers mainly focused on her dancing and singing skills because they know that are her specialities. Vocal training went hard for her because she has to be able to reach some high notes, and she also got injured a few times because of dance training, she was really hard-working and really harsh to herself. She didn't give up, she continued to work hard, and hoping her hard work will be paid.

TRAINEE YEARS + Joined at October 2007, trained for 2 years and 6 months .



In general, Sena is easy going along with silly personality. She is active, can't stay quiet, and quite a chatterbox also loves to expressing herself around the people she's comfortable with. She laughs and smiles easily, also very suppotive. She is also easily impressed and amused. her co-members and close friends, her silliness can be seen to the maximum. She is also the type who always give her everything on doing something, but yet, she is not competitive. She loves bright and warm atmosphere, and enjoy building it by playing around or just talking happy things with people she's comfortable with.

At sometimes, she can be random. She would do and talk about the most random things when she's bored. She does all sort of things she wants when she has nothing to do. Bothering her co-members, recording herself, recording her co-members, even rapping rubbish about the co-members or her close friends to make fun of them. To explain how easy-going Sena is, she is cool and okay with everything her co-members, friends, and families make fun of her. Usually, to maintain the atmosphere, Sena would just goes with the flow and making fun of herself. Sena is very good with elders and childrens, too. Most of them love her.

Even though she may be playful, Sena thinks long that sometimes she worries for the smallest things. People like Sena think too much and full of thoughts. Her complicated thoughts sometimes can stress herself and make her anxious and worries things too much, even can make her really clueless or blanks because she doesn't know what to do or she doesn't know what happen. In serious and confusing situation, she may look calm, but actually she's puzzled as well, drowning on her thoughts. She is full of thoughts, yet 38% of the thoughts are random and usually are not related to the events that are currently happening. Sometimes, her opinions could be categorized as weird and nonsensical. Sometimes, when she can't hold her thoughts, without even knowing herself, she could let out what she really thinks.

Usually, Sena would observes people she doesn't know well before open herself to that person. Although she knows it's kind of rude, she can't help it but to do so. That way, she knows how to socialize with that person, how to talk, behave well with that person so it doesn't cause any miscommunications. With the people she's not really close, she manages to take care of herself not being silly. But when you are really close to her, she would show all her sides to you.

She gets touched easily that sometimes she misinterpret what people really meant. She's sensitive, as well. But this also makes her considerate yet cautious. Her wills to protect the people she loves is very strong. She always watches the people around her and incredibly thoughtful of them, if she is in a group she will always make sure that everybody is included.  Sena is also very curious (more to suspicious). That's why she ask too much that it can annoy you. She tends to take care of her co-members, but most of her co-members complain too much about her being too protective and ask things too much. But in arguments, she is most likely the one who will give up because she can't fight for herself either. She is also the type who listen very well. Although she is also stubborn and want things to go her way, she can't help but gives up. But when she thinks it's already too much, she would let herself go on and that is the worst of her. But then again, this rarely happened.

cheerful yet silly
deepthinker, thoughtful
anxious, cautious
full of curiousity


was born on JUNE 12, 1993 from a korean father and a korean mother in ULSAN, Gyeog-sang,. She grew up in SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA thus making her/him fluent in korean. Standing at 162cm for 48kg, Sena is notably known for looking like EOM SAE AH or even sometimes BAEK SEUNG YEON.



+ Sse & KwonSse // a cute way to address her, both by emphasizing the 'Sse'. Called by her friends, family, and fans.
+ Puppy/Kwon Puppy // because of her oddly high pitched sound and her being active, can't stay quiet when there's music. Called by fans.
+ Food Broadcaster Kwon // by fans again, because she loves posting food s in her social media accounts, and because she eats well.
+ Shorty // called by her little brother, because she's the shortest in her family. 


+ Korean, Fluent // Native tongue
+ English, Conversational // she really loves western culture, that's why she study hard speaking English.
+ Japanese, Basics // one of the subject in her school

social circle

— ❝Father❞ Kwon Ju Gyeon  // 1969 // businessman, formerly a busker // generous, funny yet weird, friendly
Father-daughter, but he is not strict at all. He was one of the first people who introduced her music, and also how to play guitar.
— ❝Mother❞ Yang Pak ha // 1970 // housewife // weak-hearted, caring, active
Mother-daughter. She also introduces music to Sena, and she taught her how to play piano as well.
— ❝Younger brother❞ Kwon Sang Hyun // 1995 // college student // friendly, noisy, humorous
Even thought they are noona-dongsaeng, they are more like friends. He drops formality with her, but still call her noona.


— ❝Close friend❞ Min Yoongi (SUGA) // 1993 // idol (BTS) // at the first year of middle school (2005) // chill, fun, honest
(explained in love interest)
— ❝Best Friend❞ Jung Hyerim (Eunji) // 1993 // idol (A-Pink) // 2011 // humorous, caring, warm
Because of their similarities in music style and personality, they become close. Keep in contact frequently, also they make fun of each other and got each other's back.
— ❝Friend❞ Gong Chanshik // at the first year of high school (1993) // idol (B1A4) // 2010 // cheerful, kind, caring
Classmates at the first year of high school, pretty close and keep in contact. Take care of each other, treats each other well, making fun of each other well, too.
— ❝Friend❞ Park Jiyeon // 1993 // idol (T-ARA) // 2010 // cheerful, easy-going, kind
They know each other because they debuted on the same year, and eventually become friends since then. They are pretty close and keep in contact.
— ❝Friend❞ Lee Ji-eun (IU) // 1993 // singer // 2011 // kind, out-going, fun
Know each other through Jiyeon. They don't contact each other frequently, but they are still pretty close when they are together. 
— ❝Friend❞ Lee Chanhee (Chunji)  // 1993 // idol (Teen Top) // 2010 // loud, kind, shameless
Not really close, know each other because debuted in the same year.
— ❝Friend❞ Lee Byunghun (L.Joe) // 1993 // idol (Teen Top) // 2010 // shy, quiet yet kind
Not really close, know each other because debuted in the same year.


OTHERS* + none atm.


+ Food (specially breads and korean pancakes)
+ Simple Art
+ Sh**t Kingz and Quick Crew's choreographies
+ Music (especially the 60s retros, hip-hop, American R&B, korean indies and folks)
+ Photography
+ Literatures
Romance-Comedy, Mystery, and Sci-fi novels
+ Mickey mouse, any mickey mouse related goods
+ Children
+ Nature & Animals
+ Rest time or Day-offs

+ Too exposing clothes
+ When someone steals her food
+ Being unorganized
+ Cockroaches
+ Avocado (she just doesn't like the flavor..)


+ Singing
+ Dancing
+ Eating
+ Sleeping
+ Writing
+ Playing games (both simple games and video games)
+ Taking photos (selfies, derp selfies, of nature, of other people, and candid photos of her friends/co-members/managers)
+ Reading fictions
+ Watching variety shows, and movies
+ Tapping her hands or feets to beats when music is playing, when she's bored, or when she's excited
+ Biting her lips when anxious or doesn't know what to do.


+ Quite easy to pull a prank on her.
+ Singing and dancing are her best medicines to relieve her stress and let her go from being anxious. When she does either of these two things, she doesn't think of anything and let herself go, expressing herself all she wants, potraying her emotion to her best. That's why, her love towards music is also very strong.
+ She is shy with boys she isn't close with. 
+ Loves Yoo Jae Suk's style of jokes.
+ Loves watching Running Man and Infinity Challenge, basically any shows which Yoo Jae Suk casted on.
+ Animals she wants to have:
     - Cats
     - Dogs
     - Rabbits
     - Giraffes
+ Loves meat, any noodle dishes, freshly baked pastries, korean pancakes and korean street foods.
+ Speaks in heavy Gyeongsang-do dialect (Gyeongsang satoori) whether she's flustered, anxious, restless and when she feels like crying.
+ Loves to treat her friends and co-members to food and eating out together.
+ Ideal way to spend a relaxing day: reading novels while listening to bright, warm yet calm songs.
+ Prefers to wear long pants when sleeping.
+ Doesn't draw well.
+ Favorite colors: blue, orange, brown and green.
+ Currently learning how to write songs. So far, she only can write lyrics and putting on some melodies.
+ Can play piano and guitar, and a bit of flute.
+ Loves all dancing style, but what she does the best is temporary and freestyle, also electro swing.

+ Hardcore fangirl of Epik High, Verbal Jint and Beenzino.
+ Favorite shoes brand: Airwalk.
+ When something is really funny to her, her laughs are high-pitched and sometimes suprise people. It's oddly addictive.
+ Beside music, she also has high interest in acting and cooking.
+ If she doesn't become a singer, she wants to be a kindegarten teacher/story-teller.
+ Hopes to be the female Raymond Kim, and also a food broadcaster.
+ Big eater, and often failed on her diet.
+ When there's music, she can't stay quiet. It's either singing or lipsync-ing the lyrics, dancing or moving to beats.
+ She also loves to do random/Kkap dances that sometimes she exaggrates.
Loves to keep herself busy.
+ Claims she's in charge of charisma of the group when she totally isn't.
+ Has strong ambition for variety and singing shows appearances (coughs solo appearances). At first she isn't pretty active but as time pass, she slowly begins to get along with the others and showing her variety skills.
+ Says can't do aegyo and doesn't like girly stuffs from time to time, but in fact she's probably the member who often does aegyo (and sometimes overdoes it)
+ Has a thing of replacing songs' lyrics with words she wants to say.


Stylists usually gives her dress or a blouse with short for performance. They rarely gives her a long pants or a long-sleeve dress/blouse. When not on stage, she loves to wear something comfortable. She usually wears on a simple blouse and a jeans (both shorts or long), a pair of sneakers. Rather than complicated, she prefers something with simple design with calm color. She doesn't really like something that stands out. Neon colors are not her style. She has a piercing both on her ears. Her born mark is rectangle-shaped and pretty small, placed on her back, on the waist area. She has a  pair of dark brown eyes.



STAGE NAME + Kwon Sena

PERSONA + Butterfly Fairy

POSITION + lead vocal, lead dancer



SOLO ACTIVITES* + Solo, collaboration with other artist
+ Acting
+ Appeances on variety shows, or singing shows (i am a singer, hidden singer, etc.)



SCANDALS* + none.


+ Singing twin and dancing twin: 
Jung Whee In of MAMAMOO



Yoongi is, overall a chill guy. He is very relaxed and is okay to everything. He deals with every situation and fitted in easily. He doesn't panic easily, he uses his brain pretty well and often manages to get out of difficult situations. He is honest, even sometimes his words would hurt you, that's just the way he is, he would just drop any words of what he really thinks/feels.  When excited, he appears very playful and cheerful.

He also have this 'father' aura when he caring and always look up to his friends, always there, and would drop anything for them. He's quite protective and very loyal for his close friends. He's a guy who always on his words and is very trustworthy. He's fairly intelligent, and no doubt talented and this gives him a lot of confidence. He's someone who's truly satsified with himself and the way he is, and even if something does bother him, he'll just brush it off and get back on his feet.

FIRST MEETING & FIRST IMPRESSION* + Their first meeting was when they were at their first year of middle school. They met each other because they were late. Sena was late because she lost her track of direction to the school while Yoongi was just... late. They met each other in the class (they happened to be classmate), they introduced each other, and decided to take their sit next to each other, then they walked together to the freshmen welcoming ceremony, thankfully they made it at time. Sena's first impression to the boy is a cute boy with caring personality, and that made Sena fall for him a litte bit.

Sena falls for Yoongi because she thought he was silently caring to her and watching her well, but that was just Yoongi's way of taking care of his friends.

RELATIONSHIP & INTERACTIONS* + They are close friends, but Sena finds herself gradually falls for her best friend, Yoongi (again) 

Because both of them are each other's first friend in middle school, they are pretty close. Yoongi was also the one who gave her courage in participating contests and audition. When Sena moved to Seoul, they still keep each other in contact.

They take care of each other well and also get each other's back. But that doesn't mean they don't bicker. Bickering over random and unnecessary things, pulling off pranks and playing around with each other are what they do most of the time, since they were middle schoolers. They also keep contact with each other pretty frequent.

THE END* + (I'll trust you to make an ending to Sena's love life. But if dating (and even marriage) is possible, yes please. ;D)

+ nokcha
+ rin


Member of BTS, he was born on March 9, 1993.


BACK-UP LOVE INT + Gongchan of B1A4



LAST COMMENT + I hope everything make sense and I hope you get Sena's character (i'm sorry if her character is confusing and really long :'(). It's been a long time since I applied on applyfic, and I'm not good with words and again sorry if this kind of long. I'm sorry if her personality or anything about her is confusing you, feel free to ask me and if I can, I'll elaborate it for you. Sorry if it's not really detailed though. Lastly, good luck on writing story and hope you'll never lose your muse for this story! <3


+ Yoongi and Sena meeting up at a cafe, just talking about their current lives, or if not meeting up, just them texting to each other is enough too.
+ Sena being all curious and suspicious to her co-members, asking various questions
+ AN.BEAT members go to karaoke and Sena being an exited loud happy puppy. (If possible 1LUSION members tagged along too :D)


PASSWORD + Epik High





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